Programming, Planning & Practice Flashcards
The most profitable use of a parcel of land
highest and best use
The right held by one party to make limited use of the property of another.
A required exit which consists of a vestibule and continuous stairway enclosed from the highest point to the lowest point by walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction and which exits into a public way or an exit passageway leading to a public way.
smokeproof enclosure
In far eastern architecture, a tower-like structure, often used as a shrine.
Separating into component parts; reducing to a simpler form.
To summarize; to get to the essence of something.
The aesthetic or pleasurable features of a place or facility.
A building used for baptismal services.
The hierarchical order in a society by which some individuals or groups control others.
A superstructure on a roof, dome, or tower, glazed along its sides, which admits light to the area below.
The amount or degree of moisture in an area, a determining element of weather.
A public service, such as telephone, water, gas, or electricity.
A building containing three or more dwelling units.
multiple dwelling
The purpose for which a building is intended to be used.
A repetitive dimension used in architectural design and planning.
The legal means whereby land use is regulated and controlled for the welfare of the community.
Lynch’s term for central points of reference in a city.
The design and arrangement of natural elements on a site.
The intersection of a railroad and a road at the same elevation.
grade crossing
A written description of the location and boundaries of a parcel of land, in accordance with a system prescribed by law.
legal description
The natural and manmade things, conditions, and influences surrounding a person, community, or place.
The volume within which a building may legally be placed.
zoning envelope
A wall built astride a property line between two adjoining buildings.
party wall
The total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a parcel of land.
lot area
The percentage of total rainfall which is not absorbed in the ground and hence, runs off. It must be collected in a system of surface and subsurface drains.
runoff coefficient
In urban planning, an outlying community of secondary importance, dependent on a larger city.
The methodical evaluation of an activity to determine its basic purposes and how these purposes may be realized most efficiently.
systems analysis
Encroachment on personal space, such as sitting very close to a person on an otherwise empty park bench.
spatial invasion
The climatic characteristics unique to a very small area
Having fire-resistive protection as specified in the applicable building code.
A part of highway marked off to carry a single one of moving vehicles.
The digging or removal of earth.
A slope or incline, as on a roof.
A hole through which a person can enter a sewer, pipe, conduit, and so on for inspection, repair, or maintenance.
The geographical area from which the participants in an activity are drawn, such as the customers of a shopping center or the employees of a manufacturing plant.
A preliminary sketch or plan.
A pattern of circulation named for its shape, consisting of equally spaced streets running perpendicular to each other.
grid pattern
A road which crosses under another road.
The social standing one has relative to others, which serves to determine spatial and social order.
A periodic enumeration of the population, including details of age, sex, occupation, and other data.
Any street or similar parcel of land, at least 10 feet wide and unobstructed to the sky, which is permanently appropriated to the public for public use.
public way
A use for property which is no longer permitted by the zoning ordinance. Unless it is unsafe, such a use is generally allowed to continue.
noncomforming use
A bell tower.
A beltlike area around a city, reserved for parks, farms, open spaces, and so on.
The process by which private property is taken for public use under the right of eminent domain, with reasonable compensation paid to the owner.
The time, in hours, that a material or assembly of materials can withstand exposure to fire.
fire-resistant rating
The difference of elevation between adjacent contour lines.
contour interval
A set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.
A belvedere or viewing place.
The recurrence of design elements in space.
An assembly of sloping, overlapping slats, fixed or adjustable, which excludes rain but admits air and/or light.
The extension of a building into the property of another.
A street to which minor streets connect and which leads to a major arterial.
collector streets
A theory suggesting that the land use patterns of some cities are not developed around a single core, but rather around several distinct nuclei.
multiple nuclei theory
The expected maximum depth of frost penetration in the ground in a given area.
frost line
A continuous, major street, typically two or three lanes in each direction, that connects with expressways at strategic locations.
arterial street
An amount included in a construction budget, normally 5 to 10 percent , to provide for unforeseen or unpredictable costs.
contingency allowance
The height above a known point of reference, often taken as the height above sea level.
Describing cement, mastic, or roofing material which contains asphalt as a principal ingredient.
The study of the interaction between humans and machines.
A numerical classification indicating the rate at which flame will spread over the surface of a given material. Class I material have the least flame-spread and Class III have the most.
flame-spread rating
The shape of the earth’s surface