Skin Flashcards
What is a macule?
small lesion(<0.5cm) which is flat(ex freckle or measles)
What is a papule?
small raised lesion (<0.5cm), associated with measles and syphillis(solid)
What is vesicle?
small lesion(<0.5cm) filled with serous fluid and associated with herpes and chicken pox
What is a pustule?
a small lesion (<0.5cm) filled with pus, associated with staph infection due to a furuncle
What is a nodule?
a hard raised lesion (>0.5cm) in size
What is bulla?
A fluid filled lesion >0.5cm is size, associated with phemphigus
What is leukoplakia?
a precancerous lesion seen on mucous membranes and associated wtih tobacco use
What is impetigo?
Organism maybe staph or strep(most common)
crusty lesions found around the corners of the mouth or on the hands of children
What is erysipelas?
beta hemolytic strep
red fiery, advancing lesion on the skin
fever, elevated ASO titer
What is a furuncle?
staph infected hair follicle that presents as a painful nodule
What is a carbuncle?
many furuncles together (staph, hair follicle)
What is paronychia?
tender bacterial or fungal hand infection or foot infection where the nail and skin meet at the side
What is a felon?
a sub facial inflammation or infection of the finger pad
How are fungal infections diagosed?
wood’s lamp
What is aka for fungal infections?
mycotic infections - tinea
Tinea corpus
Tinea pedis
athletes foot
Tinea ungunum
tinea capitus
tinea cruris
jock itch
Tinea barbae
What are yeast infections of the skin caused by?
candia albicans
What is it called in the mouth?
What is Tinea Versicolor?
multiple hypo pigmented, asymptomatic lesions varying in color from white to brown
What is Aphthous Stomatitis?
a pitted erythematous lesion or ulcer in the mouth
What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?
dandruff, similar to “craddle cap” in newborns
What is pityriasis?
exhibits a characteristic oval/round lesion called herald patch, caused by a virus
What is psoriasis?
silver scales on extensor surfaces of knees and elbows
What is Herpes Zoster?
shingles- found in the dorsal root ganglion, vesicular lesions that follow the course of a dermatone
What is vitilligo?
an auto-immune condition characterized by depigmentation (absent melanocytes) after development
What is albinism?
complete depigmentation (lack of melanin) of the body first observed at birth
What is Urticaria?
hives described as a wheel due to an allergy such as penicillin or a food allergy
What is Pemphigus Vulgaris?
a potentially life threatening condition exhibiting bulla (blisters) on the skin
What is Acne Rosacea?
located on the face, nose, checks. Exacerbated by sunlight, caffeine and alcohol
What is LIchen Planus?
an inflammatory pruritic disease characterized by papules with shiny, fine inconspicuous scales and whitish lines or puncta
What is wen?
epidermal cyst
a non tender epidermal cyst that is filled with sebum
What is a Keloid?
a dense, sharply elevated, progressively enlarging scar with collagenous hyperplasia seen in African-Americans, Latinos and Asians
What is a Comdeone?
an accumulation of sebum within a pore
blackhead- open
What is Scabies?
a transmissible (whirlpool) infection caused by mites and characterized by grouped vesicles and superficial linea furrows in the groin
What is Nummular Eczema?
a discrete coin shaped, ring or annular lesions that coalesce to form patches which ooze and crust over
What is Ichthyosis?
fish skin- increased keratinization producing a non-inflammatory skin lesion
What is Intertrigo?
reddened areas caused by moisture, friction and warmth retention found on opposing skin surfaces
What is Acne vulgaris?
A condition of sebaceous glands characterized by comedomes and pus filled cyst(especially adolescents)
What is pediculosis?
caused by lice
pubic area - pubis
body- corposis
head- capitus
What is Erythema Nodosum?
a skin reaction usually associated with strep characterized by bilateral, red and tender nodules
What is Lichenification?
rough and thick skin due to constant scratching of pruritic, chronic dermatitis
What is Herpes Simplex?
HSV infection characterized by small vesicles “cold sores” located on the mouth or in the genital region, can be reactivated during delivery
What is Actinic Lentigo?
sun spot, liver spot, most common benign sun-induced lesion
What is Squamous cell carcinoma?
malignant tumor of ephithelial cells (irregular and flaky)
What is Basil Cell Carcinoma?
most common skin cancer, waxy and indurated
What is Melanoma?
Most invasive, multicolored