L4 Flashcards
True or False:
IoT Information model represents VEs and PEs
Only for virtual entities because VEs describe features of PEs
What is the IoT Information Model?
A meta-model that defines the structure of key aspects of the information for VEs being managed in an IoT system.
What is the ValueContainer of Attributes?
Each Value Container has one Value and zero to many metadata information units
Why was the requirement for a Communication Functional Group identified?
Due to the large number and disparity of communication technologies that the IoT ARM should support
What is the aim of IoT Process Management Functional Group?
aims to allow the use of common standards and best practices, thereby avoiding the overhead and costs of proprietary IoT island solutions
What is the use of Service Organization Functional Group?
Used for composing and orchestrating services of different levels of abstraction
What are two examples of Functional Groups?
Service Organization Functional Group
Process Management Functional Group
Communication Functional Group
Device Functional Group
What is the use of Communication Functional Group?
Abstracts the variety of interaction schemes derived from the many technologies involved in IoT systems and provides a common interface to the IoT Service FG
What are the types of communication in IoT systems?
User <-> Service communication
Service <-> Service communication
Service / Device / Resource interactions
What is the key objective of the IoT communication model? What is the role of the model?
Build interoperable protocol tasks
The role is to help the definition of Functional components in Communication FG and to derive Communication best-practices based on system requirements.
What are non-functional requirements?
Installation, maintenance, accessibility
Physical constraints
What are functional requirements?
Lifetime of devices
Sensor related
Actuator related
What are the 6 levels of the IoT system level specification?
Level 1: typically applicable for low cost and low complexity systems
* Analysis of the data and storage of data is local
Level 2: same as Level 1 but data is now stored in the cloud
Level 3: same as Level 2 but data analysis is done in the cloud too
Level 4: multiple nodes perform local analysis; the application is cloud-based
Level 5: multiple end nodes and one coordinator node
Level 6: contain many independent end notes that perform sensing an/or actuation and send data to the cloud
What are the 9 stages of the IoT Design Methodology?
o Objective and Requirements: define purpose and requirements of the IoT system
o Process Model Specification: Define the use cases
o Domain Model Specification: define PEs, VEs, resources and services
o Information Model Specification: define the structure of all the information of the IoT system
o Service Specifications: may process and information model to services and define service specifications
o IoT Level Specification: define the IoT deployment level
o Functional View Specification: Map IoT level for the system
o Operational View Specification: Define communication options, service hosting options, storage options, device options
o Device and Component Integration: Integrate devices, develop, and integrate the components
o Application Development: Develop applications
Analyse an example through the IoT Design Methodology.
The example is a home automation IoT system.