Skin Pathogens-Viral Flashcards
Variola pox Virus (Smallpox)
- Only 1 serotype Thus it can eradicated by vaccines-Double envelope ds DNA-<u>Replicates in cytoplasm</u>
- Transmission-Resp droplets or skin lesions
- High risk: unvaccinated people
- Virus replicates in upper resp tract>Spread via lymphatics/blood
- Disseminate Liver>Spleen>BM
- Prodrome-“flu like”
- High fever w/abrupt rash <em><u>(vesicular)</u></em>
- Rash=Macular>Vesicular>Pustular>Crust
- 1st seen on face & extermities>Trunk
- Eruption of rash in various areas=Diff from chicken pox <em><u>(localized)</u></em>
- Diagnosis: Biopsy w/inclusion bodies
- Treat: Passive immunization
- Prevention: Live-gentically related Vaccina Virus <u><strong>(cowpox-Anthraz/like lesions)</strong></u> given to military only
Molluscum Contagiosum (pox virus)-General
- DNA <u>Double enveloped Virus / Brick like</u>
- DNAdep-RNA poly <em><u>(replicate in cytoplasm)</u></em>
- Strictly HUMAN pathogen
- Transmission: Direct contact or fomites (sharing towels, swimming pools, showers)
- High risk: Children & Adults with active sex lives
- Causes _Hyperplasia of epithelial cells _
- Cells have inclusion bodies seen=Warts
- Disease (2-8 weeks): “Cutaneous warts”
- Appear in clusters-Small, firm, white, flesh-colored (pearl like) bumps
- Dimple in center
- Cheesy white material @ pit
- Painless
- Appear on lower ab (pubis, genitalia) in ADULTS
- Appear on trunk or extremties in CHILDREN
Molluscum Contagiosum (pox virus)-Clinical
- Acanthosis=increased thickness of stratum spinosum
- Histology: Large-Eosinophilic w/Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in Epithelial cells
- Treat: Spontaneous resolution 2-12 months
- Remove nodules=Curettage (scraping)
- Application of liquid nitogen
Herpes SImplex (HSV 1/2)-General
- Surface glycoproteins made by viral genes
- <strong>Lipid bilayer from the host cel</strong>l
- Tegument=initiation of viral replication
- Ds Linear DNA/Enveloped
- Cytopahtic effect=Change in nuclear structure & margination of chromatin
- Cowdry type A <u>(intranuclear inclusion bodies)</u>
- Causes fusion of cells=Syncytia <u>(avoid immunity)</u>
- Transmission: Contact through secretions of lesions
- Contact w/saliva<u> (Type 1</u>), sexual/transplacental<u> (Type 2)</u>
- Life long infection=Asymptomatic shedding
- 3 infection phases:
- Initial lytic-Actively multiplies & kills cells
- Latent infection-Neurons (sensory ganglion)=Inactive
- Reactivation-Exits neurons to infect/Kill epithelial cells
Herpes SImplex (HSV 1/2)-Clinical
- Reactivation of virus:
- Fever
- UV radiation
- Spicy foods
- Immunosupression
- Done through Retrograde transport from ganglia to epithelial cells
- Primary: Painful vesicular lesions on epi
- In conj w/Fever, myalagia, lymphadenopathy
- Reactivation:<strong> Lesions like primary</strong>
- <strong>Sensory nerve pain/tingling PREcede lesions</strong>
- <strong>Less severe than primary</strong>
- Type 2 (genital): Lesion on glans/Shaft of penis or Vulva/cervix/Perianal of vagina
- <u>Urethritis </u>in Both sexes
- <em><u>Cong</u></em>: encephalitis <em><u>(fatal)</u></em>, keratoconjunctitis <u><em>(Head lesions)</em></u>
- Lesions ALL over body
- <em><u>Type 1="cold sore"</u></em>
Herpes SImplex (HSV 1/2)-Diagnosis
- Microscope:
- Tzanch smear-Multinucleated (syncytia) cells w/inclusion bodies (cowdry A)
- Sampled w/scraping of ulcer base
- Molecular PCR differntiates between HSV 1 & 2
- Treat: Anti-viral agents relieve symptoms & shorten outbreak BUT do NOT eliminate latency
- <em><strong>Acyclovir </strong></em><u><strong>(guanine analog)</strong></u> Inhibit viral DNA
- Inactive until reaches infected cell=<u><em>Phosphor by VIRAL thymidine kinase</em></u>
Human Papilloma Virus (Warts)-general
- Ds CIRCULAR DNA-NON-enveloped
- <strong>Isocahedral replicates in nucleus</strong>
- Several types (show tissue preference)
- Humans can be infected w/more than 1 type
- _High risk: _
- Genital HPV-Unprotected sex
- Skin warts common w/children & young adults
- Infects/replicates in sqaumos epi cells (skin & mucous membranes)
- Induces cell prolif=benign outgrowth <u><strong>"warts"</strong></u>
- Hyperplasia of prickle cells & excess production of keratin
16 & 18 are oncogenic (cervix, penis, anus)
- Protein E-6 inactivates P53
- Protein E-7 inactivates p105RB (retinoblastoma)
Human Papilloma Virus (Warts)-Clinical
- 3-4 months or 1-2 years
Cutaneous warts: type 1-4
- Assoc w/cutaneous warts
- Genital warts: type 6 & 11
- “Condylomata Acuminata”
- Women=W/in vagina, on cervix, & perianal area
- Men=Tip of penis, on scrotum, & perianal area
- Carcinoma of cervix, penis, & anus <strong><em>Type 16-18</em></strong>
- Microscopy:
- Pap smear (scraping from cervix)-
Koliocytes w/vacuolated cytoplasm (hyperplasia of prickle cells)
- Found in round clumps
- Treat:
- Self limiting & may require removal
- Chem removal=<em><strong>Podophyllotoxin</strong></em>
- Prevention: Vaccine
Guardasil (children)
- Caspid proteins from HPV 6,11 & 16,18
RNA virus Coxsackie (Non-eveloped Picornaviri)
- (+)ssRNA w/2 types A & B
- Reservoir: Humans
Transmission: P to P, fecal-oral, Airborne
- Ex. Diaper changing stations
- High risk: infants & young children in Summer/Fall seasons
- Treatment: COXA self-limiting (4-7days)
- No vaccines
- Prevention: Proper hygiene, boiling utensils
- Herpangina: Vesicular pharyngitis
- Sudden fever, headache, Sore throat, Dysphagia
- Ulceration/Rash in pharynx, tonsils, mouth
- Hand-foot-mouth: mild fever, vesicular lesion-hand, foot, mouth, tongue
- Caused by type COXA16