Site Planning Flashcards
The process of determining location, form, and boundaries of a parcel of land by measurement, computation, and drawing.
A partial obstruction against flow, in a duct or pipe.
The geographic area from which the participants in an activity are drawn, such as the customers of a shopping center or the employees of a manufacturing plant.
The study of the total pattern of relationship between a community or organisms and its environment.
A semicircular open area, with or without a roof, providing a continuous seat.
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north or south.
An approximately level building area.
The process of controlling, collecting, transporting, and disposing of excess water.
A length of pipe, running under a road or other barrier, used to drain or carry water.
water cycle
The general pattern of movement of the water on, under, and above earth.
air rights
The rights to the use or control of the air space above a property.
access right
The right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from the property.
drain tile
Clay pipe, usually with open joints, used to convey water away from a footing or to disperse liquid in a septic tank field.
The surface flow of water from an area.
An underground geological formation through which water flows.
frost line
The expected maximum depth of frost penetration in the ground in a given area.
The height above a known point of reference, often taken as the height above sea level.
cut and fill
Earth which is removed (cut) and earth which is added (fill) in grading.
wind chill index
A fictitious temperature assigned to a combination of actual temperature and wind velocity which has the same physiological effect as still air at the wind chill index temperature. It is also known as CHILL FACTOR.
ring road
A circumferential or loop roadway around an urban area or development.
Structures or plants which, because of their form and location, reduce wind velocities.
chill factor
A fictitious temperature assigned to a combination of actual temperature and wind velocity which has the same physiological effect as still air at the chill factor temperature. It is also known as WIND CHILL INDEX.
lot area
The horizontal area within the boundary lines of a parcel of land.
contour interval
The difference of elevation between adjacent contour lines.
A horizontal plane elevation used as a reference for other elevations in surveying and mapping.
The natural and manmade things, conditions, and influences surrounding a person, community, or place.
The climate characteristics unique to a very small area.
The digging or removal of earth.
A hole through which a person can enter a sewer, pipe, conduit, and so on for inspection, repair, or maintenance.
property line
A legal boundary of a parcel of land.
storm sewer
A sewer for carrying away surface rain water, as opposed to sanitary sewage.
A flat or level surface.
The minimum distance from the property line into which a structure may not extend.
soil boring log
A log showing the types of soil encountered in a test boring and other relevant information.
A belvedere or viewing place.
Removing and/or adding earth in order to bring the ground surface to a specified elevation or profile. Also called GRADING.
Trees having green leaves throughout the year, as opposed to deciduous.
spot elevation
The elevations of a specified point on the ground or on a structure.
A street, alley or other thoroughfare or easement permanently established for passage of persons or vehicles.
Trees which shed leaves annually, as opposed to evergreens.
finish grade
The elevation of the ground surface after completion of work.
The length of a lot line along a street or other public way.
A parcel of land.
A stone guard to prevent damage to a wall; also a freestanding stone post to divert vehicular traffic.
An underground pipe or drain used to carry off rain water (storm sewer) or waste matter (sanitary sewer).
The gradual wearing away or disintegration of land caused by water, wind, and so on running over its surface.
The amount or degree of moisture in an area, a determining element of weather.
The design and arrangement of natural elements on a site.
A public service, such as a telephone, water, gas, or electricity.
A graded flow path used in open drainage systems.
A type of residential siting in which a series of housing units are grouped closely together and surrounded by open space.
degree day (dd)
The amount by which the average outdoor temperature at a particular location is below 65 degrees farenheit for one day. Degree days may also be summed and stated for a month or year.
grade separation
The intersection of two roads at different levels so that vehicles may move from one road to the other without crossing the stream of traffic. Also called INTERCHANGE.
Paving using crushed stone.
Concrete used for paving which uses crushed granite as course aggregate.
The angle which the sun makes with the horizon.
Reflectivity measured as the relative permeability of a surface to radiant energy flowing in either direction.
effective temperature
A fictitious temperature which would produce the same physiological effect as the combined effects of temperature, humidity, and air movement.
An ornamental garden arrangement.
The process by which water vapor escapes into the atmosphere from plants.
catch basin
A sievelike device at the entrance to a storm sewer which traps matter that could block the sewer.
The number of degrees north or south of the equator of a point on the earth’s surface.
The soil layer beneath the topsoil.
improved land
Land on which buildings have not yet been constructed, but which contains utilities and streets.
linear pattern
A pattern of land use which develops along a line, such as a highway.
The prevailing or average weather conditions of a place as determined over a number of years.
A blank of earth, often piled up against a wall.
The extension of a building into the property of another.
dew point
The temperature of air at which the water contained in the air begins to condense and form dew. It is therefore the temperature at which the air is at 100% relative humidity.
land coverage
The ratio of the area covered by buildings to the total lot area, expressed as a percentage.
Flow from a culvert, sewer or other channel.
Any public way or thoroughfare 10 to 16 feet in width which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
water table
The level below which the subsoil is completely saturated with water. Also called the GROUNDWATER LEVEL.
A very large area of land in which all through traffic is eliminated, but which may be penetrated by cul-de-sacs or minor loop roads.
A plan of a city or subdivision, showing the boundaries of individual properties.
A space, open and unobstructed to the sky, located at or above grade, and bounded on three or more sides by the walls of a building.
The rate or slope between two points on a surface, determined by dividing their vertical difference in elevation by their horizontal distance apart.
runoff coefficient
The percentage of total rainfall which is not absorbed in the ground and, hence, runs off. I t must be collected in a system of surface and subsurface drains.
In surveying, a direction stated in degrees, minutes, and seconds as an angular deviation east or west from due north and south.
The lowest point of the inside of a drain, pipe, channel or other liquid-carrying conduit.
An excavated, level terrace in a slope used to collect running water.
dry well
A pit, usually filled with coarse stone, into which water is conducted for leaching out into surrounding areas.
court pattern
A housing pattern in which units face into a common open space.
building line
A line, usually parallel to a property line, beyond which a structure may not extend.
Earth that is replaced around a foundation or retaining wall after the concrete forms have been removed.
The rate of rise or descent of a sloping surface. Also, to remove and/or add earth in order to bring the ground surface to a specified elevation or profile.
Describing cone-bearing evergreen trees and shrubs, such as pine, spruce, fir, and cedar.
environmental impact statement
A statement, often required by a governmental body, which assesses the environmental impact of a proposed development.
groundwater level
The level below which the subsoil is completely saturated with water. Also called the WATER TABLE.
A road or path reserved for bicycle traffic.
Inclination or slant, especially of the ground surface.
lot line
The boundary line of a lot.
The smallest identifiable parcel of land in a city.
buildable area
The net ground area of a lot which can be covered by a building after required setbacks and other zoning limitations have been accounted for.
planting strip
A landscaped strip of ground between a pedestrian walk and a street.
Having no environmental barriers, thereby permitting free access and circulation by the handicapped.
A division of urban land, normally private property, which is surrounded by public streets, and which is officially established and recorded.
An imaginary line on the ground surface connecting all points of equal elevation.
Removing and/or adding earth in order to bring the ground surface to a specified elevation or profile. Also called EARTHWORK.
site planning
Designing the external physical environment in which buildings and structures are placed.
flood plain
The land surrounding a flowing stream over which water spreads when a flood occurs.
sanitary sewer
An underground pipe or drain used to carry off waste matter.
off-street water
Space provided for vehicular parking separate from the dedicated street right-of-way.
handicapped parking
One or more spaces designated for physically handicapped persons, requiring special design and dimensions.
An open, unoccupied space, other than a court, unobstructed to the sky, on the lot on which a building is situated.