Sentences 5 (40) Flashcards
يك راز چيزيه كه نميشه توضيح داد(مجهول)
a mystery is something that can’t be explained
شرايط جِدّيه ،يكسري چيزها بايد انجام شود قبل از اينكه خيلي ديرشه (مجهول)
The situation is serious, something must be done before it’s too late
موزيك خيلي بلند بود و ميشد از راه دور شنيد(مجهول)
The music was very loud and could be heard from along way away
لطفاً دورشو من مي خوام كه تنها بمونم(مجهول)
Please go away, I want to be left alone
من هنوز نامه رو دريافت نكردم، شايد به يك آدرس اشتباهي ارسال كردم(مجهول)
I haven’t received the letter yet,it might have been sent to the wrong address
آيا قصد رفتن به مهماني را داري؟ نه من هنوز دعوت نشدم
Are you going to the party? No, I haven’t been invited
اتاق خيلي خوب به نظر مي رسيد، يه نفر تميز كرده( معلوم)
اتاق خيلي خوب به نظر مي رسيد،اين تميز شده(مجهول)
The room looked nice,somebody had cleaned it (active)
The room looked nice, it had been cleand it
ماشين سه سال عمر داشت اما خيلي كارنكرده بود( مجهول)
The car was three years old but hadn’t been used very much
يك نفر داره اتاق رو تميز ميكنه الان(معلوم)
اتاق همين الان تميز شده(مجهول)
Somebody is cleaning the room right now (active)
The room is being cleaned right now
يك نفر داشت خونه رو تميز ميكرد وقتي كه من رسيدم(معلوم)
Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived
يك نفر داره پشت سر ما راه مياد فكر كنم ما تحت تعقيبيم
There is somebody walking behind us,I think we are being followed
بعد از چه چيز هايي فعل به صورت مجهول مياد و چگونه مي آيد
After:will/can/must/going to/want to/
Passive: be+(done/cleaned/seen,etc)
should have/might have/would have/seem to have/
Passive: been +(done/cleaned/seen,etc)
من به كارمند اطلاعات هتل گفته بودم كه من مي خواستم براي ساعت٦:٣٠ فردا بيدار باشم
I told the hotel desk clerk that I wanted to be woke up at 6:30 the next morning
اطميناني نيست كه آتش چطوري شروع شده، اما ممكن منجر شده باشه توسط يك اتصال كوتاه الكتريكي
It’s not certain how the fire started, but it might have been caused by an electrical short circuit
Rewrite a passive sentence:
I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation
I didn’t realize that our conversation was being recorded