Slave trade year 9 Flashcards
what went from England to Africa in the trade triangle?
Guns and pots and textiles, alcohol
what went from Africa to America in the trade triangle and what was it called?
The middle passage
what went from America to England in the trade triangle?
Natural resources
Where were the 2 biggest slave ports in the England?
Bristol and liverpool
What was the middle passage like?
The middle passage was horrible, ramped, sick slaves were thrown over board
More slave per ship = More money
Disease was rife
Tightly packed
List factors that stopped the slave trade.
Campaigners like Wilberforce, Eqiano, Granville sharp, the economics of slavery didn’t work as you got more done if you paid someone to do it than look after slaves and not pay them.
What did Oludah Equiano do to stop slavery?
He spoke out against the English slave trade. He worked to resettle freed slaves. By 1789, the year he published his autobiography. He became involved in the movement to abolish slavery. He was a prominent member of the ‘Sons of Africa’, a group of 12 black men who campaigned for abolition. He spoke out against the English slave trade. He worked to resettle freed slaves. He was apart of a campaign to stop slavery which was very powerful.
What did Granville sharp do to stop slavery?
was a British scholar, devout Christian, philanthropist and one of the first campaigners for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain. Born in Durham, he initially worked as a civil servant in the Board of Ordnance. His involvement in abolitionism began in 1767 when he defended a severely injured slave from Barbados in a legal case against his master. Increasingly devoted to the cause, he continually sought test cases against the legal justifications for slavery, and in 1769 he published the first tract in England that explicitly attacked the concept of slavery.
when was It made illegal to own a slave?
when was buying and selling slaves made illegal?
what happened in 1807
what happened in 1833
it was made illegal to own a slave
what happened to the slave owners when they gave up their slaves?
Who was William Wilberforce and what did he do to stop slavery
Wilberforce became leader of The Society for the abolition of slavery.
The society campaigned for almost 20 years to bring an end to british involvement in the transe atlantic slave trade.
The abolition campain made them many enemies, especially amoung those who had made huge profits from the slave trade.
Why were some slave owners against slavery?
Because the economics didn’t work
What was the underground railroad and when did Harriet Tubman decide to use it?
The underground railroad was a selection of routes through the north of America to canada where they could be free. She started to use the underground railroad in 1849.
What do these words mean in slave code:
Station was a code word for a safe house the could stay in over night from slave hunters. Passengers mean the fugitives running away. Conductors are te oeople who lead the passengers from one station to another.
What would Tubman use to guid her at night?
Harriet would use the northstar to guid her but on the cloudy nights she would use the moss on the north side of the trees.
Why could it be argued that Tubman was ruthless?
If someone was laging and being weak she would say they should be shot and shoot them as she would not sacrifice her whole group of people for one person to be saved.
What was harriey tubman the first and only woman in American History to do?
She was the first an only woman in american history to lead a military atttack.
How much of a reward was offered for her capture?
100 pounds was offered for her capture.
what was the underground rail road
In 1849 Harriet Tubman decided to escape this fate by riding the “Underground Railroad” north to freedom. This escape route was not literally underground nor was it a railroad. It was underground in the sense that it was a secret operation run by courageous people, both Black and White, who were opposed to slavery. It was a railroad in the sense that it used railroad code words like “passengers” for the fugitives and “stations” for the safe houses where the fugitives hid from slave owners who hunted them. “Conductors” were those who led the slaves from one “station” to another like the Canadian doctor Alexander Milton Ross.
Why was slavery abolished
Many slaves, current or past, began going to court in England to seek the freedom of their fellow men. Movement of freedom was the abolition movement began to gain momentum and the support of influential white men, politicians and the public. The price of sugar went down because Cuba and Brazil were producing so much sugar, the Spanish owned them.
Adam smith
1770s cuba and brazil were cheaper than w indies without slaves
Cheaper to employ ex slaves than buy, feed and house slaves.
Granville Sharp - lawyer
William Wilberforce - MP
Thomas clarkson - Quaker
Society for the abolition of the slave tradeRebellion slaves were beginning to fight to escape or gain freedom, culminating in the treatment on plantations. In 1791 i st dominique the slaves rebel to kill the plantation owners also set fire to sugar
Slaves kept control of the island
Slave revolts -
Running away caused more hassle than it’s worth.
what is human trafficking
The action of illegally transporting a person from one area to another, for the purposes of forced labour or commercial exploitation
Who is the human trafficker
Somebody who takes a person illegally from one area to another, usually for the purpose of modern slavery so they make money.
How does modern slavery compare to trans Atlantic slave trade
Modern day slavery has many more types of slavery than when the transle atlantic slave trade was going on. In the the atlantic slave trade they were going abroad ot work in plantations now they go to do things like domestic work. In both the transe atlantic slave trade and modern slaver, the slaves are dehumanised, contolled and abused.