Sleeping and dreaming (topic 9) Flashcards
what are the effects if sleep deprivation
–trouble witht hinking and concentration
–mood changes
–weakened immunity
–risk of heart disease
–high blood pressure
how much sleep do you need
0-2m: 12-18h
3-11m: 14-15h
1-3yrs: 12-14h
3-5yrs: 11-13h
5-10yrs: 10-11h
10-17yrs: 8.5-9.25h
+17yrs: 7-9h
REM (rapid eye movement)
-stage which dreaming occurs.
-brain waves are the same as when a person is awake
-sensory blockade
-signaks in the pons shuts off neirons in the spinal cord, preventing movement
-20% in adults, 50% in infants
stage 1
-when relaxed: alpha waves
-when fallen asleep: theta waves (irregular and slow)
-breathing, heart rate slow down, temp decreases.
stage 2
-conciousness if the outside world fades
-muscle activity decreases
-brain activity slows down, mainly theta waves
-busts of brain activity can be found (spindles)
-light sleep–> sleep
stage 3
-brain shows delta waves
-virtually no eye movements and body is relaxed
-difficut to wake up
stage 4
-deep sleep very difficult to wake up
-heart rate, temp and blood pressure at lowest
-no eye movements
what is the sleep cycle
the changign of stages during your sleep. each cycle takes 90 minutes
what are circadian rhythms
psychological and behavioural characteristics tha follow a daily pattern - a 24 hour cycle
(e.g., sleep-wake cycle, body temp and hormones)
what is the difference between the sleep-wake cycle and the sleep cycle
the sleep cycle is when a person is asleep. while the sleep wake cycle is when a person is asleep and awake
what are ultradian rhythms
bodily rhythms that last less than a day (24h)
(e.g., blinking, appetite, sleep cycle)
what is the saprachaismatic nucleus (SCN)
the SCN is a type of biollogical clock that keeps our circadian rhythms on close to a 24 hour cycle. it is effected by both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) influences
internal effects on sleep
–adrenaline makes us feel more alert and prepared for action
–if there is high levels of aldrenaline then it will be hard to go to sleep
–to prevent this calmin gactivities should be done before bed
–melatonin is made in the pineal gland. it is referred as the sleep hormone
–levels increase in late evening and throughout the night to bring sleep
external factors affecting sleep
–zeitgebers refers to the syncing of our biological clocks to external cues such as light, dark, seasons, etc.
what a person eats or drinks
siffre 1975
–to investigate thee effects of living underground in a cave without external cues on the 24 hour sleep wake cycle
siffre 1975
– siffre 33 year old male lived in an underground cave for 6 months
–he entered 14 feb and left 5 sept (last 4 weeks, he was tested for physiological and psychological effects of the experiment
–electrodes were used to monitor brain, heart and muscle activity
–each time we woke up he would let his team know
–light inthe cave was switched on/off when siffre said he was awake or he was going to sleep
–he shaved and kept trimmings to test for hormones
–siffre tested his bloood pressure ans completed tasks to measure mental acticity, memory and physical skills
he had to clean the cave daily to remober a white dist from the decay of the cave
siffre 1975
what were the tasks he had to do?
–recording his blood pressure
–tasks to measure mental acuity
–tasks to measure memory
– tasks to measure physical dexterity
-cycle machine
-firing a pellet rifle to test coordination
-threading beads on a string
siffre 1975
what were the findings of the study
-memory became poor
-confusing thoughts, emotion and panic
-low mood
-poor physical skills
-became depressed and desperate for a companion
-his sleep wake cycle ranged from 18 to 51 3/4 hours
siffre 1975
what was concluded
-siffre experienced long kasting effects: includin gmemeory lapses ans weakened eyesight
-there was a variation in the sleep wake cycle, with a tendancy for the sleep-wake cycle to be a 48-hour cycle
–concerns for NASA and long-range spac etravel where the effects of distruption to the sleep-wkae cycle as a result of isolation from external cues could result in grave detoriation of manual and mental skills
–siffre concluded that the clock kmay be managable but iscolation could not
siffre 1975
strengths of the study
–lots of qualitativ eand quantitative data - high reliability
–experiment completed in 6 months - high intenal validity
– controlled external variables (zeitgebers) - determines cause and effect
–can be applicable for astronauts
siffre 1975
weaknesses of the study
–artificial conditons (e.g., use of lights which is a zeitgeber, could effect his sleep wake cycle) - low internal validity
–case study - low generalisability
–not ethical - protection of ppt was violated
what is primary and secindary sleep disorders
–primary sleep disorders are when sleep problems are the disorder
–secondary sleep disorders are when problems with sleep are the symptoms of other disorders (e.g., depression)
–insomnia is when a person had trouble sleepin gat night which leads to problems during the day
–insomnia can be acute where an individual had brief periods of problems with sleep
–chronic insomnia is when long periods of sleep problems (min 3 times a week lasting min 3 months)
what are the symptoms of insomnia
–finding it hard to sleep
–waking up several times during the night
–lying awake at night
–waking up early and cinnot go back to sleep
–feeling tired after waking up
–finding it hard to nap during the day even if youre tired
–feeling tired and irritable during the day
–difficult concentrating during the day because of tiredness
what are the caises of insomnia
–consumption of substances such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and other drugs
–lifestyles such as flying frewuently or shift work
–mental health disorders also contribute to insomnia
–medications such as diet pills and cold remedies
–health problems: physical pain, discomfort, etc.
what is narcolepsy
–neurological disorder characterised by severe and persistent daytie sleepiness
–can cause inpairements in schoo., work and socal settings
–distrupts the sleep-wake cycle process.
–causes a person to suddenly fal asleep
what are the symptoms of narcolepsy
–excessive daytime sleepiness
–cataplexy: sudden loss of muscle control
–sleep paralysis
what is the conscious
the small amount of mental activity we know about
what is the unconscious
things that we are unaware of and can not become aware of
what is id
where our unconscious wishes and desires are held.
what is superego
as we grow and develop a moral conscience the superego develops. it operates on the morality principle and motivates us to behave in a socially acceptable way.
what is ego
during infancy the ego develops from the id. the ego’s goal is to satisfy the demands of the id but in a safe and socially acceptable way. the ego makes decisions to balance the demands of the id and superego