Skill Aquistion, Retention and Transfer Flashcards
What is forgetting?
Not all skills are forgotten equally
longer retention = more forgetting
More forgetting in discrete tasks than in continuous tasks
Why is remembering abstract SR pairs hard?
They are discrete task with large cognitive components which are forgotten relatively quickly
Are continuous skills remembered or forgotten?
Retained relatively well over long periods of time. (ie Biking)
What is the warm up decrements?
A psychological factor that is brought on by the passage of time away from the task and is eliminated with the performance of a few trials
What is a hypothesis of skill retention?
A retention interval causes the loss of the “set” - psychological factors not related to memory
What is a set?
A collections of psychological activities that are lost when a skill stops being performed
What type of skill will warm up decrements have the highest impact?
Rapid discrete tasks
What is similarity of skill transfer?
The idea that the more similar two skills are the more transfer will occur
(no definitive experimental support)
What are similarities of fundamental movement patterns?
When 2 skills share the same movement structure transfer is likely to be higher between skill
What are similarities of perceptual elements?
When two skills share similar info processing demands, transfer is likely to be higher
What are similarities of strategic and conceptual similarities?
When tasks share common set of rules/guidelines, transfer is facilitated
What happens to transfer as learning progresses?
With more practice performance of a given skill becomes more specific
What happens when motor transfer is small?
Even when tasks appear similar, transfer tends to be minimal. Therefore the most effective practice is always on the target skill not on some related skill thought to transfer to the target skill.
What happens when there is no transfer of basic abilities?
Fundamental abilities cannot be trained through practice. therefore practice sessions designed to improve general abilities are not very effective
Can practice to improve an ability?
Even if you get to the root ability, abilities are largely inherited and do not change with practice.
What happens when you practice a complex task all at once?
It can be overwhelming and result in poor performance
What is part practice?
Where a complex skill is broken down into parts that are separately practiced
What is whole practice?
Practice a complex skill i its entirety without breaking it into parts
When is part practice effective?
Serial skills of long duration (dance) provided that there is low part to part interactions (errors in one part do not effect the next part)
When is whole practice effective?
When the performance of one part effects the performance on another part (part to part interaction is high)
What is progressive part practice?
A procedure where parts of a skill are gradually integrated into larger units during practice.
What is a simulator?
A practice device to mimic features of a real world task
When are simulators important?
1) skill is expensive or dangerous
2) facilities are limited
3) real practice is not possible
Are simulators effective?
Shows there is positive transfer from simulator to task
Can save some time
What is the fidelity?
How well a simulator matches the real world
What is physical fidelity?
The degree to which the physical or surface features of the simulated and target task are identical
What is psychological fidelity?
The degree to which the behaviors and processes produced in the simulator replicate the target task (hard to recreate)