musculoskeletal 3 Flashcards
looking at someones gait can be done to assess someones musculoskeletal
looking at someones posture is not done to assess someones musculoskeletal
what is gait involve (select all)
a. movement
b. stride
c. balance
d. trunk postion
e. speed
how you do assess posture (select all)
a. above the pt
b. from the side
c. from the back
d. below the pt
e. from the front
What is lordosis
an over exaggerated inward curve on the lower lumbar of the spine. (sway back)
what is kyphosis
over exaggerated outward curve of the upper part of the back. (hump back)
what is scoliosis
the lateral curve of the spine where the pts posture is uneven and from the back the scapulas are not symmetrical.
what is osteoporosis
it is the loss of bone mass and tissue (holes in you bones)
signs of osteoporosis
a. decrease in height
b. skinny
c. dry skin
d. bone fractures
what is atrophy
a loss/ decrease in muscle mass. it is typically noticeable in pictures (pic of 2 legs)
active ROM
When pt is able to do the exercise fully with their own strength
passive ROM
when the medical professional is moving the pts extremities for them.
active assistance
the pt does the motions but doesn’t have the strength to do it alone so the medical professional helps them complete the task
what is a joint contracture
fixation of a joint ex. foot drop
good/normal muscle tone would show
a. slight resistance with passive ROM
b. lots of resistance with passive ROM
c. medium amount of resistance with passive ROM
increased tone
little tone
physiological changes caused by periods of inactivity
center of gravity
55%-57% of standing height
what is mobility
a. sitting/standing ability
b. ROM.
c. stretching
d. gait
e. activity tolerance
f. environment
isometric exercise
contracting/tightening a muscle group without joint involvement
involves moving joints
what can ROM help
prevent joint contractures and atrophy
when should you not work on ROM
healing fracture, surgical site, severe soft tissue trauma
what is key for doing transfers
balance and alignment