situational factors Flashcards
milgram demonstrated that 65% of ppts were prepared to deliver electric shocks up to 450V which raises the question as to whether this behaviour occured due to dispositional or situational factors.
since milgram stated that there wasnt any significant dispositional differenes: such as, gender, occupation, education, religeon, suggests situational differences can explain
point 1
milgram found that levels of obedience could be decreased by a change in proximity between the learner and the ppt ( teacher), in the roriginal studt where the learner couldnt be seen bt the teacher obedience rates were 65% although, when in another variation where the learner was only one meter away, a change in pyshsical proximity -physical distance between the teacher and learner, obedience rates fell to 40% and again when the teacher had to force the learners hands onto the shock plate 30%
demonstrating how a change in the situation- proximity changes levels of obedience
point 2
milgram also demonstarted how unifrom can influence levels of obedience. in most of milgrams studies including the original study the experimenter wore a white lab coat and a lanyard demonstarting that he possesed authority and scientific expertise, which led to higher levels of obedeince-65% as it demonstarted to ppts that the study was of scientific purpose.
although in variation 13, where the experimenter was called away and an ordinary man took over, obedience fell to 20% and 80% refused from the very beginning
demonstarting how a change in the situation changed the levels of obedience
point 4
although milgrams studies lack eco val and task val- not representitive of how people obey authortiy in real life scinarios - decreasing validity and credibility of how situational factors impact obedience
point 5
despite this, bickman found similar findings base don the effect of uniform on levels of obedience. he found that individuals were more likely to obey the experimenter dressed as a guard than a milkman/ civilian, suggesting finidngs related to the level of percieved authority. as fiindings corespond to findings from milgram adds to reliability and credibility of both studies and the idea that situational factors impact the level of obedeince
alternative explanation
adorno proposed that obedience is based of individuals personality- if they ahve an authoritarian personality or not- individuals persoanlity is basedd of their chuldhood experineces especially from parents, if individual had parents who demanded absoluete obedience- more obedient- not situational but due to personality.
understanding of impact of uniform and proximity on obedience, ensure authority figure such as police weae clothing that has perieved authority to ensure higher rates of obedience, protecting society more likely to ablidge and follow commands