SKULL Flashcards
Which of the following are facial bones?
Vomer, Mandible, Maxilla
When taking an AP axial projection (Towne Method) of the skull, the CR is directed ____ degrees through the foramen magnum
30 degrees caudad
Which cranial bone is the most posterior?
Occipital bone
Which projection of the facial bones requires the central ray to exit the acanthion?
Parietoacanthial (waters) method
The petrous pyramid is a portion of what bone?
Temporal bone
If the MSP is parallel in any projection, what position must they be in?
The sella turcica is located on the ________ bone
Air filled cavities located in some bones of the face and cranium are called
Paranasal sinuses
Which of the following bones are categorized as cranial bones?
Ethmoid, parietal
Which of the following projections demonstrates the sphenoid sinus?
What facial bones help form the hard palate of the of the mouth?
A blow out fracture involves the
Floor of the orbit
What structure serves as a passageway for the spinal cord to exit the skull and pass into the spinal canal of the vertebral column?
Foramen magnum
Lateral nasal bones are imaged similarly (Regarding technique) to
What projection of the cranium demonstrates the petrous ridges in the lower third of the orbits
Pa axial
When the right and left halves of the skull do not appear symmetrical on a PA or Ap projection, this is a sign that the
Sagittal plane is not perpendicular to the IR
Which paranasal sinuses are best demonstrated on the PA axial (Caldwell method)
Frontal, ethmoid
What projection of the facial bones requires the CR to exit the acanthion?
Parietoacanthial (waters method)
Paranasal sinuses should be performed _____ to demonstrate air fluid levels
The bony prominence on the frontal bone between the eyebrows is called