slides 35 Flashcards
What type of activity would you do with depressed people?
Go outside, look at the bird feeders
ineffective coping with stress that causes mild interpersonal disorganization
out of touch with reality and have impaired judgment, perception and hallucinations and delusions
Nurses MUST report any intent of a patient to hurt himself
Mental disorders are classified by
DSM-V: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders-V
Heredity accounts for
60%-80% of mood disorders.
Bi Polar- also called manic- depressive disorder
Either up or down. Goes from over activity to under activity
Warning signs of suicide
Talking about it, Drug or alcohol abuse, difficulty concentrating on work or school, personality changes.
a change in consciousness that occurs rapidly over a short time. Hallucinations.
Delirium that happens only in the evening and night time causing disorientation and agitation is
sundowning syndrome
an altered mental state caused by cerebral disease.
Prodromal Stage
the beginning of schizophrenia showing no energy and complaining of multiple physical problems
non-reality based thinking
With schizophrenia, positive or excessive behaviors are
delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking.
Disordered thinking is when
patient is not making sense with words The prognosis is good for schizophrenic patients who experience positive behavior like previously mentioned.