Mycobacterium Flashcards
Mycobacterium (General)
- Pulmonary:
- M. Tuberculosis-Human pathogen
- M. Bovis-Animals, transmitted via milk w/TB like symptoms
- Pulm Atypical:
- M. Avium complex-TB like, affects HIV pts
- M. Kansasi-TB like, affects HIV pts
- Skin manifestations:
- M. Laprae-Leprosy & human pathogen
- M. Marinum-Skin granulomas, in water (swimming pool/fish tank)
- M. ulcerans-Skin infection=Buruli ulcer (tropical)
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (general)
- Acid fast, Rod, obligate aerobic (non-spore)
- Facultative intracellular <em><strong>(inside phago cells)</strong></em>
- High in guanine/cytosine ratio (like gram +)
- Difference from gram + is RICH in complex lipids = Long chain FAs w/70-90 carbons
- DO not gram stain (thick lipids)
- Slower grower (24 hours)
- Production of NIACIN differs TB from other mycobacterium
- Cell wall:
- 50% mycolic acid w/a peptidoglycan layer made of D-arabinose/D-galactose
- Resistance to antibiotics & acidic/alkaline compounds
- <strong>Allows for survival inside macrophages</strong>
- Cord factor=Trehalose dimycolate
- Lipid comp-responsible for parallel clumping (serpent appearance)-W/o this factor Can NOT grow in phago cell
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Pathogenesis)
- Transmission: Human to Human-Can survive for 8 months in air
- High risk: Malnutrition, crowded conditions, drug users
- 1/3 of world’s pop infected & HIV increased prevalence of TB
- NO cap, exotoxin or endotoxin
- Create FUSION of phagosome/lysosomes=Prevention of oxidative killing
- Lungs primary target-1st exposure pts has no specific immunity
- Infected macrophages secrete IL-12 & TNF-a=Inflammatory response
- Macrophages–>T lymph–>TH to TH1
- TH1 secretes INGy–>macrophage kill bacteria
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Spread)
- Progression depends on host’s infectious dose & immune competence
- Granulomatous lesions: Epitheloid cells, giant cells, T-lymphocytes
- Central caseous necrosis bacteria can remain here for long time
- Tubercle: granuloma surrounded by fibrous tissue
- Ghon complex: made as macrophage carries organism to lymph=forming granuloma (Lung)
- Some cases NO disease infection arrested in granuloma
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Diseases)
- Primary TB: Bacterial replication NOT arrested=Cavitary lung disease, cough, sputum, fever, night sweats (lower lung)
- Latent TB: NO clinical symptoms-bacteria alive in granuloma
- Reactivation TB-Appears in Upper lung due to impairment of immunity
Tubercle lesion rupture=Cavity created bacteria can spread leading to Miliary
1. Miliary(Multiple foci): Disseminated=Extrapulmonary - In joints = Pott’s syndrome
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Diagnosis)
- Tuberculin/Mantoux/PPD test: Hypersensitivity test to TB proteins
X-ray: used in conjunction w/PPD
- looking for tubercles, ghon-complexes, cavities
- Staining/microscopy: Acid fast staining/Ziehl-Neelsen
- Requires heating of stain, decolorize w/acid-alcohol sol, seconday dye
- Found in sputum
- Fluorochrome stain w/Auramin-rhodamine (appears yellow)
- Interferon-gamma assays: Measures how immune system reacts to bacteria w/TB
- Culture: Middlebrook 7H10/Lowenstein Jensen = egg media use ofNa+hydroxide for contaminants (2 to 8 weeks)
Tuberculling/Mantoux/PPD test
- Detects past, latent or current infection
- Measure diameter of hard swelling
- Depends on 3 categories:
- 5 mm or more=(+): HIV pts, recent contact of TB or pts w/abnormal CXR
- 10 mm or more=(+): Recent migrants, residents of crowded areas, health care workers, Immunocompromised
- 15 mm or more=(+): People w/no known risk factor
- PPD + pts use of IGRAs to comfirm diagnosis
- Measure amount of IFN-y due to TB activation of T-cells = *INCREASE *
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Treatment)
- Multi-drugs for several months (6-9)
Rifampin (RIF):
- inhibit DNA dependent RNA polymerase
- Interfere with mycolic acid synthesis:
- Isoniazid (INH)
- Pyrazinamide (PZA)
- Ethambutol (EMB)
- Resistant strains/develop from treatment misuse/mismanagement:
- MDR-TB=Multi drug resistant (INH/RIF)
- XDR-TB=EXTREME drug resistant
- MDR/quinolone/Aminoglycoside
- BCG vaccine (Bacille calmette-Guerin)=Attenuate bovine strain given to children & military