Simple Present (2) Flashcards
من معمولاً٨ براي رفتم بهدانشگاه خارج ميشم
I usually leave for university at 8:00 am
زمين به دور خورشيد ميچرخه
The earth goes around the sun
بعد از چه حروفي به جاي s از es
استفاده ميكنيم
Buses/ misses/ washes/ searches/ boxes
نحوه نوشتن جملات سوالي در حال ساده، وهمچنين سوم شخص
Do+ i/we/you/they+
Does + he/she/it+
Negative sentences in simple present
سيگار ميخواي؟؟ نه مرسي من سيگاري نيستم
Would you like cigarette?
No, thanks, I don’t smoke
شغلت چيه؟؟
What do you do???
اون هيچ كاري براي كمك به آنها انجام نداد
She doesn’t do anything to help them..
هرچندوقت يكبار به دندان پزشكي مراجعه ميكني
How often do you go to the dentist??
اشرف جون معمولاً قهوه نميخوره
Ashi joon doesn’t drink coffee very often
Note the position of always/never/usually
With an example
Before the main verb
Arash always looks happy
What time do you usually get home after school??
موارد استفاده از حال ساده
I/we/you/they drive/work/do
Ge/she/it Drives/works/does,etc