Skin: Structure and Function Flashcards
Melanocyte cytoplasm contains organelles called… these contain …….
Melanosomes have ….. and are mostly …… & ………
Each melanocyte is associated with many ……, forming an epidermal …… unit
melanosomes, pigment melanin
dendrites, basal, suprabasal
keratinocytes, melanin
Melanin absorbs ……
Full …… are transferred from melanocytes to keratinocytes via ……
They then form a …….. over the nucleus of the keratinocyte
protective cap
Langerhans cells have ……. , they are found in the ……. ….. level of the epidermis
]the nucleus looks like a ……. ……..
dendrites, prickle cell
tennis racket
Langerhans cells are though of as highly specialized …….
their function includes:
Take exogenous antigen and present to T lymphocytes in skin or local nodes
Antigen presenting cells posessing surface receptors for IgG, IgE and C3b
Merkel cells are found in the ….. layer
They do not have ….., they are …… and are transducers of ….. touch
Sparse ……. connect these cells to neighbouring keratinocytes
dendrites, mechanoreceptors, fine
What are the phases of hair growth?
Structure of hair?
(down to up)
papilla, matrix, medulla, cortex, internal and external root sheath
Structure of pilo-sebacous unit?
Hair, arrector pili, sebaceous gland, hair shaft
Components of nail?
Made of specialized keratins
epidermis folds over creatin gposterir nail fold and cuticle.
White curve is lunula
nailplate and nail bed
The dermo-epidermal membrane is a …… membrane that acts as a ….. and ……
it has a key role in ……… interactions such as
semi permeable
barrier, filter
epithelial mesenchymal, growth, differentiation of basal cells, support, anchorage
The EDJ is formed of a …….. ……… to which the basal layer is anchored to from above and the cells of papillary layer from below
They are anchored by …….. which hook and link layers together
basement membrane
Defects in the anchoring proteins in the EDJ can result in
Bullous pemphigoid, which is when
Epidermolysis bullosa which is
Antibodies attack the connecting proteins in the EDJ
conegnital defect anchoring between the epidermis and dermis
Components of dermis?
Ground substance (polysaccharide mix)
Fibroblasts to manufacture collagen and elastin
Abundant collagen, some elastin
Superficial aspect has blood supply to supply nutrients epidermis
Macrophages, mast cells, langerhands cells, lymphocytes
Blood vessels form vertical plexuses to surface of skin in dermis t/f
parallel to skin!
Smaller lymphatic vessels are …….., larger lymphatic trunks are ……
non contractile, contractile
Continual draingale of excess interstitial fluid, unwanted cells, plasma proteins
Immune surveillance by circulating lymp cells and Langerhans
channel microorganisms and toxins
Meissners Corpuscles are?
Sense vibration
located in papillar dermis