Sinus rhythms Flashcards
Wandering pacemaker
large sinus node in dogs (40mm) → exit pathway depend on autonomic tone
Atrial depol
P wave
* Originates from SA node PM
* From R → L, superior → inferior, anterior → posterior
* P wave: + in leads II, III, aVF
o Initial part: RA
o Mid portion: both atria
o Final portion: LA
Atrial repol
Ta wave
* Ta wave: opposite polarity to P wave
o Smaller amplitude, 2.5x longer
PQ seg
- Depol of nodal and intraventricular conduction system → not working myocardium
Ventricular depol
- Start from L side of IVS: postero-inferior and antero-superior divisions of LBB
o 1st vector: IVS depolarization
o Q wave: positive in lead aVR (R wave)
o Inferior → superior, L → R - Then activates R side of IVS: posterior → anterior and inferior → superior (apex to base)
o 2nd vector: RV depolarization - 3rd vector: LV depolarization
o Superior → inferior, anterior → posterior, R → L
o R wave - Endocardium → epicardium
Ventricular repol
- Repol 2-3x longer vs depol: T wave longer than QRS
o Epicardium → endocardium
o Transmural dispersion 2nd to differences in AP duration (longer M cells en endocardium vs epi) - T wave: +, -, diphasic
o Ascending portion: sub-epicardial repol
o Descending portion: steeper - U wave: repol of M cells or Purkinje
o Endocardial to epicardial gradient during IVRT
Start of atrial depol
- SA node → propagate to entire atrium, // to the surface
o R to L
o Superior to inferior
o Anterior to posterior
Vectors of atrial depol
o Vector I: RA depol → sup to inf, post to ant, slightly to L
o Vector II: LA depol → ant to post, R to L, slightly sup to inf
o Mean vector: sup to inf, ant to post, R to L
+ in inferior leads (I, II, III aVF)
- in superior leads (aVR, aVL)
* P wave
SA node activation not visible on surface ECG
Initial portion = RA activation
Final portion = LA activation
Normal values P waves
Amplitude dogs <0.4mV, cats <0.2mV
Duration dogs/cats <40ms (<50ms for giant breeds), cats ms, Eq < 160ms
* Reprensent time for impulse to transmit from SA node → AV node
Polarity should be constant: axis 0-75 degrees
P wave variation healthy dogs
- Wandering PM
- Bifid P waves
- Higher amplitude with high ∑ tone
P waves horses
o Can change w HR: bifid at ↓HR
o Successive P waves not always identical in normal Eq
Vector of atrial repol
sup to inf, ant to post, R to L
Appearance Ta wave
- Opposite polarity from P wave
o Smaller amplitude
o 2.5x duration
o Dome shape deflection following P wave w/o interposition of isoelectric line
Usually hidden by QRS
Can extend to J point
Factors playing a role in visualization of Ta wave
o PQ interval duration
2 or 3AVB can facilitate since not all P waves are followed by QRS
o Vagal tone
o Conduction properties of atrial myocardium
Normal Ta waves value
Ta/P amplitude ratio 0.35
Ta/P duration ratio 2.99
Wandering PM
- Depend on the exit pathway from sinus node
o Superior exit pathway: inspiration, high ∑ tone
o Inferior exit pathway: expiration, high vagal tone