Skull anatomy Flashcards
what does the skulls rigid framework enable muscles to do
oral and pharyngeal movements for:
speech, chewing, swallowing and breathing
How many bones in the skull
What are the cranial bones (neurocranium) -
ethomoid, frontal, parietals, occipital, temporals, sphenoid
joined by joints called sutures
what are the facial bones (viscerocranium)?
Paired: maxillae, palatines, zygomatics, nasals, lacrimals, inferior nasal conchae
unpaired: vomer, mandible
What are all the bones of the head and neck
cranial bones,
facial bones,
ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)
hyoid, spine (vertebrae)
Cranium fossa
anterior fossa - houses the frontal lobe
middle fossa - houses the temporal lobe
posterior fossa - houses the cerebellum
Cranial bones paired vs unpaired
paired: parietal, temporal bones
unpaired: frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid bones
cranium sutures
coronal suture ‘crown’
sagittal suture ‘midline’
metopic suture ‘forehead’
lambdoid suture ‘lambda-shaped’
squamous suture ‘scaly’
pterion ‘wing’
What makes up the ethmoid bone in the cranium?
consists of 4 parts:
1) perpendicular plate
2) cribriform
3) ethmoidal labyrinths
4) crista galli
ethmoid bone sits anterior to the sphenoid bone (in front of)
perpendicular plate
forms upper portion of nasal septum
separates nasal cavities from the anterior cranial fossa
perforated plate allowing olfactory nerves on CN I into nasal cavity
ethmoidal labyrinths
enclose ethmoid air cells (trap air)
divided from orbits by lamina papyracea
form ethmoid paranasal sinuses
forms middle and superior conchae
crista gallis
“rooster’s comb”
most superior structure of the ethmoid bone
Sphenoid Bone in the cranium (butter fly shaped)
articulates with most cranial and facial bones
is at the base of the skull
cube shaped body with projections
greater wings (alae) curve upward, partially hosue the eye, form form anterioir floor of the middle cranial fossa
pituitary gland sits on the superioir surface
pterygoid processes (wing-shaped) extend inferioirly consisting of two lateral and medial plates, some masticatory muscles attach to the lateral pt. plate
hamulus is an important hook: is an attachment point for some pharyngeal muscles