Simons and Chabris Flashcards
state the assumptions of the cognitive area
- behaviour is a result of internal mental processes ie memory
- the mind works like a computer information is input, stored and output
what is the key theme of simon and chabris’s study?
give the aim of simon and chabris’s study
to investigate the influenec of several factors on inattentional blindness
what was the iv used in simon and chabris’s study?
- colour of attended team
- type of unexpected object
- difficulty of task
- type of video
what was the dv used in simon and chabris’s study?
answering yes or no to any of the 4 questions
state the design used in simon and chabris’s study
independent meausres
participants took part in one of 16 conditions
state the method of simon and chabris’s study
lab experiment
give strengths of the method used in simon and chabris’s study
- high control
- experimenters given a script in order to reduce bias
- increasing internal validity
give weaknesses of the method used in simon and chabris’s study
- low level of realism
- unrealistic task counting the number of passes in a basketball team
- reducing low ecological validity
Describe the sample used in Simon and chabris’s study
- 288 participants
- volunteer sample
- undergraduate students offered a candy bar
define inattentional blindness
when we don/t see something we’ve looked at because our attention was not focused on it
when did the unexpected event appear ?
44-48 seconds in
how many experimenters weree there in simons and chabris study ?
describe the transparent condition
the teams and the unexpected vent were filmed separately and then superimposed
describe the opaque condition
all seven actors were filmed at the same time
why would participants results be disregarded ??
- admitting heard of inattentional blindness
- loosing count of the number of passes
how many conditions were there in simons and chabris study?
how many noticed the unexpected event?
how many failed to notice the unexpected event?
give the conclusions from simon and chabris study
- inattentional blindness occurs more frequently in cases of superimposition as opposed to live action, but is still a feature of both
- the degree of inattional blindness depends on the difficulty of the task
- observers are more likely to notice unexpected events if these event are similar to the ones they are paying attention to
- objects can pass through the spatial area of attentional focus and sill not be seen if they are not specifically being attended to
how many noticed the unexpected event in the hard condition?
how many noticed the unexpected event in the easy condition?