Actin/Cytoplasmic Filaments and Cell Motility Flashcards
Microtubule functions
Organelle arrangement
Cilia & flagellar movement
Microfilament functions
Muscle contraction
Cell adhesion & motility
Smallest but most common
Functions of intermediate filaments
Mechanical integrity
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

- X-linked mutation –> complete absence of dystrophin –> plasma membrane of muscle cells tears during contraction
- Progressive
- Walking on toes; protruding abdomen; shoulder & arms held back; weakness and muscle wasting
Links actin to the extracellular matrix by bindin a,B dystroglycan on the plasma membrane, which binds laminin*, perlecan, and agrin in the ECM
Becker’s muscular dystrophy
Lower expression levels of dystrophin; less severe w/later age of onset than DMD
Why do people with DMD have enlarged calves?
Damaged muscle tissue –> fibroblasts migrate there to replace destroyed muscle with collagen and scar tissue
How does ATP control the formation of actin filaments?
ATP-G-actin is added more quickly to the + end, and polymerization activates the intrinsic ATPase activity of actin –> hydrolysis and dissociation of ADP+Pi makes the actin less stable such that it falls off at the - end
What binds to ATP-G-actin and sequesters it from polymerization?
Thymosin B4 and profilin
The (+) end of F-actin as a ___er critical concentration for ATP-G-actin, which is why it’s added more efficiently at the (+) end
lower critical concentration
Binds F-actin subunits with ADP and breaks it into shorter pieces –> more (-) ends for disassembly
Enhances exchange of ADP for ATP on free G-actins –> regenerates more ATP-G-actin but also sequesters it
Thymosin B4
Binds ATP-G-actin to sequester it form polymerization until there’s too little
Maintains a steady state level of F-actin
Binds at the (-) end to stabilize F actin
Binds at the (+) end to prevent further polymerization
Controlled by signal transduction molecules and other regulatory proteins
Proteins that stimulate assembly of long, linear F-actin in stress fibers and contractile rings
organizes filaments into microvilli
Arp 2/3 & WASp
Stimulates formation of branched filaments in the leading edge of cells
Controlled by signal transduction processes
Function of spectrin
Organizes microfilaments at the cell cortex
How do CDC42 and WASP control actin assembly?
CDC42 is a small GTPase of the Rho family activated by growth factors; it activates WASp to nucleate actin filaments by Arp2/3 complex
During cell migration, what 4 things are happening?
Leading edge:
- Extension of plasma membrane to form lamellipodium by increasing length of actin
- Adhesion of lamellipodium
- Translocation: bulk of cell cytoplasm moves forward
- Back of cell: De-adhesion & endocytic recycling of adhesion points as stress fibers contract
In the leading edge of a mgirating cell, extension is nucleated by ___ and controlled by __ and __, two signaling GTP-binding proteins activated by growth factor cascade
Nucleated by Arp2/3
Controlled by Cdc42 and Rac
At the trailing edge, ___ is a GTP-binding protein that signals activation of formation and..
- Activates rho kinase, which activates myosin II to contract the back of the cell
- Blocks Rac
Organizes the F-actin of the stress fibers during migration; also important in muscle contraction
Transmembrane proteins that bind to the cytoskeleton and the ECM to fix cells into their tissues, forming focal adhesions
A nonmotile cell expresses integrins to keep it in place; also used to generate intercellular signals that lead to focal adhesions
Lamellipodia vs Filopodia
Lamellipodium: projection of polymerized actin mesh on leading edge; whole structure propels the cell across a substrate

Filopodia: ribs of actin within lamellipodia that spread beyond the lamellipodium frontier
Hereditary sphereocytosis
RBCs are small and fragile because of a defect in spectrin, protein 4.1, or ankyrin –> lack of cortical connections with plasma membrane –> anemia, hepatomegaly, bilirubing allstones
Epidermolysis bullosa
Mutations of keratins 5 or 14 causes defects in the junction between dermis & epidermis
Intermediate filaments are not dynamic and don’t require ATP for polymeriazation; instead __ controls subunit exchange
ALS/Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Mutations affecting various neurofilaments –> abnormal accumulations of neurofilaments (spheroids or Lewy body-like deposits) in motor neurons
- 10% of ALS cases are familial (FALS), typically AD
- 8 different mutations in the profilin1 gene (PFN1) are associated with FALS
You can characterize cancers via IF’s.
A metastic tumor stians positive for acidic and basic keratins. From what cell type did this tumor most likely originate?
Neurons have what type of IF’s?
neurofilaments and lamins
Muscle cells, glial cells, and mesenchymal cells have what IF’s?
What’s the problem?

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Scar tissue (collagen+blood vessels) repalcing the muscle fibers –> contraction of fibrous scar tissue around muscle cells causes muscle deformity and dysfunction