Sleep Powerpoint Flashcards
Regulated by
Homeostatic processes
Sleep regulation
2 main stages of sleep. Describe
How long does each stage last
Non REM: 4 Stages
Stages 1 & 2, 5% - 50% of sleep LIGHT SLEEP
Stages 3 & 4 10% of deep sleep (Delta Sleep)
REM: 20 - 25% of persons sleep (Deep)
During REM
Pulse, RR, BP, metabolic rate, Temperature (decrease/ increase)
Skeletal Muscle tone, Deep Tendon Reflexes (decrease / increase)
Pulse, RR, BP, metabolic rate, Temperature: increase
Skeletal Muscle tone, Deep Tendon Reflexes: decrease
Dreams happen during which stage of sleep.
Dreams are important for learning, memory, & adaption to stress
In general does sleep needs (Decrease/ Increase) with age
Decrease throughout life span
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
Newborns and infants
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
11 - 14
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
10 - 13
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
9- 12 hours
School aged children
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
Varies widely
8 - 10 hrs
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
7 - 9 hrs
Young adults
Developmental Pattern of Sleep
Sleep decreases with a decline in stage IV sleep
Middle-aged adults
Liver failure amd Encephalopathy
End-stage renal disease
All of this effect on sleep
Asthma meds
Have this in common with sleep
Interfer with sleep process
% of Americans who complain of insomnia
30 - 35%
OSA- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Diminished breathing efforts (hypopnea)
How does it happen
Muscles of upper airway
Occulde the airway
An abnormal disruption of sleep, such as sleep walking, sleep talking, nightmares, or nighttime seizures
Sleepwalking (somnambulism) most often occurs during deep, non-REM sleep (called N3 sleep) early in the night
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
a parasomnia characterized by dream-enactment behaviors that emerge during a loss of REM sleep atonia.
RBD dream enactment ranges in severity from benign hand gestures to violent thrashing, punching, and kicking
Difference in the Parasomnias
Sleep terrors vs nightmare disorder
Degree of fear: during a night terror, a sufferer will appear terrified. Nightmares, although upsetting provoke less intense fear.
Aka Willis-Ekbom disease (WED) affects 15 % population and Most often Middle Age & Older Adults
Risk Factors:
Antidepressants & Antinausea meds
Caffeine & alcohol
____ deficiency
Restlessness Leg Syndrome
Iron deficiency
Massaging Legs & doing knee bends , gentle stretching are Contradicted for Restless Legs Syndrome
True or False
Massaging Legs & doing knee bends , gentle stretching are GOOD for Relieving RLS
Causes of Idiopathic Hypersomia
Brain abnormalities
Low-grade infection
For an adult ___ or more hours of sleep is too much
A deficiency in Hypocretin causes this sleep related disease
Loss of muscle tone while a person is awake leads to weakness and a loss of voluntary muscle control.
Often triggered by sudden, strong emotions such as laughter, fear, anger, stress, or excitement.
Hypnagogic hallucinations are….
imaginary images or sensations that seem real and occur as a person is falling asleep.
The main symptom that occurs in type 1 narcolepsy and not in type 2 is…
Sleep drunkenness, or prolonged sleep inertia..
groggy transitional state you experience between sleep and wakefulness
Sleep drunk drunkness is the deferential symptom of this excessive sleeping disorder
Idiopathic Hypersomia
Overnight Sleep Study
This test Shows how quickly a person enters REM
Monitors how quickly a person falls asleep when napping
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
If a person falls asleep in under 8 minutes even after sleeping through the night (Negative/ Positive)
If a person falls asleep in under 8 minutes even after sleeping through the night : Positive
Purpose of a sleep diary
Writing down sleep and wake times
Sleep postures
Sleep activities
Leg Jerking
Sleep characteristics to assess
(Dyssomnia / Parasomnia) sleep disorders cause abnormal activities during sleep, such as sleep terrors or sleep walking.
( Dyssomnia / Parasomnia) sleep disorders cause trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Perhaps the most well known is obstructive sleep apnea.
Parasomnia = abnormal activities during sleep (sleep terrors / sleep walking)
Dyssomnia = trouble falling or staying asleep (Apnea)
Zolpidem tartrate
Indicaciones: difficult with sleep onset and maintenance
SE: Somnolence, cognitive impairment, anterograde amnesia, parasomnias
(Benzodiazepine receptor agonist / Selective Melatonin Receptor Agonist)
Benzodiazepine receptor agonist
Indicaciones: facilitates the onset of sleep, but is not intended for sleep maintenance
(Benzodiazepine receptor agonist / Selective Melatonin Receptor Agonist)
Selective Melatonin Receptor Agonist
Anxiolytics (anti anxiety)
Are off lable uses to help sleep
True or false
[Part of the brain] involved in Sedation and not feeling pain during surgery
NREM (Sympathetic/ Parasympathetic)
REM (Sympathetic/ Parasympathetic)
NREM Parasympathetic
REM Sympathetic
Which age group teaching is concerned with Structures Routine & Safety (Climbers)
Which stage of sleep do middle age adults have less & older miss causing them to not enter REM sleep
NREM stage IV
Foods with most Tryptophan
Spurlina, Cod, Soybeans, Parmesan, then Turkey
(Bipap / Cpap) machine uses positive pressure to allow air to enter the lungs.
(Bipap / Cpap) machine uses positive pressure to allow air to enter and exit the lungs.
Cpap machine uses positive pressure to allow air to enter the lungs.
Bipap machine uses positive pressure to allow air to enter and exit the lungs.