SL5 Flashcards
What are the two fog computing based frameworks?
Fog-Device framework provides most of the services without cloud involvement
Fog-Cloud-Device framework utilizes cloud resources to provide most of the services to the application layer
What are the advantages of Fog over Cloud?
Fog computing provides decentralised architecture
Fog computing can improve security, minimize the data stored on the cloud and to increase the overall efficiency of IoT applications
What is the main aim of fog computing?
to handle the IoT data locally
How can fog computing be used for IoT data security attacks?
Can handle man-in-the-middle attacks (by adding a security layer), data transit attacks, and eavesdropping
Provide support for cryptographic solutions
Facilitate and protect resource-constrained devices/sensors
Provide real-time incident response services
What are the security challenges in Fog computing and their solutions?
Real-time services: fog nodes provide real-time processing of data making them vulnerable
o Solutions: Intrusion detection, identification and authentication
Local storage: fog nodes do not manage data on the cloud. Sensitive data is vulnerable and data may not be shared securely.
o Solutions:
identifying and protecting sensitive data
use cryptographic techniques
Data dissemination: encrypted data led to challenges in sharing, searching and aggregation of data
o Solution: use encryption-based solutions and implement secure aggregation algorithms
Decentralised computation: makes the data vulnerable to disclosure to adversaries and the data may not have integrity
o Solutions:
Server-aided computation
Data processes can be cross verified
Why do most protocols for the edge layer not use a security layer?
As it creates additional overhead in terms of power consumption and processing time
What are examples of issues specific to edge devices?
Sleep deprivation attacks
Battery draining attacks
Outage attacks
What is edge computing?
Edge computing based: the computation and analysis power is provided at the edge itself
How is edge computing used for IoT data security?
Preventing data breaches: by minimizing data exchange
Resolving safety issues: can be used to process safety-critical data
Detecting security attacks: intrusion detection and prevention mechanisms and cryptography based solutions can be deployed at the sensing layer level
Resolving bandwidth issues: can be used to perform data aggregation and forward only the selected data
What is the main security challenge in edge computing?
the resource-constrained nature of edge devices