skeletal muscle Flashcards
what are the connective tissue elements of skeletal muscle ?
The epimysium - around whole muscle
perimysium - around a fascicle
endomysium - around fibres
the connective tissue sheaths form the tendon
from large to small what are the levels of organisation in a muscle ?
whole muscle, fascicle, fibre, myofibril, sarcomere, and myofilament
what are the muscles of mastication?
masseter temporalis medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid buccinator
what are the deep back muscles?
splenius erector spinae iliocostalis longissimus spinalis semispinalis quadratus lumborum
what are the deep muscles of the thorax used in breathing?
external intercostals
internal intercostals
what are the muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall ?
external oblique
internal oblique
transversus abdominius
rectus abdominis
what are the muscle of the pelvic diaphragm ?
levator ani
what are the muscles of the anterior thorax?
Pectoralis minor
serratus anterior
muscles of the posterior thorax?
levator scapulae
what are the muscles crossing the shoulder joint ?
and what movements of the arm do they produce?
pectoralis major (flexion)(adduction) deltoid (flexion)(extension) (abduction) latissimus dorsi (extension)(adduction) teres major rotaror cuff muscles (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus) -( rotation) teres minor (extension) coracobrachialis (flexion)
what muscles cross the elbow joint ?
triceps brachii
biceps brachii
what are the superficial muscles of anterior compartment of forearm ?
pronator teres flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum superficialis
what are the deep muscles of anterior compartment of forearm ?
flexor pollicis longus
flexor digitorum profundus
pronator quadratus
what are the superficial muscles of posterior compartment of forearm ?
brachioradialis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum externsor carpi ulnaris
what are the deep muscles of posterior compartment of forearm ?
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis and longus
extensor indicis
what are the muscles of the anterior compartment of thigh?
sartorius quadriceps femoris rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus intermedius
what are the muscles of the medial compartment of thigh?
pectineus gracilis adductors; adductor longus adductor brevis adductor magnus
what are the gluteal muscles ?
gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
what are the muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh?
biceps femoris
what are the lateral rotator muscles of the thigh
piriformis obturator externus obturator internus gemellus qudratus femoris
what are the muscles of the anterior compartment of leg?
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius
extensor hallucis longus
what are the muscles of the lateral compartment of leg
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
what are the superficial muscles of posterior compartment of leg?
triceps surae
what are the deep muscles of posterior compartment of leg?
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibialis posterior
what are the muscles on the dorsum of foot?
extensor digitorum brevis
what are the muscles on the sole of foot?
first layer (most superficial)
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor hallucis
abductor digiti minimi
second layer
flexor accessorius
third layer
flexor hallucis brevis
adductor hallucis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
fourth layer (deepest) plantar and dorsal interossei
what are the muscles of the scalp?
frontal belly
occipital belly
what are branchiomeric muscles ?
muscles of facial expression, the chewing muscles, and the suprahyoid and pharyngeal constrictors
The levator scapulae is a muscle that is named for its ____________
what muscle draws the corner of the mouth laterally and compresses the cheek ?
The buccinators
what muscles act at the end of swallowing to pull the hyoid bone and larynx inferiorly to their original position ?
Infrahyoid muscles
The muscles that elevate the first two ribs and flex and rotate the neck are the ____________.
The posterior axillary fold is comprised of ____________.
the teres major and latissimus dorsi
what are the connective tissue sheaths around skeletal muscle fibers, muscle fascicles, and whole muscles, respectively ?
Endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium
Why are skeletal muscle fibers (skeletal muscle cells) multinucleate?
skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the fusion of embryonic myoblasts
The thigh portion of the lower limb has how many compartments?