Skin, Hair, Nails and HEENT: 6 Questions Flashcards
What is the Integumentary System?
Skin, Hair, Nails, Scalp
Palpation includes ?
Moisture, Texture, Turgor, and Temperature
Inspection includes?
Visible Surface first
Less visible surfaces as you examine each body system
Cyanosis is what?
(Blue Lips) which means low oxygen , nail beds, palpebral conjunctiva, palms
Pallor is what?
Paleness, buccal mucosa, conjunctiva, nail beds
What is Vitiligo?
Face, Hands, arms
What is Jaundice?
Yellow -Orange, sclera, mucous membranes, skin
What is Erythema?
Red, common in areas of pressure, but can be anywhere.
What is Vascularity?
Localized reddened, pink, or pale skin.
What is Petechiae?
Nonblanching, pinpoint-size, red or purple spot
What is normal skin moisture?
Smooth and dry with moist skin folds (such in the axillae
What is excessive perspiration?
Activity, warm environment, obesity, anxiety, excitement.
What is excessively dry?
Dullness, dryness, crusting, and flaking
Common in older adults, lack of humility, sun exposure, smoking, dehydration.
How do you get skin temperature?
Palpate the skin bilaterally with the Dorso side of the hand.
How do you assess skin texture?
Lightly palpate skin by using fingertips.
What is skin Turgor?
Skin elasticiity
Where do you assess skin turgor?
Grasp a fold of skin on the back of the forearm or sternum with the fingertips
What is good turgor ?
Skin immediately falls back into place
What is poor turgor?
skin stays pinched (Tenting)=Dehydration
How to inspect Edema ?
How to palpate Edema ?
What do you not forget while assessing for edema?
Don’t forget to assess the Backside
What is the Braden Scale Assessment ?
Helps determine a patients risk for skin breakdown
What is stage 1 pressure injury?
Localized “Red” not blanched
What is stage 2 pressure injury?
Exposed dermis, skin missing
What is stage 3 pressure injury?
Full thickness skin loss, adipose tissue
What is stage 4 pressure injury?
Skin, tissue, muscle, bone, and cartilage loss becomes exposed
What is a deep tissue injury?
Deep Maroon/Purple discoloration, Dark wound bed, blood=blister
What is unstageable?
Covered by stuff
What are lesions ?
Any unusual finding of the skin
What are the ABCDE of Skin Malignancies?
Border irregularity
What are Nits?
White, yellow, or tan “dots” eggs attached on hair shaft.
What is Lice?
White/grayish bodies
What are crabs?
Red Legs
How should nails be assessed?
Inspect and Palpate
What degree do you assess nail beds?
160 degrees
What color are nail beds dark skin patients?
Pink with white nail tips
What color are nail beds for lighter skin patients?
Darkly pigmented, blue or reddish hue
How should you assess the change in the nail angle?
Between the base and the nail is 180 degrees or more
What is nail clubbing ?
Enlarged fingertips and nail flattening
What does nail clubbing indicate ?
Opaque-yellow brittle dull, or thick nails indicates ?
Insufficient Calcium
Where should you look for Pallor ?
In the lower palpebral conjunctiva and tongue
How do you assess the Head and Skull?
Inspection and Palpation
What three things do you assess for the Head/Skull?
Position (head should be upright and midline to the trunk.
Size (should not appear unusually large or small)
Shape and Contour (Skull round with prominences in the frontal and occipital areas. No nodules or masses.
How to assess for facial features?
What do you inspect the face for ?
Shape and Symmetry
What are the Head, Skull, Facial Features abnormal findings?
Tremors, hearing loss, Acromegaly
Are Eyes External or Internal structures?
External Structures
How do assess the eyes?
Inspection and some palpation-clean gloves
How many times do you blink a minute?
20 times per min
How do you position the eyes?
Parallel….no bulging (exophthalmos), protrusion, or crossed eyes (strabismus)
What tool do you use for eye exam?
How many directions do you gaze ?
6 directions
What type of movements do your eyes do for the exam ?
Extra-ocular Movements
What is Nystagmus?
Abnormal Gaze far left or right
What test is for distant vision?
Snellen Chart
How far do you stand from the Snellen Chart ?
20 feet
Read each line with each eye
Note smallest eye accurately
What test do you for Near Vision?
Read aloud a handheld/printed material.
What are the ears?
How do assess the ears ?
Inspection (size, shape, symmetry, landmarks, position, color, discharge)
What are the normal ears?
Equal size/level, vertical, top even with outer canthus of eye, same color as face, yellow cerumen (Earwax)
What tool do you use for Inspection of the ears?
What do you inspect in the ears?
Tympanic Membrane
What is the Rinne Test?
Single and Behind the ear. Mastoid Process and patients response to hear.
What is the Weber Test?
Midline patients top of the forehead, can the patient hear the sound equally?
What is the Whisper Test?
Random numbers/equal syllables, each ear, one at a time while patient occludes the other ear.
How do assess the nose ?
Inspection and Palpation
External Nose ?
Shape, size, skin color, any deformity or inflammation. Palpate ridge and soft tissue for tenderness, masses, deviations.
Patency of Nares
Occlude one naris and have patient breathe with closed mouth. Repeat with other naris.
What is Sinus tenderness?
Palpate with thumbs using gentle upward pressure over the frontal sinuses, under the eyebrows, and over the maxillary sinuses.
What equipment is used for Mouth and Pharynx inspection?
Clean gloves, tongue depressor, gauze, penlight
Lips Inspection
color, texture, hydration, contour, lesions
* View with mouth closed
Teeth Inspection
symmetry of smile, color of teeth, presence of caries, tartar,
extraction sites
* Have clench teeth and smile, then open mouth
Mucosa/Buccal Mucosa
color, hydration, texture, lesions
* Open mouth, retract lips away from teeth, retract cheeks with tongue depressor,
illuminate w/penlight
Gums Inspection
color, edema, retraction, bleeding, lesions
* Inspect while cheeks retracted with tongue depressor
Tongue and Floor of Mouth
movement, color, position,
texture, coatings, lesions
* Have stick out tongue halfway, raise tongue and move side to side, lift tongue
and place tip on palate
* Illuminate with penlight and inspect all surfaces and underside
Hard and Soft Palates
Color, shape, texture, extra bony
prominences or defects
* Have tilt head backward/hold mouth open. Inspect roof of mouth.
color and texture. edema, petechiae, lesions, exudate?
* Have tilt head back slightly and say “ah”, place tip of depressor on middle
third of tongue.
How do you assess the neck?
Inspection and Palpationlocation, size, consistency, mobility, tenderness, warmth
Neck has what?
Lymph Nodes
Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
Inspect symmetry of neck muscles, range of motion, any discomfort
normally located midline above
suprasternal notch
fixed to trachea w/ isthmus at midline, two cone-shaped lobes at each side.
- Nasal swab (Covid, flu)
- Culture
- Throat swab (strep)
Eye drops/ointments
* Nasal spray
* Ear drops
* Oral medications
* Topical medications