Single Pass Transmembrane Receptor Signaling Flashcards
Which single pass receptors have their kinase as part of their intracellular domain?
Intrinsic kinase, RTKs, and TGFB receptors
Which single pass membrane receptors have the kinase as a separate protein?
Extrinsic kinase, cytokine receptors
JAK/STAT is an example of what kind of receptor?
Cytokine receptor
JAK/STAT pathway
- Cytokine receptor binds ligand
- Receptor dimerizes, bringing together the JAK kinases in the intracellular domain
- The JAKs autotransphosphorylate on tyrosines of their Lip domain
- Activated JAK phosphorylates tyrosines on the receptor’s intracellular domain
- Phosphotyrosines recruit STAT via its SH2 docking site
- JAK phosphorylates STAT
- STAT dimerizes through its own SH2 domains and phosphotyrosine residues, then goes to the nucleus to mediate transcriptional gene expression
Where is erythropoitetin produced? Where does it work?
Produced in the kidneys; stimulates RBC prodouction in bone marrow
In cytokine receptors, the phosphotyrosine residues on the intracellular domain of the receptor serve to
dock a scaffold of proteins that have SH2, SH3, or PTB domains; these proteins allow for further phosphorylation or recruits additional signaling proteins in the cascade
Extrinsic protein kinase that is associated with the intracellular domain of a cytokine receptor, but is a separate protein
Which signaling pathway is involved in responding to interferons? What are interferons?
Interferons bind to cells to stimulate an antiviral response.
Which signaling pathway is associated with lactation?
JAK/STAT generates prolactin signals to alter the metabolism of mammary cells for milk produciton
Erythropoietin (Epo) - what does it do and and what kind of receptor does it use?
Stimulates RBC production.
Epo receptor is a cytokine receptor that mediates proliferation & differentiation of the erythroid progenitor cell into mature RBCs.
Multiple sclerosis
Autoimmune disease in which T cells and monocytes degrade the myelin sheath
- remission & recurrence
- fatigue, trouble walking & balance, muscle weakness, blurred vision
- can result from viral infections (Epstein-Barr, Herpes virus-6)
Treatment fo rMS
Steroids reduce inflammation
Interferons signal the cytokine JAK/STAT pathway to produce anti-inflammatory signals while inhibiting pro-inflammatory signals
Monomeric G proteins play an integral role in what kind of receptors?
GEF turns on the monomeric G-protein by exchanging the GDP for GTP
While RTKs have intrinsic tyrosine kinase domains and cytokine receptors have extrinsic ones, how are the receptors similar?
Both exist as a monomer, whose ligation promotes dimerization > brings together the kinase domains for autophosphorylation of the Lip domain and activation of the kinase > kinase phosphorylates intracellular Tyrs > phosphotyrosines serve as dockign sites for protein-protein interacitons with other intracellular signaling molecules > signal amplification > altered gene expression and cellular fxn
The Ras-MAP kinase pathway uses what kind of receptor?
Describe the Ras-MAP kinase pathway, starting from the receptor phosphotyrosines
- Receptor phosphotyrosines dock GRB2 and SOS thorugh SH2 & SH3
- SOS is a GEF for Ras, so it activates it
- Activated Ras-GTP can now activate the MAPK pathway (Ras-Raf-Mek-Erk)
- Erk/MAP kinase dimerizes and goes to the nucleus to phosphorylate and activate tf’s
How can Ras mutations cause cancer?
If Ras can’t hydrolyze GTP (such as in RASGly12), it’s permanently active and will stimulate continual MAPK activity –> cancer growth
What type of receptor includes many growth factor receptors such as EGFR, PDGFR,FGFR, VEGFR, RET
The insulin receptor is what type of receptor?
RTKs involved in metbaolism
type 2 diabetes can result form a defect in what type of receptor?
RTK - the insulin receptor is an RTK involved in glucose and lipid metabolism pathways
Why are HER2 monoclonal antibodies effective in treating HER2 positive breast cancers?
HER2 is an RTK that promotes growth.
What is TGFB? What does it result in?
The ligand of the Smad signaling pathway, which leads to secretion of ECM proteins from epithelial and fibroblast cells
TGFB/Smad Signalign pathway
- TGFB (ligand) binds its already-phosphorylated RII receptor
- RII receptor phosphorylates & activates RI on its intracellular domain
- RI phosphorylates SMAD transcription factors
- Smad3 unmasks a nuclear localization sequence
- Two Smad3’s and a Smad4 combine into a trimer through phosphorylation interactions and enter the nucleus via importin to cause changes in gene expression
What does TGFB signaling do?
- Secretion of ECM proteins from epithelial and fibroblast cells
- Secretion of serum protease inhibitors (which degrade ECM proteins)
- Signals for Cycling-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor (CDKI) p15, which causes cell cycle arrest
What signaling pathway is anti-growth? How?
- Secretion of PAI1 suppresses migraiton into tissues by forming a new tissue
- CDKI p15 causes cell cycle arrest
Smad4 is assocaited with what type of cancer?
Pancreatic cancer ; originally, Smad4 was called Deletion in Pancreatic Cancer (DPC
Reitnoblastoma, colon, and gastric cancers have what problem with the TGFB pathway?
RI or RII receptosr are deleted