Sentences 8 (43) Flashcards
قصد داري خودت ماشينو درست كني؟
نه مي خوام بدم درستش كنن
Are you going to repair the car your self?
No, I’m going to have it repaired
آذين كيك رو خودش درست كرده بود يا داده بود درست كنن؟
Did azi make the cake herself,or did she have it made?
كجا موها تو اصلاح كردي؟
Where did you have your hair cut?
همسايه مون به تازگي داخل خونه هاشون كولر وصل كردن
Our neighbors have just had air conditioning installed in their house
In informal spoken English
What we can say instead of have something done
Get something done
When are you going on get the roof repaired?
من دوست ندارم كسي در حال عكس گرفتن از من باشه
I don’t like having my picture taken
ماشينتو چند وقت يكبار سرويس ميكني؟
How often do you have your car serviced?
تا حالا پاسپورت تو دزديدن؟
Have you ever had your passport stolen?
داره كفشاشو واكس ميزنه
He is shining his shoes