Action potential Flashcards
Resting membrane potential
- Difference in electrical charge btw intr/extracell space
o At rest: cell membrane is impermeable to Na+, partially permeable to K+/Cl-
Resting transmembrane potential = -80 to -90mV
True resting transmembrane potential is absent in PM cell → constant depol state - Lowest = -70 to -50mV
- Depend on channel expression
o Na+/K+ pump maintain low intracell [Na+], ↑ [K+]
Threshold potential
trigger action potential
o Nodal cell = -40mV
o Purkinje/working myocardium cell = -65 to -70mV
Phases of fast response action potential + which cells
- Phase 0: rapid depolarization
- Phase 1: early repolarization
- Phase 2: plateau
- Phase 3: final
- Phase 4: resting phase
Phase 0 events and channels involved
o Rapid ↑ of transmembrane potential to peak +30mV
INa current: rapid Na+ influx through voltage gated Na+ channels
* m gate opening at -65mV
↓ membrane permeability to K+
Phase 1 events and channels involved
o Brief period of repol to 0mV
ITo current: K+ efflux
Stronger in epicardium vs endocardium
Responsible for J wave on ECG
Expression of this channel not fully present until 4-5 mo/o
o If ↑ → prolong AP vs if ↓ → shorten AP duration
o Membrane potential at the end of phase 1 determine magnitude of Ca2+ current
Phase 2 events and channels involved
o Opening of long lasting Ca2+ channels (L type) at -10mV
ICa-L: Ca2+ influx
* Trigger release of larger Ca2+ amount by SR → trigger myocardial contraction
* Inactivated after 100-150ms to prevent constant state of depol
IKs + IKr: K+ efflux → compensate Ca2+ influx
o Gradual ↓ membrane potential due to ↓ conductance to Ca2+ and ↑ to K+
Phase 3 events and channels involved
o Rapid ↓ in transmembrane potential from 3 K+ currents
IKs: slow delayed rectifier
IKr = MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR: fast delayed rectifier
IKur → only in atrial myocytes
* Responsible for shorter AP duration
Phase 4 events and channels involved
o Resting values of membrane potential
Mainly determined by high K+ conductance through IK1 channels
o Intra [ions] restored by ionic pumps (Na/K+, Ca-ATPase) and exchangers (Na/Ca)
Overshoot phase
transition from – to + membrane potential
h gate closure: time dependent property of Na+ channels
* Remain closed until resting membrane potential
Phases of slow response action potential: major difference + which cells
SA and AV nodes
NO phase 1
Phase 4: less negative membrane potential
Absence of Kir2 channel → responsible for IK1 current
Stable resting potential is not present
Phase 0: depend on Ca2+ current (ICa-L)
Absence of voltage gated Na+ channels
Threshold -40mV
Slower upstroke, lower amplitude
PM action potential: spontaneous depol
o Stable resting potential is not present → slow depol starts after the end of preceding AP
Membrane/voltage clock:
* Closure of K+ channels → ↓ repol currents
* Repolarizing currents: If from HCN channels (Na+ influx), ICa-T, ICa-L (Ca2+ influx)
Ca2+ clock: spontaneous release of Ca2+ from SR through ryanodine R
* Na+ influx and Ca2+ efflux in 3:1 ratio
Spontaneous automaticity of PM cells: normal conditions
o Normal conditions: rate of d/c ↑ in SA node PM → dominant PM
SA node: 70-160bpm
AV node: 40-60bpm
Purkinje fibers: 15-40bpm
Overdrive suppression
↑ activity of Na/K ATPase → hyperpolarization
Prolong time to reach threshold
Rate of depolarization is modulated by
Slope of phase 0: ↑ slope → sooner reach of threshold → ↑ d/c rate
Threshold potential: ↑ value (more positive) → delay onset of phase 0 → ↓PM d/c rate
Membrane potential at phase 4: ↑ value →easire to reach threshold → ↑d/c rate
Transmural dispersion of action potential
Different AP morphology/duration: reflect expression of ITo/IKs
* Epicardial myocytes: ↑ # ITo
o Prominent phase 1
o Doming shape
* Mid myocardium (M cells): ↓ # ITo, ↓ # IKs
o Visible phase 1
o Longer AP duration (prolonged phase 2 → ↓ # IKs)
* Endocardial myocytes: almost no ITo
o Small phase 1
o Intermediate AP duration
* Electrical heterogeneity → can serve as substrate for arrhythmias (reentry)
Relation to surface ECG
Phase 0 QRS
Phase 1 J point
Phase 2 ST segment
Phase 3 T wave
Phase 4 electrical diastole
Depolarization starts
endocardium → epicardium
o Propagation from endo to epi is approx. 30ms
Reporalrization starts
epicardium → endocardium
o Ascending limb of T wave = epicardial myocytes
o Descending limb = endocardial myocytes
Electrical properties of myocardium
Conduction velocity
Excitability def
ability of cell to generate AP
o Depends on Na+ channels availability in response to stimulus
Automaticity def
ability to spontaneously depolarize
o SA node + subsidiary PM
o Subsidiary PM are latent, inhibited by faster SA node rate of depol → overdrive suppresion
Refractoriness def
period of time where myocytes are unexcitable (phase 0 → 3 due to Na+ channel inactivation)
Refractory periods
o Effective refractory period: phase 0 → repol (QRS → end of T wave)
Appropriate stimulus cannot provoke AP
-50mV or less: all Na+ channels are inactivated
o Relative refractory period: mid phase 3 → end phase 3
Progressive reactivation of Na+ channels when potential reach -50mV
Response to intense stimulus is possible
* ↓ upstroke velocity (low # of Na+ channels available)
* Slower impulse conduction
o Total refractory period = effective + relative
Supernormal excitability
short period after relative
Subthershold stimulus can initiate AP
Period where membrane potential is close to threshold
Effect of HR on RP
↓ cycle length/↑HR: shorter and vice versa
Conduction velocity def
ability to propagate an impulse
o Fast response fibers: α to intensity of Na+ current in phase 0 and mx diastolic value
Slope of phase 0: rate of change in membrane potential
* ↑ → ↑ conduction velocity
Value of resting membrane potential: determine # of Na+ channel available
* -90mV: 100%, -75mV: 50%, -40mV: 0%
Other factors
* Cell diameter
* # of intercalated discs
* Type of connexins in gap jcts