Sleep Deprivation Flashcards
Impact of sleep deprivation
Lack in memory and attention
Weak immune system
Increased risk of depression/substance use
Quantity and quality of sleep is reduced
What are the 4 factors which affect sleep and what is their effect?
Drugs (stimulant)
-more alert, keeps awake
Alcohol (depressant)
-sleepier, changes REM proportions
Light (zeitgebers)
-reduces melatonin, keeps awake
Environmental factors (noise, anxiety) -keeps awake
Sleep Disorders
What is narcolepsy?
Extreme daytime sleepiness
Loss of muscle control
How is narcolepsy identified?
Napping happens during the day
Excessive sleepiness during day
If you fall asleep during activeness
Dozing off at inappropriate times
How is narcolepsy controlled/treated?
Follow a regular sleep schedule
Avoid stimulants
Diet and exercise
Sleep Disorders
What is insomnia?
Trouble falling and remaining asleep
Waking too early
(More likely to be in older people)
How is insomnia identified?
Takes a while to get to sleep
Hard to nap during the day
Wake up often in the night
Tired during the day
How is insomnia controlled/treated?
Follow a regular sleep schedule
Writing down problems before bed
Regular exercise
Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Explain jet lag and how it affects sleep
When traveling to a new time zone, circadian rhythms are slow to adjust and remain on their original schedule for several days.
Our bodies sleep or try to stay awake at the wrong times. This changes our sleep/wake cycle.
What are the effects of shift work?
Sleep deprivation
Poor quality sleep
Poor alertness
Mistakes at work
Czeisler et al 1990
To evaluate if exposure to bright light at night and darkness in day can treat maladaptation due to night work
Czeisler et al 1990
Participants and Method
8 men (22-29) never been on night shift before, no sleep disorders
2 week experiment
5 control, 5 treatment (2 did not conform)
Men lived at home but reported for work at the lab where they were monitored
Czeisler et al 1990
Control: 150 lux
Given no specific instructions
Experimental: 7000-12000 lux
They were asked to stay in complete darkness from 9am - 5pm and block all light
Czeisler et al 1990
Body temp
Blood samples
Czeisler et al 1990
Treatment study slept for 2 hours longer than control
Significant shift in body temperature
Some behavioural changes
The treatment controls were more alert
Czeisler et al 1990
Demonstrates maladaptation to night shift work of treated correctly
Czeisler et al 1990
Strengths: well controlled, we can do things to adapt
Weaknesses: more noise in daytime, variability between men (age)
How do mobile phones affect sleep and how can it be prevented?
Blue light prevents melatonin from being released
Turn down the brightness
12 inches away from eyes
Amber tinted glasses
How long did Peter Tripp stay awake for?
What were the short term and long term effects?
201 hours
Aggressive and confused
Thought he was an imposter of himself
Downturn of career
Involved in a money scandal
Died at 73, had 4 wives
How long did Randy Gardner stay awake for?
What were the short term and long term effects?
11 days
Moody Concentration problems Short term memory Paranoia Hallucination
No long term, he repaired after a 14 hour sleep
Why is sleep hygiene important?
It is crucial for health
Helps day time alertness
Avoids sleep disorders
Ways to improve sleep hygiene:
Avoid napping during the day: it disturbs normal pattern
Avoid stimulants: they disrupt sleep
Exercise: prompts a restful nights sleep