Slide 7 Flashcards
What is career development?
It is the planning of a person’s future career within an organization in order to maximize his or her contribution to the organization and the fulfilment of his or her own potential
What are the stages of career development?
- Preparation for work
- Organizational entry
- Early Career
- Mid career
- late career
What does the preparation for work stage involve?
it involves developing occupational self-image, assess alternative occupations, develop initial occupational choice, pursue necessary education. Occurs from age 0-18.
What does the organizational entry stage of career development involve?
It involves obtaining job offers from desired organizations, select appropriate job based on complete and accurate information. It occurs from 18-25
What does the early career stage of career development involve?
It involves learning a job, learn organizational rules and norms, fit into chosen occupation and organization, increase competence, pursue goals. It occurs from the ages of 25- 40
What does the mid career stage of career development involve?
It involves the reappraising early career and early adulthood goals, reaffirm or modify goals, make choices appropriate to middle adult years remain productive. This occurs from the ages of 40-55 years
What does the late career stage of career development involve?
It is when individuals remain productive in work, maintain self-esteem, prepare for effective retirement . It occurs from the ages of 55 to retirement
What are career expectations?
the rewards that a person expects from his or her future career
What are career goals?
the achievement targets that people aim for in pursuing their career
What are career ladders?
These are recognized routes of promotion and advancement within an organization
What are career patterns ?
the identification of regularities or typical paths through an organization that show up in people’s careers
What is competency analysis?
This involves the measurement of three basic competencies for each job: know-how, problem solving, and accountability
What are job progressions?
The hierarchy of jobs a new employee might experience, ranging from a starting job to jobs that require more knowledge and/or skill
What are career paths?
These are the lines of advancements in an occupational field within an organization
What is career management?
Career management is the process through which employees:
Become aware of their own interests, values, strengths, and weaknesses
Obtain information about job opportunities within the company
Identify career goals
Establish action plans to achieve career goals
What are some successful career management practices?
- Placing clear expectations on employees.
- Giving employees the opportunity for transfer.
- Providing a clear and thorough succession plan
- Encouraging performance through rewards and recognition.
- Giving employees the time and resources, they need to consider short- and long-term career goals.
- Encouraging employees to continually assess their skills and career direction.
What are the internal barriers to career advancement?
- lack of time to undertake training and development
- lack of budgets and resources for employees to plan their careers to undertake training and development
- Rigid job specifications
- Lack of leadership support for career management
- lack of career opportunities and pathways within the organization for employees
Who are mentors?
These are executives who coach, advise, and encourage individuals of lesser rank
What are mentoring functions?
Functions concerned with the career advancement and psychological aspects of the person being mentored
What is e-mentoring?
It involves bringing experienced business professionals together with individuals needing counseling
How does one develop a diverse pool involve?
- recruitment of women :
a. Growth of women in the workplace
b. Increase in females in management roles
c. Stereotyping and gender conflicts - Recruitment of minorities:
a. Educational and societal disadvantages
b. Retention in organizations
c. Affirmative action
What is the Glass ceiling?
Artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified women from advancing upward in their organizations into management level positions
How do we eliminate the barriers to women’s advancement?
- development of women’s networks
- online e-mentoring for women
- diminishing stereotyping of women
- presence of women in significant managerial positions