Slide Set 2 Flashcards
What is the “choke” point for resitance to venous return
The arterioles/venules; increases in SVR can make it more difficult for arteries to get blood into the venous system
What would cause someone to have a good BP but poor CO?
Increased SVR
Normal intrathoracic pressure/pleural pressure
-4 mmHg
A right shift of the CO curve with no change in plateau would be the result of
increase in pleural pressure
A left shift of the CO curve with no change in plateau would be the result of
decrease in pleural pressure
Normal pulmonary pressure
-5 cmH2O
Name two things that will increase intrathoracic pressure
Cracking the chest; PPV
Name two things that will decrease intrathoracic pressure
Normal inspiration; iron lung
Cardiac tamponade will do what to the CO curve
Decrease slope without left or righ shift; heart does not have enough space to fill
What is one way we can reduce resistance to venous return?
Give sodium NTP; arterial dialater
Venular specific vasodilator
Lower SVR can
decrease resistance to venous return
Higher SVR can
increase resistance to venous return
An increase in venous tone leads to
an increase in Psf
Arterial and venous constriction will cause (based on chart)
decrease in venous return and increase in filling pressure
First response of the body to cardiac damage/heart failure
Increased SNS stimulation
More SNS stimulation increases risk of
heart attack or electrical issues
Units of measurement for CI
A variation of the formula for CO
Arterial pressure/SVR
What are some disorders/conditions that cause an increase in CO
Anything that causes an increased metabolism; hyperthyroidism, beriberi, AV fistula, pulmonary disorders
What drug uncouples the metabolism?
CO/CI is regulated by? How?
Metabolism; it correlates with O2 consumption - increased O2 consumption = increased metabolism = increased CO/CI