Skills-Airway Management-BVM Apneic Patient Flashcards
Voices opening the airway
1 point
Voices inserting an airway adjunct
1 point
Selects appropriately sized mask
1 point
Creates a proper mask-to-face seal
1 point
Ventilates the patient at no less than 800ml volume
Critical 1 point-
-Did not immediately ventilate the patient
-Did not direct assistant to provide proper volume/breath (More than 2 ventilations per minute are below 800ml)
-Did not allow adequate exhalation
(Examiner must witness for at least 30 seconds)
Connects reservoir and oxygen
- *Critical** - 1 point-
- Interrupted ventilations for more than 20 seconds
Adjusts liter flow to 15 lpm or greater
- *Critical** - 1 point
- Did not provide high concentration of oxygen
Voices reopening the airway
1 point-
(the examiner has announced the arrival of a 2nd EMT, the new EMT ventilates while candidate controls the mask and airway)
Creates a proper mouth to mask seal
1 point
Instructs assistant to resume ventilation at the proper volume per breath
Critical - 1 point-
-Did not direct assistant to provide proper volume/breath (More than 2 ventilations per minute are below 800ml)
(Examiner must witness for at least 30 seconds)