Skills Check Flashcards
Nose, Mouth, Pharynx & Ear
Patency of nares Describe nasal turbinates Check sense of smell Describe septum Presence of polyps or lesions Palpate Maxillary and Frontal Sinuses Check TMJ Describe lips and buccal mucosa Locate opening of parotid ducts (Stenson's duct) Describe teeth and gums Locate Wharton's ducts Check tongue surface & movement Describe hard/soft palate characteristics Movement of Uvula Describe tonsils & posterior pharyngeal wall, color, exudate Palpate for lesions
Describe pinna, tragus, external canal, discharge
Describe TM landmarks- umbo, cone of light, handle of malleus, short process
Hearing tests- Perform and describe results
Whisper, weber, rinne
Head, Neck, Lymph, Eye (Hair and Nails)
Color, temperature, moisture
Edema, texture, turgor
Vascularity, scars, lesions, color, type, grouping, distribution
Hair & Nails
Texture, distribution, color, capillary refill, normal angle 160 degrees
Symmetry, muscles, CN VII, CN VIII
Mastoid tenderness
ROM, cervical spine tenderness, trachea, thyroid, JVD
Lymph nodes
Visual acuity- CN II- Snellen, color, near vision
External structures- lashes, eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctivae, cornea, iris, sclera
Pupils- direct and consensual
Visual fields- direct confrontation; peripheral
Cardinal fields of gaze
Hirschberg; Bruckner
Fundoscopy- red reflex; av ration: retina, macula
Thorax, Lungs, Abdomen
Thorax and Lungs
Inspect skin, respirations, musculature, symmetry, atrophy, movement, accessory muscles, bony compartment- shape; posture, ap diameter
Palpate- temperature, tenderness, lesions, tracheal position, resp. excursion, tactile fremitus “99”
Percussion- side to side, describe sound. Anterior chest, posterior chest, diaphragmatic excursion.
Auscultate- side to side- identify breathe sounds and locations
Identify adventitious sounds
Egophony, bronchophony, pectoriloquy
Inspect- contour, symmetry, movement; lesions, color, vascular pattern. Umbilicus
Auscultate- BS, pitch, frequency. Aorta and Femoral areas.
Percussion- gas pattern, location of organs
Liver, spleen, bladder, stomach
Liver span
CVA tenderness
Light palpation, deep palpation, liver, spleen, kidney
Heart/Peripheral Vascular/Abdomen
Inspect- JVD, pulsation, color
Palpation- Carotid/bruits, PMI, heaves/thrills
Ausculation- S1 and S2 in 5 Valvular areas with bell and diaphragm A,P,E,T,M
Peripheral vascular Inspect extremities Palpate- calf tenderness, homans sign Pulses- R,U,B,P,PT,DP Arterial insufficiency- Allen's test, Bergers test
Inspect- contour, symmetry, movement; lesions, color, vascular pattern. Umbilicus
Auscultate- BS, pitch, frequency. Aorta and Femoral areas.
Percussion- gas pattern, location of organs
Liver, spleen, bladder, stomach
Liver span
CVA tenderness
Light palpation, deep palpation, liver, spleen, kidney
Mental Status, Neuro, Musculoskeletal
Mental Status Exam
Recent memory- Weather
Remote memory-Jobs attended? President before this one?
Information- proverb, similarities, serial 7’s,
Abstract reasoning; judgment
CN assessment
Sterognosis; graphesthesia
Cerebellar exam
Gait; heel/toe walking; Romberg; pronator drift
Upper/Lower extremities for rapid alternating and point to point
Inspect and palpate joints for lessons, discoloration; swelling, asymmetry, atrophy, contractures, tenderness, heat, crepitus
Upper joint
Lower joint
Muscle strength bilateral
Bones that articulate: shoulder (scapula, clavicle, humerus), elbow (humerus, radius, ulna), wrist (radius, ulna, carpal bones), hip (femur, acetabulum), knee (patella, femur, tibia), ankle (tibia, fibula, talus)
Muscles responsible for movement-
Identify spinal nerves responsible for movement of Neck- C1-6 Shoulder- C4 Upper arm-C5-6 Lower arm-C5-C7 Hand- C8-T1 Thigh- L1-S1 Lower leg-L4-S1 Foot- L4-S2
Spine- tenderness, curvature, ROM
Sensory- light touch, pain, vibration
Deep tendon reflexes- biceps, triceps, patella, Achilles, plantar