Iggy Older Adults Flashcards
4 catagories old Old People
Name them and the fastest growing
65 - 74 young old
75 - 84 medium old
85 - 99 old old
100 + elite old
OLD OLD fastest growing
Decreased Nutrition & Hydration
Decreased Mobility
Stress and Loss
Drug use and misuse
Mental health/ cognition problems
Elder neglect / abuse
All describe
Common health problems among geriatrics
Older adults need more (nutrition)
Calcium, Vita A,C ,D
As people get older their metabolism slows and they my moveless.
However their sense of taste and smell diminishes causing them not to eat. Or they season their food how, which has what affect
Too much salt or sugar
Get fat
A complex syndrome including under-nutrition, impaired physical function, depression, and cognitive impairment
Geriatric failure to thrive
Drug therapy, chronic disease, major losses, and being poor can often be confused with these symptoms from Geriatric Failure to Thrive
under-nutrition, impaired physical function, depression, and cognitive impairment
Why are elderly at risk for Dehydration
They have less body water compared to younger adults
Speed up the aging process
Lead to disease that increase rate of degeneration
Less ability to respond and adapt to changes in the environment
Describe the effects of…
Stress and loss
Medicaid Part ____ provides inpatient/hospital coverage.
Medicaid Part ___ provides outpatient/medical coverage.
Medicaid Part ___ provides prescription drug coverage.
Relocation stress syndrome
Physical/ Emotional stress that comes when a person gets put in an old folks home
Some seniors will develop fallophobia and avoid leaving their house
True or False
Presbyopia is….
Farsightedness that worsens with age
Macular degeneration causes ….
loss in the center of the field of vision.
In dry macular degeneration, the center of the retina deteriorates. With wet macular degeneration, leaky blood vessels grow under the retina
(Cataracts / Glaucoma) involves eye pressure and affects the optic nerve,
(Cataracts / Glaucoma)involve the breakdown of proteins and affect the lens
Glaucoma / Cataracts
Most common cause of Injury Death in the Young-Old Population
Vehicle crash
Common cause for Orthostatic Hypotension
Medication for HTN
( Polymedicine / Polypharmacy) describes the use of medications for an older population for the treatment of multiple co-morbid conditions,
(Polymedicine/ Polypharmacy) represents a less-than-desirable state with duplicative medications, drug-to-drug interactions, and inadequate attention to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles
Polymedicine / Polypharmacy
Older adults cannot tolerate the standard dosage prescribed for younger adults.
Increase in gastric pH, decrease in gastric blood flow, decrease in GI motility
Older adults cannot tolerate the standard dosage prescribed for younger adults.
Smaller amounts of total body water, increased ratio of adipose to lean body mass, decreased albumin, decreased cardiac output
Older adults cannot tolerate the standard dosage prescribed for younger adults.
Smaller liver, decrease liver blood flow, decrease in serum liver enzyme activity
A ____ measures the glomerular filtration rate of your kidneys
Creatine clearance test
Older adults cannot tolerate the standard dosage prescribed for younger adults.
Decreased renal blood flow and reduced glomerular filtration rate
Normal creatine clearance rate men & women
Men 107 / 139
Women 87 / 107
ADE means
Adverse Drug Event
To reduce Inappropriate Medication Use in over 65 use this criteria
Beers criteria
Two forms of competent
18 or older
Pregant or married minor
Not declared incompetent by court
When is a person Clinically Competent
When legally competent & can make clinical decisions
Primary depression results from
Secondary depression results from
Primary lack of Neutotransmitters, Norepinephrine & Serotonin
Secondary = Situational to a sudden change in life
This diagnostic tool is used to sceen for Depression
Geriatric Depression Scale - Short Form (GDS-SF)
Multi-infarct is…
Brain damage caused by multiple strokes.
Vascular dementia causes memory loss in older adults, particularly in those at higher risk of stroke due to obesity or diabetes.
Whereas dementia is a chronic, progressive disorder, _____ is an acute state if confusion
Delerium (acute state of confusion) most often occours where
Unfamiliar places, ie. Hospitals
Anticholinergics drugs do what…
have antisecretory activities and decrease nasal and bronchial secretions, salivation, lacrimation, sweating and gastric acid production
Anticholinergic & psychoactive drugs
Electrolyte imbalance
Circulación, renal, pulmonary disorders
Major losss
May lead to (Dementia or Delirium)
Nursing interventions for Dementia & Delirium. In respect to orientation of the patient
Dementia (late stages) Dont reorientate. Instead Validate feelings
Delirium Reorientate to reality, proivde safe environment
Fulmer SPICES is…
A framework to id 6 causes of longer hospital stays
Sleeep disorder
Problems with eating or feeding
Evidence of Falls
Skin breakdown
Risk factors for falls
> ___ years old
> 80