SJ Points Flashcards
front mu sj
ren 5
back shu sj
UB 22
lower he-sea sj
ub 39
SJ Muscle channel
Starts at ring finger
Knots at the dorsum of the wrist
Ascends along the forearm
Knots at the olecranon of the elbow
Proceeding upward along the lateral aspect of the upper arm, it crosses the shoulder and the neck
Converges with the muscle region of the SI channel
One branch splits at the angle of the mandible
connects with the root of the tongue
Another branch proceeds upward in front of the ear to the outer canthus then crosses the temple and connects at the corner of the forehead
SJ Luo Connecting channel
SJ divergent channel
SJ 1 L&N
On the lateral side of the ring finger about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally 0.1 – 0.2 cun 2. prick to bleed
SJ 2 N&L
Clench the fist. in the depression proximal to the margin of the web – between the ring and small fingers
Perpendicular insertion 0.3 - 0.5 cun
SJ 3 N&L
Clench the fist. on the dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th matacarpal bones proximal to the MP joint
Perpendicular or oblique directed proximally, 0.5 - 1.0 cun
SJ 4 N&L
On the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist in the depression lateral to the tendon of m. extensor digitorum communis
- slightly oblique proximal insertion 0.3 - 0.5 cun
- transverse insertion towards the radial side of the wrist beneath the tendons, 0.5 - 1.0cun
SJ 5 N&L
2 cun above (proximal to) SJ 4 between the radius and ulna
- slightly oblique insertion towards the ulnar side or oblique proximal or distal insertion towards the elbow or wrist respectively, 0.5 - 1.5 cun 2. (through and through to PC6, but not actually)
Caution; movement of the patient’s arm or hand after needling this point can result in a bent needle
SJ 6 N&L
3 cunabove SJ 4 between the radius and ulna on the radial side of m.extensor digtorum
- same as SJ5
- through and through to PC5 (But NOT)
caution; same as SJ5
SJ 7 N&L
3 cun above SJ 4 (at the level with SJ 6) about one finger-breadth lateral to SJ 6 on the radial side of the ulna
same as SJ5
SJ 8 N&L
4 cun above SJ 4 between the radius and ulna
same as SJ5
contra-indicated to needling according to some classic text books
SJ 9 N&L
On the lateral sid of the forearm 5 cun below the olecranon between the radius and ulna
perpendicular or oblique proximal or distal insertion towards the elbow or wrist respectively, 1 – 2 cun
SJ 10 N&L
Flex the elbow in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon
perpendicular insertion 0.5 - 1.0 cun
SJ 11 N&L
Flex the elbow in the depression about 1 cun superior to the olecranon
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 - 1.0 cun
SJ 12 N&L
On the line joining the olecranon and SJ 14 midway between SJ 11 and SJ 13
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 - 2 cun
SJ 13 N&L
On the line joining SJ 14 and the olecranon on the posterior border of m.dltoideus
Same as SJ 12
SJ 14 N&L
Abduct the arm, posterior and inferior to the acromion
in the depression about 1 cun posterior to LI 15
- with the arm abducted, perpendicular insertion directed towards the center of
axilla,1-1.5 cun - transverse-oblique insertion directed towards the elbow, 1,5 - 2 cun
SJ 15 N&L
Midway between GB 21 and SI 13 on the superior angle of the scapula
Oblique insertion directed according to the clinical manifestation, 0.5 – 1 cun
caution; perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax
SJ 16 N&L
Posterior and inferior to the mastoid process on the posterior border of m. sternocleidomastoids almost level with SI 17
Perpendicular insertion, 0.5 – 1 cun
SJ 17 N&L
Posterior to the lobule of the ear in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process
Perpendicular insertion, directed towards the opposite ear, 0.5 – 1.0 cun
Caution; if the needle is directed too anteriorly or posteriorly, pain will ensure and may cause discomfort on opening and closing the mouth for some while after treatment
SJ 18 N&L
In the center of the mastoid process at the junction of the middle and lower third of the curve formed by: SJ 17 and SJ 20
1.subcutaneous insertion along the course of the channel, 0.3 – 0.5 cun
2. prick to bleed
SJ 19 N&L
Posterior to the ear at the junction of the upper and middle third of the curve formed by : SJ 17 and SJ 20f behind the helix
Same as SJ18
note; according to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to bleeding
SJ 20 N&L
Directly above the ear apex within the hairline
Transverse insertion, 0.5 – 1.0 cun may be needled in any direction
SJ 21 N&L
In the depression anterior to the supratragic notch slightly superior to the condyloid process of the mandible Locate the point with the mouth open
Inferior oblique insertion, slightly posteriorly, 0.5- 1.0 cun
note; Many classical sources prohibit moxibustion at this point in cases of discharge of pus from the ear
SJ 22 N&L
Anterior and superior to SJ 21 at the level with the root of the auricle on the posterior border of the hairline of the temple where the superficial temporal artery passes
transverse insertion, 0.3 – 0.5 cun
SJ 23 N&L
In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow
Transverse insertion, medially along the eyebrow or posteriorly, 0.5 – 1.0 cun
Pinyin of SJ 2
Fluid Gate
Pinyin of SJ 4
Yang Pool
Pinyin of SJ 5
Outer Pass
Pinyin of SJ 8
Three Yang Luo
Pinyin of SJ 17
Wind Screen
Pinyin of SJ 21
Ear Gate
SJ 1 Actions
1- Expels Wind
Clears upper JIao heat
2- Benefits ear and tongue
3- Invigorates blood
Activates the channel, alleviates pain
SJ 1 Characteristics
SJ 2 Actions
1- Clears upper jiao heat
Benefits the ears
2- Calms the Spirit
3- Resolves obstruction from channel
Activates channel, alleviates pain
SJ 2 Characteristics
SJ 3 Actions
1- Clears Heat
Benefits Ears
2- Removes obstruciton from channel
Clears head and eyes
3- Regulates the Qi and lifts the mind
Activates channel and alleviates pain
SJ 3 Characateristics
SJ 4 Actions
1-Clear Heat
2- Benefits Yuan Qi
3- Regulates the ST
4- Promotes fluid transformation
5- Tonifies Chong and Ren Mai
6- Relaxes sinews and removes chann obstruction
SJ 4 Characteristics
Yuan source Point
SJ 5 Actions
1- Release Exterior, expel wind-heat, open Yang Wei
2- Clears Heat (head/ears, LV Yang rising, MJ/LJ)
3- Removes obstruction from channel, activates channel, alleviates pain
SJ 5 Characteristics
Confluent pt of Yang Wei
Functions of Channel
- Clears heat.
1) Reduces fever Febrile diseases
- Wei and Qi level
- Shao yang level (alternating
2) Clears heat from the neck, throat and tongue
3) Clears heat from the eyes - especially W-H and LV/GB heat - Soothing the HT and clams the sprit
- Benefits the ears - especially excess patterns (LV yang rising etc.)
- Treats headache - temporal headache
SJ 6 Characteristics
SJ 6 Actions
1- Regulates Qi
2-Clears heat in San Jiao
3- Wind-Heat in the BL (skin disease)
4- Benefits the voice
5- Removes obstruction from channel
SJ 7 Characteristics
SJ 7 Actions
Removes obstruction from the channel and stops pain
(in the channel and around ears, templs and eyebrows)
SJ 8 Actions
1- Clears heat and SJ channel
2- Removes obstruction from the channel
SJ 9 Actions
1- Benefits the throat and ears
SJ 10 Characteristics
SJ 10 Actions
1- Resolves dampness and phlegm (vis and shen), dispels “masses”
2- Dispels stagnation
3- Invigorates the qi and alleviates pain
4- Clears heat from SJ
5- Regulates Wei Qi and Ying Qi, expel wind
SJ 11 Actions
1- Activates the chann and dispel W-D
2- Clear D-H
SJ 12
1- Acticate chann, alleve pain
SJ 13 Characteristics
Crossing of SJ/Yang Wei channel
SJ 13 Actions
1- Regulate Qi and TForm Phlegm
2- Activate the chan, alleve pain
SJ 14 Actions
Jian Liao (shoulder crevice)
1- Dispels W-D, alleve pain, benefit shoulder
SJ 15 Characteristics
Crossing of SJ/GB/Yang Wei
SJ 15 Actions
1- Dispel W-D, activate chan and alleve pain
2- Unbind chest, reg Qi
SJ 16 Characteristics
Window of sky pt
SJ 16 Actions
1- Window of Sky Point
Benefit head and sense organs, regulate/descend qi, problems on neck
2- Activate chan and alleve pain
SJ 17 Characteristics
Crossing of SJ/GB
SJ 17 Actions
1- Expel Wind
2- Clear heat, benefit ear
3- Activate chan and alleve pain
SJ 18 Actions
you can bleed 18, NOT 19
1- Benefit ears
2- calm fright, pacify wind (Infant convulsion)
SJ 19 Actions
1- benefit ears/head
2- Clear heat
3- Calm fright and relieve tetany
SJ 20 Characteristics
Crossing of SJ/GB/LI/SI
SJ 20 Actions
1- Clear heat (ears, teeth gums lips eyes)
SJ 4 is betwen the tendons of what muscles?
SJ hand points nerve
dorsal branch or ulnar nerve
Important muscles of antebrachail points
m. extensor pollicis longus
m. abductor pollicis longus
important antebrachial blkood vessels
The posterior and anterior antebrachial interosseous arteries and veins
Antibrachial nerves
- Posterior interosseous N.
- Anterior interosseous N.
- Posterior antebrachial cutaneous N.
SJ 11-13 blood vessels
median collateral artery and vein
SJ 14 blood vessel
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
SJ 10-13 nerves
Posterior brachial cutaneous N.
Radial N.
SJ 14 nerve
axillary nerve
Muscles of SJ 15
m. trapezius
m. levator scapula
SJ 15 blood vessels
transverse cervical artery and vein
SJ 15 nerve
SJ 16 bones
SJ 16 muscle
SJ 16 nerve
Lesser occipital nerve
SJ 16 blood vessel
occipital artery
SJ head point bones
SJ 17-23 blood vessels
SJ 17-23 nerves