Multiculturalism Written Notes Flashcards
Diversity but protected by law.
Do small cities have diveristy?
Cultural Plurism
Smaller groups maintaining their culture within society but not protected by law
Presence of multiple ethnic, religious ect ideals in a society (Physical features)
Cultural Pluralism
Openness to living in a diverse society (Not observed)
Multiculturalim 2
Offical ploicy promoting pluralism
PT Government and multiculturalism
1971 made multiculturalism offical government policy
What process does US use when coming in contact with multiculturalism
Assimilation into a melting pot. Every person becomes American before their homeland
When was the multiculturalism act
Multiculturalism act
1988 Multiculturalism became law by Moroney but citzens were not asked about this
Reasonable accomidation
Equal rights towards the accomidation to an ethnic minority
What problem did Francophones have with the multicultrualism act
Could reduce them to another enthic group
Welcoming people as long as they become Quebeceers giving up some of their ientidy for Quebec
When was the Herouxville life standard passed
Herouxville life standards
2007 contraversal and make some laws to not do certain things that targeted muslims
When minority groups are forced out of the mainstream physically or culturally
Ethnic enclaves
Being in a country but never fully integrating being in Canada and not speaking english
Divison of a region into smaller states that are non coopertative with each other.
Soverignty association
Protecting soverignty of a nation
When was the broadcasting act
Broadcasting act
1991 CBC should reflect diveristy of cultures in Canada
Status Indians
Regiestered in Ottawa
Entiled to residence on reserves
Under Indian act
Non status indians
Ancestors not under indian act
Not legally allowed to live on reserves
Could vote
Marry non indians
Drink alchol off reserves
Mixed european
Assosiated with red river settlements in Manitoba
Special status and realtionship with federal government without signing treaties
When was the assembly of first nations founded
Assembly of first nations
National Indian brotherhoood
Made sure FN had a voice
Responded to white paper
The white paper
PT and Chrisetein
Abolish indian act
Reject land claims
Assimilate aboriginal people
Situational nationalism
People with common intreset indentify in a group to reach their goal
Key Aboriginal Issues
Poverty with FN
Tight government restrictions
History of discrimination
Healthcare out of reach
Pandemic at first contact
Legacy of residential schooling
Eurocentric ciriculum
Lack of teachers on reserves
Twice as likely to be unemployed
Cant get experience that is needed
FN argument for self government
Support culture
1763 Procolmation act saying they are distinct
Consitutional right under 35
Provide more responisve government
Arugment against FN self government
Section 35 does not specifically mention
Need to create new type of governance for FN since they do not have the same as Europeans
Which FN groups qualify
Specific land claims
Say the government did not fufil its obligations related to treaties and want money for the problem
Comprehensive claims
Claims regarding tradional use of land by FN and want compensation to a higher extent like changing borders (800 unsettled)
Calder case
Nisga v BC
Gov control over land took some of land they were owed
SC ruled that FN right to have land by proclamation act 1763
Basis for 1999 treaty for land
When was the Nisgsa treaty
Land claim to BC parts
Oral evidence ruled out
SC rejected it and said oral evidence it ok
The land was given but cannot be sold to private buyer (case not settled)
Man fishing with a drift net larger than permited
SC said he was exercizing a right and protected by section 35
Sparrow test making sure there is a reason for only FN to having a larger net than permitted
Sparrow test
Crown must prove there is a reason for infringing measures and that there is trust/ repsonisilbity that only FN can do
Land claims settled 1933
1999 created territoy non partisn concensus governement represents Invuit
Watchdogs to make sure no one invaids Canadian waters
Non partisan government
No political party
How long did the seven years consit for
The seven years war
Begun since France was trying to take land in India
Britan attacked NA
France lost
When did france loose the seven years war
When did britan take over Montreal
When was the treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris
New france given to Britan
Were deoprted to PEI NB NS Frnace 13
French in Louisiana
What implications did France face after the seven years war
French Revolution
What implications did Britan face after seven years war
Debt and doubled taxation in 13
American rev
When was the American revolution
When was the Royal Procolmation
What is the Royal Procolmation
Gives west teitory to FN
British wasys replace everything
French not protected
When was the Quebec act
What was the Quebec Act
Quebec gets expanded and french are given more rights
When was the constitution act
What is the constitution act
Anglophones moving to Canada creating upper and lower Canada
Lower Canada
Upper Canada
Rebellions in lower and upper Canada
Enconomic hardhips
Arival of ango whuich lower french
Get influenced by both revolutions
When was the Durham report
What is the Durham report
Merge both Canadas
Make everything Bitish and assimilate french
Go back to proclomation act
When was the confederaton created
What was the confederation consisting of
Dominon of Canada
Gov of Canada has control of only what happens in borders
United since pressure from US
Imrpove quality of life
When did Manitoba join confederation
Manintoba school question
No separate schools for Prodestant and Catholic
Public or catholic
When was french abloished in Manitoba
When was the conscription crisis
What is the conscription crisis
When France did not want to fight since they had so much possible kids whos names would be drawn out.
Borden uses war measures act
Who opposed conscription
Bourassa and Lauier
The quiet revolution
Franco living in poverty
Impatient for reform and elect liberals
More franco representation
Trriost group
Triggers war act by PT
Took british ambastor and rporter killing them
When was party quebecosis created
When was the first referendum
1980 by Quebec wanting soverignty
When was the second referendum
1995 Soveirnty with assosiation
Soverinty assosiation
Being politically independant but having partneership with Canada
Clarity act
Does HofC think referendum uestion, they an remove it
What needs to happen for seccesion of a province
Amendements from Caanda
Sponsorship scandel
Federals support program to promote awarness for industry in Quebec that became a source of corruption
Sovereignty association
Politically independant with formal ties to Canada
Constiutional reform
Set of principles established to define what an entity is giving it an identidy unwritten or written
When was the royal proclomation
Quebec act
BNA (confederation)
Treaty of Paris
Constiutional act
When was the Canada act
Canada act
Becomes a sovergn nation with the power to amend our constiution
Who opposed the Canada act
Never rattified by Quebec and Levesque opposed it
Meech lake accord
Intended to get Quebec to join constiution
Distinct society
Constitutional veto
Choose immigrants
Compensation for opting out
Choose political figures in senate/SC
Why did the Meech lake accord fail
Eligha Harper of Manitoba said they arent a distinct society and wasted time by saying how FN never got it so they could not vote
Charllotton accord
Senate reform Equal
Double majority in referendums
HofC could never ratify since economy crashed
Referendum 49% to 51% and since no big majority they gave up on Quebec
Who supported the referendum loss
Who opposed loosing the referendum
Bloc Quebecosis
Parti Quebecois
Reform party
Asymetrical federalism
Union of provinces with central government and each province has a different power
Focuses on the intrests of a region
Want to increase their regions influence
Arguments to regionalism
Higher competiton
Develop region power
Save tax money
What are the 5 regions of Canada
Atlantic canada
Western alienation
The west feeling left out and not payed attention to like central Quebec
What are some examples of provincial powers
Natural resources
Civil criminal justice
Mangment of land sales in the province
What are some examples of federal powers
Unemployment issueance
Regulation of trade
Island fisheries
What are some congruent shared powers
Old age pension (get money wherever you are)
Agriculture (travels across borders)
Residuary powers
The constiution act says the fed has the power to make laws for Canada
Representation by population
Ontraio and Quebec vote the same they get majority
How many seats in Senate
How many seats are in HofC
When was Peter Lougheed
What crisis made Alberta wealthy
Middle east cant give oil so US comes to Alberta
Treadeu vs Lougheed
Made oil cheap to sell to Canada and PT needs to protect his voter base so they are exported to the East
Natonal energy program
Followed the energy pricing
Increase federal control over oil
More candian oil ownership
Self sufiency
When was export tax on Canadian oil removed
SC said why Alberta has to share 1981
Taking money from rich to help poor
Alberta separtists
The west paying for the rest