skeletal muscle Flashcards
structure of skeletal muscle
Actin and myosin filaments
actin slides over myosin forming cross-bridges
A band (darker)
I band (lighter)
titin helps maintain structure of sarcomere
muscle contains afferent sensors that sense the stretch of a muscle
neurotransmitter that changes voltage of muscles
describe the cross-bridge cycle
calcium released which removes tropomyosin from blocking binding site allowing cross-bridge to form between actin and myosin
cross-bridge moves in power stroke by hydrolysis of ATP
cross-bridge then unbinds by ATP to disconnect actin and myosin
process repeats
what is the frequency tension relationship?
increased frequency of stimulation causes twitches to get larger (temporal summation)
fuels used for muscle contraction
-creatine phosphate mechanism- provides energy quickly from ATP but only lasts 1-2 seconds
-gycolysis mechanism- energy from glucose (anaerobic)
-oxidative phosphorylation- energy from glucose or fat (aerobic)
what are the three muscle fibre types?
type IIx- fast twitch glycolytic fibres
type IIa- fast oxidative glycolytic fibres
type I- slow oxidative
what are the differences between type I and type II muscle fibres
the primary mechanisms that are used to produce ATP
the type of motor unit innervation
the type of myosin heavy chain expressed