Simon Flashcards
‘Simon found for them…’
the fruit they could not reach
(directly like Jesus and shows his kindness)
‘We used Piggy’s specs…’
he helped in that way
(Simon is the only one who can remain good on the island and stands up for Piggy)
‘I wanted to go to a place…’
just a place I know. A place in the jungle.
(Simon admits to wandering to a place as night because people thought he was the beast which foreshadows his death)
‘Maybe there is no beast…’
maybe it’s only us
(Simon recognises mankind’s essential illness)
‘in front of Simon,…and grinned’
the Lord of the Flies hung on his stick
(helps Simon realise mankind’s essential illness and realise everyone has evil and cannot escape it)
‘his gaze was held…’
by that ancient, inescapable recognition
(recognising mankind’s essential illness)
‘Simon was inside the mouth….’
He fell down and lost consciousness.
(signifies his realization of the inherent evil within all humans and the impact it has on him)
‘There was a blackness within…’
a blackness that spread
‘Simon became…’
inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s essential illness
(his understanding about the nature of humankind gives him assurance and maturity that is not shared by any other members of the group)
‘The water rose further and dressed Simon’s…’
coarse hair with brightness
(sea gave him a halo (holiness of Simon like Jesus))
‘It was crying out with…’
abominable noise
(the violence he went through just like Jesus being crucified)
‘Simon’s dead body…’
moved out towards the open sea
(culminates the role of Simon as Christ-figure in the book and contrasts the purity of nature with the depravity of humanity)
‘no movements but..’
the tearing of teeth and claws
(what Simon went through like Jesus)
‘Simon thought about the beast,…at once heroic and sick’
there rose before his inwards sight the picture of a human
(Simon knows the inherent evil)
‘Simon stood up and…’
took the conch from Piggy
about Simon’s area in the jungle: ‘candle-…’
(like a Church and creates a deeper connection between Simon and religion)