skull Flashcards
Protective housing of the brain
skull / calvarium
bones of skull
● Frontal - 1
● Occipital - 1
● Temporal - 2
● Parietal - 2
● Ethmoidal -1
● Sphenoidal -1
● where the Frontal Sinus is located and serves as the roof of the orbit
● articulates with 4 cranial bones, and with 8 facial bones
frontal bone
● largest portion of the cranium.
● articulates with 5 cranial bones
parietal bone
● inferoposterior part of the cranium
● where the Foramen Magnum is located
● articulates with Atlas through
Atlanto-Occipital Joint.
● articulates with 5 cranial bones
occipital bone
● location of Pars Petrosa or Petrous Pyramid that houses the organ of hearing and balance
● contains the mastoid portion of the skull
● location of TM fossa
● articulates w/ 3 cranial bones
● “squamous portion”
● most vulnerable portion of the skull to fracture
temporal bone
- smallest among the cranial bones of the skull
● contains the ethmoidal sinuses w/in its labyrinths
● where the Crista Galli is located (E.C.G).
● articulates w/ 2 cranial and 11 facial bones
ethmoid bone
serves as the anterior attachment of the falx cerebri
crista galli
● bat shape
● location of Sella Turcica / Turkish
● contains the sphenoid sinuses.
● contains the foramen Rotundum, Ovale, Spinosum located w/in the greater wing of the sphenoid, and also the Optic
● serves as the keystone of the cranium
● articulates w/ all 7 cranial bones, and 5
facial bones
sphenoid bone
bones of the cranial vault are composed of two plates of compact tissue separated by an inner layer of spongy tissue
● articulations or joints of the cranium
● classified as fibrous joints (Immovable/
Synarthrodial-type joints).
separates the frontal
bone from the two parietal bones.
coronal suture
separating the two
parietal bones in the midline.
sagittal suture
separates the two
parietal bones from the occipital bone.
lambdoidal suture
are formed by the inferior junctions of the two parietal bones with their respective temporal bones
squamosal sutures
anterior end of the sagittal suture.
posterior end of sagittal suture
are points at the junction of
the parietals, temporals, and the greater wings of the sphenoid. (The ____ are
at the posterior end of the sphenoparietal suture).
are points posterior to the ear where the squamosal and lambdoidal sutures meet.
membrane-covered openings or “soft spots.”
● provide structure, shape, and support for the face.
● also form a protective housing for the upper ends of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
facial bones