Skin Assessment Flashcards
The skin is …. and …..
largest organ and the first line of defense
Nursing Problems with Skin
Infection, Fluid & electrolyte imbalance, Nutritional deficits, Tissue alterations
anatomy and physiology of the skin
epidermis - protection from injury; dermis; subcutaneous tissue
functions of skin
Protection; Heat regulation; Sensory perception; Excretion; Vitamin D production (get from sunlight)
respiratory system with skin
important to give oxygen to the tissues (cyanosis)
(central and peripheral cyanosis) inside mucus membranes of the mouth, nails - clubbing, hand peripheral - lack of blood flow to extremity, becomes very cold
angle of nail bed greater than 180
patients with COPD (cyanosis)
what other body systems work with skin
Respiratory System; Cardiovascular System; Gastrointestinal System; Urinary System; Neurological system; Endocrine System; Lymphatic/ Immune System
GI system
related to decreased ability to excrete toxins; mainly liver; in dark skin pts look at teh sclera of the eye to asses jaundice
altered perfusion - lack of blood supply to the extremities; venus ulcer - occurs because of lack of blood flow to that area
urinary system
related to decrease ability to excrete toxins; edema - the pressure either not enough or too high (+4 deep, most common - lower extremities)
neurological system
Changes related to autonomic nervous system, changes in :Touch, temperature, pressure, pain; ANS controls the skin’s blood vessels and glades results in changes in moisture and temperature; (loss of sensation because of sensory receptors in the skin)
Endocrine system
Diabetes-ulcerations of the foot; Hypo or hyperthyroidism (dryness or increased moisture) hair becomes brittle and sparse (so oily hair and moist skin); Adrenal disease - adrenal glands - tie in w/ meds, drier skin, thinner hair, increases chance of bruising
Skin is a protective barrier, therefore,
the more breaks in the skin = increase risk of infection. Think about the number of access sites patients usually has. (immune system)
immune system
allergic reaction; psoriasis - over production of skin cells, really dry; dermitis - usually w/ catheters, red painful; lupus erythematosus - butterfly rash