Skin and Systemic Disease Flashcards
What classes of systemic diseases can cause changes in the skin?
Endocrine disease Internal malignancy Nutritional deficiency Systemic infection Systemic inflammatory disease
What changes in the skin can result from hypothyroidism?
Dry skin
What changes in the skin can result from grave’s disease?
Thyroid dermopathy
Thyroid acropachy
Pretibial myxoedema
What skin changes can result from diabetes?
Necrobiosis lipoidica Diabetic dermopathy Sclerodema Leg ulcers Granuloma annular
Describe the appearance of necrobiosis lipoidica.
Waxy appearance
Usually yellow discolouration
Can ulcerate and scar
Often seen on the shins
On which area of the body is necrobiosis lipoidica usually seen?
What changes in the skin can result from steroid excess?
What changes in the skin can result from steroid insufficiency?
Acanthosis nigracans
What changes in the skin can be seen in Cushing’s disease?
Increase in central adiposity
Moon faces
Buffalo hump
Global skin atrophy (epidermal and dermal components)
Striae on abdominal flanks, arms and thighs
Purpura with minor trauma
An excess of testosterone can cause acne and hirsutism. What can cause such an excess?
Testicular tumours
Testosterone drug therapy
What are the effects of excess testosterone on the skin?
What are the effects of excess progesterone on the skin?
Excess progesterone causes acne and dermatitis. What can cause an excess of progesterone?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Contraceptive treatments
What skin changes can result from internal malignancy?
Necrolytic migratory erythema Erythema gyratum repens Acanthoses nigricans Erythema annulare Sweet's syndrome Sister Mary Joseph Nodules
What is the other name for necrolytic migratory erythema?
Glucagonoma syndrome
What type of malignancy is necrolytic migratory erythema associated with?
Islet cell tumour of the pancreas