Skin Physiology Flashcards
What are free nerve endings in skin?
Mostly unmyelinated small diameter fibres but also some small diameter myelinated fibres usually small swellings at distal ends = sensory terminals
What are sensory terminals?
Sensory terminals have receptors that can respond to various painful (nociceptive), thermal and chemical stimuli
Some are cation channels (e.g. TRPV1), others are chemically activated (e.g. histamine receptors)
What does activation of sensory terminals lead to?
Activation leads to APs in afferent sensory axons to CNS»_space; somatosensory cortex
What do free nerve endings respond to?
Temperature, painful stimuli, movement, pressure and itch
They can also wrap around hair follicles acting as light touch receptors which detect bending of hairs
How do free nerve endings detect changes?
Force is transmitted to free nerve endings when hair follicles wrap around them causing depolarisation which can detect change
What are tactile (merkel) discs?
Free nerve endings located in the deepest layer of the epidermis
Associated with large disc shaped epidermal cells
Abundant in fingertips and very small receptive fields
What are tactile (meissner) corpuscles?
Located in papillary layer of dermis (especially in hairless skin)
Encapsulated by thin oval fibrous connective capsule which covers spiralling unmyelinated sensory terminals surrounded by modified Schwann cells
What are tactile (merkel) discs sensitive to and how do they sense?
Sensitive to an objects physical features (fine touch and light pressure, texture, shape and edges)
They detect stimulus and relay messages to sensory nerve terminal causing repolarisation
What are tactile (meissner) corpuscles sensitive to and how do they sense?
Deformation of capsule triggers entry of Na+ ions into nerve terminal creating an AP (depolarisation)
Sensitive to delicate or discriminative touch, light pressure and low frequency vibration
What are lamellar (pacinian) corpuscles?
Found deep in dermis and hypodermis, single dendrite lying within concentric layers of collagen and specialised fibroblasts
Layers separated by gelatinous interstitial fluid
Dendrite isolated from stimuli other than deep pressure
What are lamellar (pacinian) discs sensitive to and how do they sense?
Deformation of capsule opens pressure sensitive Na+ channels in sensory axon - inner layers covering axon terminal relax so APs discontinued
Stimulated by deep pressure and vibration due to being rapidly adapting
What are Bulbous corpuscles (Ruffini’s endings)?
Located in dermis and subcutaneous tissue
Network of nerve endings intertwined with a core of collagen fibres that are continuous with those of the surround dermis. Capsule surrounds entire structure
Also found in joint capsules which help signal degree of joint rotation
What are Bulbous corpuscles (Ruffini’s endings) sensitive to and why is their sensitivity important?
Sensitive to sustained deep pressure and stretching or distortion of the skin
Important for signaling continuous states of deformation of tissues such as heavy prolonged touch and pressure signals
Where does skin blood flow occur?
Smooth muscle in walls of arteries and pre-capillary sphincters innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
How does reduced skin blood flow occur?
Noradrenaline acts on alpha 1 adrenergic receptors on this vascular smooth muscle in the skin
GPCRs (G protein coupled receptors) couple to intracellular 2nd messengers -> increased intracellular Ca2+ -> constriction
What happens with SNS activation of alpha1 receptors is decreased?
Reducing SNS activation of alpha 1 receptors will causes relaxation (dilation) of arteries to skin resulting in increased skin bloodflow
What is vasodilation?
Reduced activation of alpha1 receptors on vascular smooth muscle
What is vasoconstriction?
Activation of alpha1 receptors
What is active vasodilation?
During heat stress and exercise active vasodilation can occur meaning greater pressure can be accounted for simply by withdrawal of sympathetic tone
What is normal core body temp for humans?
Core body temperature means temperature of blood around head, heart, trunk etc. (not in limbs) and normal ranges 36.5 - 37.5
What are the four primary mechanisms of heat transfer?
How are eccrine sweat glands stimulated?
By the SNS which releases ACh onto mAChRs (GPCRs) through sympathetic cholinergic
(some can be stimulated by adrenaline in blood acting on beta receptors)
What happens when body temperature increases?
Preoptic area of hypothalamus contains heat and cold sensitive neurons
If blood temp goes above set point heat loss centre is activated
What happens when heat loss centre is activated?
Decrease in SNS activation of alpha1 on skin blood vessels -> vasodilation
Increase in SNS cholinergic activation of mAChRs on sweat glands -> sweating
Increased respiratory rate
Behavioural changes
How is the heat gain centre activated?
Central thermoreceptors detect temperature below ‘set point’ which activates the heat gain centre
Convec. conduc. and radiation are NOT effective heat loss mechanisms when environment temp > body temp
How else can we conserve heat apart from shivering and central thermoreceptors?
Vasomotor center decreases blood flow in the dermis, thereby reducing losses by radiation and convection
Countercurrent exchange : warm blood from trunk -> cool blood to distal capillaries -> cool blood returns to trunk -> warm blood returns to trunk
How does shivering gain or conserve heat?
Oscillatory contractions of agonist and antagonist muscle cause ATP production which produces ADP + Pi + movement + heat
How does non-shivering gain or conserve heat?
Increase sympathetic nerve activity and increase circulating adrenaline/noradrenaline from adrenal medulla
Increased cellular metabolism (increased glycogenolysis in liver and muscles)
Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation (heat produced instead of ATP)
How does increased thyroxine gain or conserve heat?
Occurs in response to TRH and TSH
Increases basal metabolic rate
What are arrector pili muscles?
Smooth muscle supplied by SNS (alpha1 receptors). Attach hair follicles to upper dermis. Compresses sebaceous glans which lubricate skin
Conserves layers of heat (for animals makes look bigger ‘scarier)
Why are second and third degree burns worse than first and how much fluid do you give a patient who has burns?
Second or third degree burns lose water repelling part of skin and makes capillaries leaky so needs to be rehydrated with fluid (IV)
9% head, 9% each upper limb, 36% trunk (front and back), 1% genitalia and 18% each lower limb (different for children)
What are some complications of severe burns?
Dehydration and hypovolemic shock, Infection/sepsis, Hypothermia, Electrolyte imbalance, Hypermetabolism, Gastrointestinal ulceration, Renal failure, Respiratory dysfunction