sleep and CAM ex 4 Flashcards
what is the effect of the 24-hour sleep wake cycle on biological function
cognitive, emotional, and physical function
what is meant by cognitive function
what is meant by emotional function
what is meant by physical function
what are normal sleep patters for neonates, infants, toddlers, preschoolers
neonates - 16 hours sleep 50% REM
infants - 15 houts 30% REM
toddlers - 12 hrs
preschoolers - 12 hrs no naps
what are normal sleep patterns for school age children, adolescents, young adults, middle adults, and older adults
school age - 11-12hrs
adolescents - 7 or less
young adults - 6-8.5
older adults - difficulties increase
how can you promote or disrupt sleep to support normal sleep cycles for different ages
emotional stress
food intake
what are common sleep disorders
hypersomnolence - sleeping a lot
sleep apnea
what are s/sx of insomnia
frequent awakening from sleep
short sleep
nonrestorative sleep
what are signs and symptoms of narcolepsy
vivid dreams
what are s/sx of sleep deprivation
ptosis, blurred vision, decreased reflexes, cardiac arrhythmias, confusion, increased sensitivity to pain, decreased motivation
what are the nursing interventions to promote sleep and rest
what are s/sx of parasomnias
what are s/sx of sleep apnea
what is the problem with sleep apnea
what risks lead to sleep apnea
what are the consequences of sleep apnea
how is sleep apnea dx and tx
define sensory defecit
define sensory deprivation
define sensory overload
when maintaining a safe environment what are the risk factors for patients with altered sensory function
what factor influence sleep and rest
for pts with sensory deficits, sensory deprivation, and sensory overload what are the steps of care
steps of care for disoriented pts
considerations for aphasia types:
brocas aphasia:
wernicke’s aphasia
global aphasia
steps of care for aphasia
define complementary therapies
define alternative therapies
summarize integrative healthcare
effects of relaxation
effects of meditation
effect of imagery
define biofeedback
define chiropractic techniques
define acupuncture
define therapeutic touch
echinacea expect effect
echinacea safety concern
ginseng expected effect
ginseng safety concern
gingko expected effect
Gingko safety concern
ginger expected effect
ginger safety concern
garlic expected effect
garlic safety concern
glucosamine expected effect
glucosamine safety concerns
goldenseal expected effects
goldenseal safety concern
saw palmetto
expected effect
safety concern
st. John’s wart expected effect
st. John’s wart safety concern
chamomile expected effect