Sleep: 2 Flashcards
light sleep to deep sleep, after pre sleep. Brain activity, vitals signs, metabolism all slows down during NREM. Growth hormones release, cells repaired and removed
Non-Rapid Eye Movement
After NREM, getting vivid dreams, hard to wake, eyes rapidly moving, heart rate reps rate and BP fluctuate. Skeletal muscles in REM completely lose tone. Helps continuation, memory, early brain development
Rapid Eye Movement
Sleep Cycle
Presleep - first 10-30 minutes
NREM and REM - 90-110 minutes
Sleep cycle number depends on amount of time spent sleeping.
Mental relaxation, freedom from anxiety, & state of mental, physical, and spiritual activity.
Best rest doesn’t mean a patient will feel rested.
Yoga, stretching, walking, sitting quietly will all help you to feel rested.
40% have sleeping problems. REM time shortens, more light than deep sleep. take more nap in day to compensate for sleep they aren’t getting
Older Adults
Chronic difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking, short sleep, nonrestorative sleep.
Excessive daytime drowsiness. May feel sleepy, fatigues, anxious, depressed in day time. Associated with poor sleep habits or other conditions they might have going on.
Inability to breathe and sleep at the same time
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Airflow gets interrupted despite effort to breathe. Structures of neck & mouth relax & close airway
Central sleep apnea (CSA) - no signal being sent to breathe
Snoring is common sign of sleep apnea. Obese & hypertension increase risk for this. Irritable, morning headaches, fatigues, can’t concentrate, daytime sleepiness, decreased sex drive. CV issues
Type of hypersomnia
REM will happen in 15 minutes
condition caused by decrease in amount, quality, consistency of sleep.
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep problems during REM and NREM
More common in kids, confused when waking up, sleep walking, SIDS, nightmares, night terrors, body rocking, bruxism (teeth grinding)
Blurred vision, clumsy, slow response time, decreased reasoning, ptosis, cardiac arrhythmias, confusion, irritable, hyperactive, excessively sleepy.
These are signs of what
Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Medications, lifestyle/sleep patterns, emotional stress, environment, exercise, fatigue, and food/caloric intake all influence what?
Respiratory disease, heart disease, hypertension, nocturnal, restless leg syndrome, GI disorders
Physical illnesses thast cause pain, discomfort, anxiety, and repression which result in sleep problems
How and why does hospitalization affect sleep?
Patients are in a strange environment, with people making noise and going in and out of them room.
Eating small protein snacks and avoiding sugar, caffeine, and alcohol help to what?
Promote sleep
Creating an environment with temperature, ventilation, noise level, bed, and lighting helps promote what?
Does blue light help with sleep?
Promote comfort, limit time spent in bed, encourage to eat in dining room, limit daytime naps to 30 mins or less, get sunshine exposure, make sure we are treating Illness symptoms before going to bed, make sure they are positioned comfortably.
Continuing care interventions for sleep
What is the recommended nap time for they day?
30 minutes