Skin Conditions of Childhood Flashcards
What are two dermatological conditions that pharmacists should be more aggressive in regarding therapy?
Eczema and Acne
In acne, what should be the starting point for acne treatment as of now?
Almost a defacto starting point for combination therapy
- BP combomination with a retinoid
- Retinoid with an antibiotic
When would mono-therapy for acne be appropriate for acne?
Only time to use a single agent would be in the mildest case of acne possible
What is a major difference in the treatment of acne between the USa and Canada?
Differin - Adapalene
- OTC in the USA; not CAnada
Should be used by more children; need to be more aggressive with therapy here
Describe the available strengtbs of benzyl peroxide and if they are OTC or not
OTC –> 2.5-5%
Rx –> 10%
Indication of Benzyl peroxide
Solo for mild acne (rare)
Combination for moderate acne
Describe the mechanism of action of benzyl peroxide?
Anti-bacterial action - Delievers a blast of oxygen and decreases P. acnes
Exfoiliant Action = Mild surface peeling - Closed comedos open up and have less build up
How long should benzyl peroxide be trialled before a benefit may be seen?
3 months of a try to ramp up
What is the most common formulation of benzyl peroxide? Issue on this front?
Gels and lotions are the most common
BP Lotion - 6-8 hours of contact time
BP Washed - 15 hours of contact; washes may be more valuable than once thought
Do not need soap/wash and lotion/gel –> Only one BP product required
BP Washes - Benzac Wash (4 or 5%) - Not enough contact time; new reports coming out that may be more effective than once thought
–> Can go to BID-TID
Old Thinking –> More redness; OD to start and then BID-TID after a month
What are some common adverse effects of Benzoyl peroxide?
Redness, peeling, dryness, burning, bleaches clothes
Describe the role of spot treatment in acne?
Acne Patches:
- People report that they love them and say they “work”
- Astringent in there
- 4 or 5 versions; can be useful
Emergency Skin Patch - Okay
Emergency benzoyl peroxide should not be used
–> SPOT TREATMENT is still not effective
In acne, what is a cornerstone of therapy for everyone?
Normal skin care should be included in therapy
Skin Cleansing BID
Describe the indication of retinoids in acne?
Very effective topical agents
First-line agent or added to others
Describe the mechanism of action of retinoids?
Decrease the cohesiveness of the follicular wall
Increases the penetration of other agents
Vitamin A derivatives - reduce follicular stickness by retinoid receptors
Describe the avilable retinoids and there main adverse effects
Adapelene - least irritating
Tretinoin - Most photosensitizing
Taxarotene - Most potent
How can retinoids be dosed in acne?
Choose a formulation (examples: tretinoin 0.01% or 0.025% cream or 0.025% gel and 0.05% gel)
Start low and then assess in 2 months
Dose HS (photosensitive agents)
Skin needs to be dry prior to application
Pea-sized amount - disappear on skin in 1 min
Critical Counselling Point with Retinoids
Initial worsening of acne
Bring out everything clogging the pores that are hiding underneath
How can one apply benzoyl peroxide and retinoid in acne? Exceptions?
Apply retinoid at night
Apply BP during the day
–> Tretinoin and BP at same time –> D.I. and phosotosensitivity issue
BP can degrade (oxidize) tretinoin if used simulataneously, but this does not occur wjen using micronized tretinoin gel
–> patient could use both at HS
Adapalene and BP Combo Product - Tactupump - AVoids drug inetraction
What type of condition is diaper rash?
Irrirant contact dermatitis
Self-limiting - Episodes last approximately 2-3 days
Where does diaper rash commonly affect?
Only affects areas where diarhhea splashes
Skin folds are typically spared
What are some causes of diaper rash?
Fecal/urine contact –> Viral gastroenteritis ( stomach flu) leads to harsh diarhhea and harsh GI enzymes in the feces
Chemical residue (laundry detergent, wipes)
Antibiotic - Diarhhea as s/e
Formula more problematic than breast milk
What are some differentials f diaper rash?
Eczema - Typpically on face; not diaper area
Impetigo - Different presnetation, splotches
How can diaper rash be prevented?
Change diapers as quickly as possible
Keep the area clean
Barrier products - Tx and rotection - Vaseline
Describe the treatment of diaper rash
Keep the area clean
USe a barrier product at every diaper change
Allow air time
Steroid cream can be used
Describe the duration of treatment and agents for diaper rash
If just a diaper rash –> TX < 3 days
If yeast infected, >3 days and:
a) Fiery Red
b) vesicles/Sqatellites
c) Skin fold involvement
Describe the treatment agents for yeast-infected diaper rash
Keep the area clean
Steroid Cream
Barrier Cream
What is one way a pharmacist can conclude that diaper rash is yeast infected without seeing the rash?
Infant Oral Thrush - Yeast infection of the mouth
If have oral thrush with a diaper rah, automatically fungal
What anti-fungals and other agents can be used in the treatment of diaper rash? Duration?
1) Clotrimazole 1%
2) Miconazole 2%
Applied BID for approximately 1 week and 1 week after clearing
If no improvement - suspect bacterial - MD referral
Steroids (0.5-1% HC - Can go up to Spectro Eczema - legal aspects here tho) for 2 days –> 1 FTU
Describe the application of the agents for diaper rash in infected and non-infected states? Can the agents be mixed together?
Antifungla –> HC –> Barrier
- Wait 2-3 mins between each application
- Ensure barrier is completly removed before the next application
1) HC 0.5-1 % BID for 1-2 days
2) BArrier Creamk 4-5x day everyday
1) ANti-fungal cream BID for 14 days
2) HC 0.5-1% BID for 1-2 days
3) Barrier Cream 4-5x per day everyday
** Do not mix corticosteroids and antifungals prior to applying
When should a child be refrred to an MD for diaper rash?
Refer to doctor if the rash does not improve in 7 days or resolve within 14 days
What is the difference between lice and nits?
Lice are alive
Nits are the eggs of lice and are laid close to the scalp for warmth - Glued to the hair shaft and do not wash out (need a special comb)
Symptoms –> None to itching
What are the two main OTC agents used for lice? Drug of choice?
Nix and Kwellada-P –> Permethrin 1% - pediculocides
Physical Agents –> Resultz (ispropyl myristate), ZAP (coconut and anise oil), NYDA (dimethicone)
Drug of Choice –. NYDA
Describe how NIX can be used for the treatment of lice?
Permethrin 1%
- Synthetic Pyrethroid (incraesed potency)
- High amount of safety in children
1) Wash hair with regular shampoo
2) Add creme rinse for 10 minutes
3) Rinse out
Manufacturer states that repeats are not needed as has residual activity and enough will hang around to kill the nits
–> Cut the losses and repeat to be sure
Will need to remove the nits and resistance is possible
What is Resultz? How to use?
Isopropyl Myristate
- Not an insecticide; dissolves lice exoskeleton
10 Mins of Application
Repeat in 7 days
What is NIx Ultra?
Resistant Lice - Resistant to insecticides
Anise Seed Oil 15% added
–> Aromatic compounds are somewhat deadly to lice
–> Very hard to see what is in the ultra version on website
–> Aromatic, some of the aromatic compounds have anti-lice properties whether agricultural or on people
Permethrins - Use it twice - Some resistance developping to NIX
What is the drug of choice for lice? What is the agent? Describe its mechanism of action?
- Penetrates deeply and suffocates the lice and egg’s breathing system
- Physical and contact reaction with the lice
What is ZAP in the treatment of Lice? Efficacy?
Coconut/Anise OIl
–> 15 minutes of contact
- Nit pick
–> Repeat in 9 days
- Still a decent choice
- Aromatic oils have some value; do not know the concentration of effective dosages of the oils
Describe how NYDA should be used?
1) Dry hair
2) Apply NYDA (10-34 mL)
3) After 30 minutes of contact, then start nit-combing with product in the hair and product will dry
4) Leave the product in the hair for 8 hours (if overnight can use shower cap)
5) Wash out with regular shampoo in the next morning
6) Re-check the hair in 8-10 days
7) Repeat in 9 days (range 7-10 days)
What may occur after any treatment of lice?
Scalp can be itchy for a few days after lice treatment
–> Lice will put anti-coagulants in the scalp
Describe the rates of lice resistance to treatments
Lice can develop resistance to insecticides
Lice will not develop resistance to NYDA
Used to be worried about repeats to reduce resistance - NYDA can be repeated safely
What can be done if their is treatment failure of lice?
Suspect resistance if treatment resistance
Use a different agent (a different drug)
No resistant lice to NYDA so can use it again; most likely missed some of the lice
What strength of steroid can be used for diaper rash?
Can use spectro eczema on diaper rash area
- Spectro eczema for 1 dose for 2 days
- Spectro eczema is used in the UK for diaper rash
- Not indicated on label
HC 1% is low level; HC 2.5% can be prescribed as an RX; and is better agent
Zincofax - Use the CS once a day; covering it up, more absorption but not too concerned for one day use
How can a diaper rash be diagnosed as fungal? Is this diagnostic criteria?
Rash in the folds - Not a complete disganostic yes or no for for a fungal infection
3 day rule - Dial more into fungal infection
Spots above or below the diaper area - Thinking infection
What anti-fungals can be used for diaper rash?
Can use Canesten (vaginally or for the feet) - clotrimazole
–> off the shelve
MD may prescribve ketoconazole for insurnace coverage reasons
Ketoconazole is similar to Canesten
1 vs 2% Canesten - Go with 1% - Nothing compels us to go with xtra strength
What are warts? Transmission? Sx?
Human Papilloma Virus
Transmission - Touch to touch (self-innoculation can occur)
25% “spontaneously” regress –> Fail to mention spontaneous is one year
Cosmetic nuisance up to being painful
What is a solution agent that can be used for the treatment of warts?
Salicyclic Acid Preps
Duofilm Liquid (Salicylic acid and lactic acid)
Compound W for 8 weeks
How can duofilm be used for a wart?
Soak the wart first
Rub off dead skin
Vaseline at the base
Apply the drops
Cover the wart
Continue OD for 8-12 weeks
Describe the duration fo treatment with solution therapies for hand warts?
Duofilm Liquid - 8-12 weeks
Compound W - 8 weeks
Describe how to use OTC Cryotherapy for warts 9Compound W freeze off)
1) Lightly press the tip
2) Attach the tip to the applicator
3) Press down the tip into the canister and hold for 2 to 3 seconds - will hear a hiss sound
4) Apply the cold tip precisely on the wart
- Soak the wart first
20 Seconds on the Hand
40 Seconds on the Foot (20 seconds, reload, another 20 seconds)
Describe the duration of use and repeats of cryotherapy for warts
Apply every 2-3 weeks for about 4 repeats
Is there a difference in efficacy between salicylic acid and cryotherapy for warts?
Equally effective so let the parent decide based on what they think the child can handle
When should a pharmacist refer for warts?
On the Face –> Refer
Multiple Lesions - Likely refer
What severity of acne can pharmacists prescribe for?
Mild acne –> Comedonal
< 20 comedones (whitehead/blackhead)
< 15 inflammatory papules, or a lesiob count < 30