Site Analysis Flashcards
solar altitude
angle above the horizon
angle north or south from the east-west line
radiative cooling
uses thermal mass to store heat during the day and release heat at night
ground coupling
uses the stable coolness of the earth to cool a building - typically by using a ground-source heat pump
metes and bounds description
defines the perimeter of the site by using a starting point and describing each boundary line by angle of bearing and length
describes the surface features of land
topographic map
shows slope and contour of the land
topographic survey
information on the contours of a site, property boundaries, easements, existing buildings, utility poles, roads and other manufactured features, trees and other natural features
contour lines
show elevation of the land in plan view
contour interval
different in elevation between adjacent contour lines
G=d/L x 100%
water table
underground level below which the soil is saturated with water
runoff coefficient
fraction of total precipitation that is not absorbed into the ground
silt fence
temporary fence designed to allow water to pass through while filtering out sediment and allowing sediment to settle
pulverized upper layer of the earth