Electrolytes abn Flashcards
Effect hyperK on AP
- ↑ resting membrane potential = more positive value → ↓ slope of phase 0
- Shortening of AP duration: ↑ activity of channels responsible for IKr
o IKr: sensitive to extra levels of K+ → ↑ conductance → ↑K+ efflux → ↑ slope of phase 2 and 3
Phases of hyperK
o Initially: ↑ excitability since membrane potential is closer to threshold
o As [K+]↑: membrane potential > threshold → constant depolarized state
Prevent formation of AP and ↓ conduction velocity
Sensitivity of myocardial cells to hyperK
atrial myocardium > ventricular myocardium > conduction system
ECG changes hyperK
o K+ > 6-6.5mmol/L: tented symmetrical T waves, short QT, P wave prolongation + ↓ amplitude
o K+ = 6.5-8.5mmol/L: sinus bradycardia, ↓P amplitude, broad QRS, prolonged PR, ST segment depression
o K+ = 8.5t10mmol/L: atrial standstill, sino-ventricular rhythm, no P waves
o K+ >10mmol/L: sine wave, asystole, Vflutter/fib
Cats with hyperK+ from reperfusion injury
Initial alteration on ECG: RBBB pattern with R axis deviation and deep S wave
o Holters: cats die from ventricular asystole, not Vfib
Effect of hypoK on AP
- ↓ resting membrane potential = more negative value → hyperpolarization
o ↓ excitability/conduction velocity
o Shorten effective refractory period
o Prolong relative refractory period
o ↑automaticity - ↑ AP duration: impact activity of K+ channels (prolong phase 3)
o Delay repolarization → U waves, ST segment deviation
↓K+ efflux during phase 3 - ↑ automaticity of Purkinje fibers
What arrhythmia is promoted by hypoK
ECG changes hypoK
↑ PQ interval, AVB, QRS duration
o Dip and rise pattern
o Flattening/inversion of T wave
o ↑ prominence of U wave
o ST segment depression
o ↑P wave amplitude/duration
Effects of hyperCa on AP
Ca2+ >12mg/dL
o ↓AP duration → ↓ phase 2
o Positive inotropic effect , ↓ excitability, ↑ rate of diastolic depol
Effects of hyperCa on ECG
o Shorter QT, ST segment depression
o Slowed conduction velocity and AVB reported
Effects of hypoCa on AP
Ca2+ <6.5mg/dL
o ↑phase 2 plateau
o ↓ contractility and rate of diastolic depol, ↑ excitability
Effects of hypoCa on ECG
o Prolong QT and ST segment
o Tachycardia, tall R waves, T waves abnormalities reported
Effects of Mg on AP
- Interaction with Ca2+ and K+
o ↑ intra [Ca2+]
o Prevent accumulation of intra [K+] - Prolongation of AP duration and conduction time
Effects of Mg on ECG
o ↑ PQ, QT and QRS duration
o U wave may be apparent
* Can promote VPCs and provoke polymorphic Vtach
o HyperMg
AV and intraventricular conduction disturbances (3AVB, asystole)
o HypoMg
Potentiate pro arrhythmic effect of digoxin
Predispose to SVT or Vtach
Effects of hyperNa on AP
- Determine phase 0 of AP
o Hypernatremia: ↑ phase 0
Effects of hypoNa on AP
↓ phase 0
Electrophysiologic role of K+
- 98% of total body K+ is intracell, 75% in skeletal muscle cell
o Na+/K+ -ATPase = main mechanisms to maintain gradient
Role of K+ in AP
- Outward K+ flow → main current responsible for repol
- Resting membrane potential → highly permeable to K+
o Will be the main determining factor of resting value around -85mV - Phase 1: Ito → transient efflux of K+
o ↑ in atrial/Purkinje
o ↓ ventricular myocytes - Phase 3: determines AP duration
o K+ currents activated after delay: IKr (major contributor), IKs, IK1
IKur: only in atrial myocytes → responsible for shorter AP duration
o Closure of Ca2+ channels → stops Ca2+ influx - Phase 4: resting membrane potential
o IKir is the major determinant → absent in nodal cells
Mechanism altering extracell concentration of K
o K+ intake
o K+ excretion
90% kidneys by Na+/K+-ATPase exch in distal renal nephron
* ↓ renal perfusion/hypovolemia
* ↓Na+ levels
* ↑K+ levels
Trigger renin secretion → aldosterone release → ↑K+ excretion
10% intestines → stools
o Transcell shift of K+ in/out the cells
Causes of hyperK+
o Renal disorders
o cell lysis → release intracell K+ stores
Pathophys of hyperK
o Sensitivity: atria > ventricles > His bundle > SA node > internodal tracts
o ↑membrane potential (less negative) → ↓ duration of AP
From ↓ concentration gradient as extracell [K+] ↑
↓ upstroke velocity of phase 0
↓ conduction velocity btw adjacent cell
Common ECG signs of hyperK
o 1st most common sign: tall, peaked T waves
o Atria affected → prolong PR → flat P waves → no P waves
o Ventricle affect → wide QRS
o Sine wave appearance
o Delayed AV conduction +/- AVB
ECG changes: Mild hyperK 5.6-6.5mEq/L
↑ cell membrane permeability to K+
Faster ventricular repol
* Shorter QT
* Tented T waves
↓phase 4 diastolic slope → sinus bradycardia
ECG changes: moderate hyperK 6.6-7.5mEq/L
↓ conduction velocity in ventricles
Wide QRS, low R wave amplitude
ECG changes moderate to severe hyperK 7-8.5 mEq/L
PR prolongation, small/absent P waves
Prolonged QRS
Tall T waves
Sinoventricular rhythm → SA node creates impulse → internodal tracts w/o atrial depol → normal conduction through AV node → ventricular depol
ECG changes severe hyperK >8.5 mEq/L
Worsening of previous characteristics
Can lead to cardiac arrest and Vfib