Readings 1 Flashcards
What was JM dream for Canada
To build a railway to unite Canada
What was JM motivation for bringing more people to Canada
Less people in the west ment it was undefended
Who did JM put to solve his dream of defending the West
Sifton who attractted settlers
Enentually speeding the process allowing all races to come
How did French start to become a minority
All imigrants wanted to learn English
Who was Bourassa
Believed in biligualism but eventually in WW1 he became very anti angolophone encrouaging people not to fight
What is the quiet revolution
Quebecosis wanted to revolutionize by imporving social programs while promoting French
Who was Rene Leveseque
1968 Parti Quebecosis pmoting independence
Language act
PT made to improve language rights of Franco
When was the language act made
Who made the language act
Why did chinese come to Canada
For the railroad
When was the chiese imgiration act
What was the chinease imigration act
Imposed a head tax to enter within Canada
When was imigration for blacks banned
When was multicultrualism adopted to Canadain borders
What was a major problem with the west
Required backbreaking work
What did Ukrainan imigants face
Discrimination in papers by conservatives
How were ukrainians assimilated
Lost their culture while trying to fit in
What did JM do in an effort to expand Canada
Bought some land metis were on by HBC
When did JM try to expand Canada
What did the metis do when JM bought land to expand Canada
Took arms with Louis Reil to show they do not support and forcing to JM to create manitoba as a result
When did the red river revoution take place
How did the plan of manitoba backfire
More imigtants came and Metis felt cheated
Why was Metis land so scattered
They never had reserves like FN so they were scattered
When was the indian act
What was the indian act
Gov control over every aspect of FN lives and to become citizens they had to give up treaty rights
When was the indian brotherhood created
What prevented the Nisga from sigined treaty to setlle land claims
Law that forbide them for raising money 1927-1951
What did the Nisga do to get land treaties
1973 SP court said they could
When was the constituion created
Founding nations debate
Only seen as British and French and left out FN
What did Bissoondath think about multicultrualism
Asumes culture
What did Ibbitson think about multiculturalism
When was treaty 7 signed
When did Fobisher bay change names to Iqualit
Whne were Inuit asigned numbers
When was the inuit number system abolished
What did Jonas think of multiculturalism
Dimished the nation
Reasonable accomidation
Small adapts to make sure canadian minority groups had their religous needs met
July 1st in NFL
Death of soliders in 1916
When was the Quebec referndum held
Oppose soveighty in Quebec
When did Canada become a nation
What provinces started Canada
Ontatio Qubec NB NS
When was manitoba given to metis
When did manitoba join the confederation
How was the metis dream for independence ended
1885 railway finished
How long was WW1
How did the Canadian identidy change in WW1
Started to form o canada
When was the maple leaf and O canada adopted
When was the language act passed
What was the language act
Say billigural
Multicultrualism plocy
Women fought for equakuty
Battle of plains of Abraham renactment
Contaversy since it should show Treay of Paris and that is had much misinformation
When was the conscripton crisis
Who was the first governer of BC
When was the Quebec act
What was the Quebec act
Expanded Quebec
Freedom for french people
Upper Canada
Lower Canada