SIM533 Flashcards
What does the Predictive Windshear (PWS) function do?
Detects windshears up to 10 seconds before a possible encounter
How far in front of the aircraft can the PWS function detect windshears?
Between 0.5 NM and 5 NM in front of the aircraft
How many different windshears can the PWS function detect and display simultaneously?
Up to 8 different windshears
What triggers alerts in the Predictive Windshear function?
Detection of windshears
What must be set for the PWS function to be available?
The PRED W/S button must be set to AUTO
For PWS function to be available at Take Off the WXR must be ON. True or false?
When is the PWS function operational in flight?
If the aircraft is below 1,500 ft AGL
How are areas with predicted windshear displayed on the ND?
As dashed red circles
True or False: The VD displays areas of windshear.
What type of windshear function do the PRIMs provide?
Reactive windshear function
What are the three types of alerts triggered by the PWS function?
Warning, Caution, Advisory
When are warnings and cautions available during the flight?
During takeoff roll, within a range of 3 NM
At what aircraft speed and altitude are all alerts inhibited during takeoff?
Above 100 kt and up to 50 ft
When are all alerts inhibited during landing?
Below 50 ft
What happens to visual and aural warnings from 370 ft AGL to 50 ft AGL?
They are downgraded to cautions
What is the range for visual and aural warnings during landing?
From 0.5 NM to 1.5 NM
What aural alert is triggered during takeoff for a warning?
What aural alert is triggered during approach for a warning?
What visual alert is displayed on the PFDs during a warning?
What indication is shown on the NDs during a warning?
PWS area indication
What happens to the WX pb during a warning?
Automatically selected on the EFIS CP
What message is displayed if the ND is in PLAN mode during a warning?
What message is displayed if a range different from 10 NM is selected on the EFIS CP during a warning?
What message is displayed if the ND is in ZOOM range during a warning?
What aural alert is triggered during a caution?
What visual alert is displayed on the PFDs during a caution?
What indication is shown on the NDs during a caution?
PWS area indication
What happens to the WX pb during a caution?
Automatically selected on the EFIS CP
What is indicated on the NDs during an advisory?
PWS area
What triggers a windshear alert?
When the aircraft encounters wind gradients during takeoff and landing, which could reduce the margin towards stall.
What visual indication is provided during a windshear alert?
A red windshear message displayed on both PFDs that flashes for 9 seconds and then remains steady as long as the windshear is detected.
What aural signal accompanies the windshear alert?
An aural WINDSHEAR alert using a synthetic voice.
Which system performs the reactive windshear detection?
The PRIMs perform the reactive windshear detection.
When is reactive windshear detection available during takeoff?
From 50 ft or 3 seconds after liftoff, and until reaching 1,300 ft.
When is reactive windshear detection available during landing?
From 1,300 ft to 50 ft.
What condition must be met for reactive windshear detection to be available?
The slats/flaps configuration must be different from the clean configuration.