Sim Check Flashcards
How does CG change as fuel burns
With full Center tank the CG will move rearwards.
Once Center tanks are empty initially moves forward and then moves rearward again until an inner tank has approximately 5000lbs and the moves rapidly forward before moving rearward again
How is V1 calculated on Airbus
Uses an optimised V1 which allows for a higher RTOW
(limiting takeoff weight) and higher flex temperature and improved climb performance
What are advantages and disadvantages of using optimized V1
- Increase in V1 increases accelerate stop distance
- Allows for better climb performance
- Allows for a higher TOW
What does LB1 on flight plan mean
- L: Mode S transponder
- B1: ADBS out
What does R/UVE on flight plan mean
UHF - 243
VHF - 121.5
What does S/M on flight plan mean
What does J/L on flight plan mean
Jackets (life jackets) with lights
What are considerations for RVMS
- W on flight plan
- Turbulence: greater than moderate then separation will be increased to 2000
- Aircraft equipment and condition
- 2 independent altimeters, one altitude keeping device, one altitude alert system, and on SSR transponder with mode C
What equipment is required for RVSM (6 items)
2 x ADRs
2 x PFD
1 x Autopilot
1 x FCU channel
1 x FWC
1 x ATC transponder
- FL 290 - FL 410
- Levelling off +/- 150 feet
- Crosscheck intervals of about an hour to ensure altimeters within 200 feet of each other
- Report required if deviation of 300 feet or more
What happens with failure of systems during RVSM
- Notify ATC
- “Unable RVSM due equipment”
- Follow ATC instructions
- Company and recalculate plan if required
What contingencies are required to be reported to ATC for RVSM failures (6 items)
- Failure of ALL automatic altitude control systems
- Loss of redundancy of altimetry systems
- Failure of all altitude reporting transponders
- Loss of thrust on engine requiring a descent
- Any other equipment failure resulting in being unable to maintain altitude
- Encountering greater than moderate turbulence
How is contingency fuel calculated
Greater of:
1. 5 minutes of holding fuel at 1500 feet over destination
2. 5% of BOF
3. Assumed to be consumed in planning but not for landing weight calculation
Explain side stick
- Used to exercise manual control of pitch and roll
- Not coupled mechanically
- Send seperate sets of signals to the flight control computers
- Pilot puts in an input, signal sent to the ELACS and SEC which then decide the amount of deflection to be ordered to the flight controls
- Has a take over button: AUTOPILOT disconnect and PRIORITY take over
- Radio communication trigger
Explain Fly by Wire
- Replaces mechanical linkage as found on conventional aircraft
- Pilot inputs do not directly move the flight control surfaces
- Computers process flight control inputs made by the pilot or autopilot
- Then sends electrical signals to flight control surface actuators to move the surfaces best to achieve the request
Advantages of Fly by Wire
- Reduced weight
- Improved reliability
- Allows for protections not provided by conventional aircraft
- More efficient operations
Explain the hydraulic system
- Three systems, Green, Blue and Yellow
- Each system and has its own reservoir and fluid, fluid CAN NOT be transferred between systems
- Normal system PSI is 3000 and when powered by the RAT becomes 2500 PSI
- Green and Yellow are powered by engine driven pumps
- Blue system is powered by an electric pump or by the Ram Air Turbine
- Yellow can also be powered by an electric pump to allow it to be pressurised on the ground and also by a hand pump for cargo door operation
- A Power Transfer Unit (PTU) allows G to pressurise Y and vice versa is pressure drops by 500 PSI
What does Green Hydraulic power (5 items)
- Landing Gear
- Normal brakes
- Engine 1 reverser
- Yaw damper 1
- Slats and flaps and other various flight controls
What does Yellow Hydraulic power (6 items)
- Nose wheel steering
- Alternate brakes and park brake
- Engine 2 reverser
- Yaw damper 2
- Cargo doors
- Various flight controls
What does Blue Hydraulic power
- Powers the Emergency Generator via the RAT
- Various flight controls
Explain the braking system
- Normal system is via the Green Hydraulic system and Alternate system uses Yellow System
- Has anti-skid and auto brake system
How does Anti skid work
- Provided maximum braking efficiency by maintaining the wheels at the limit of a skid
- At skid onset orders are sent to release the brake
- Deactivated below 20 kts ground speed
- Has an ON/OFF switch
How does Auto brake work
- Establish and maintains a selected deceleration rate
- Reduces the distance during an RTO
- Three setting, LO, MED and MAX
- MAX can not be armed in flight
- Activates at spoiler extension for LO and MED
- MAX activates at spoiler extension and speed above 40 knots
- Therefore RTO below 72 knots no AUTOBRAKE because spoilers don’t deploy
- Deactivated via press button, arming condition lost, after a touch and go, or by pressing on brake pedal
How does Alternate braking work
- As per normal braking, powered by Yellow Hydraulics
and backed up by a brake accumulator. - The Alternate Braking Control Unit (ABCU) electrically controls the alternate braking.
- If no ANTI SKID available then pressure limited to 1000 PSI
How does Parking Brake work
- Uses Yellow System or accumulator pressure:parkingbrake-control-valve
- Triple indicator indicates the pressure in the system
What is the Terrain Escape Manoeuvre
- Auto pilot - OFF
- Pitch - PULL UP, full back stick and hold
- Thrust Levers - TOGA
- SPD Brakes - Check Retracted
- Bank - Wings level or adjust
- Do not change configuration until clear of obstacle
Describe Wind shear escape manoeuvre
- Before V1: reject the takeoff
After V1:
2. Vr - Rotate
3. SRS Orders - Follow (if no FD, pitch 17.5)
Airborne, Initial CLB or Landing:
1. THR LVR at TOGA - Set or confirm
2. A/P - if engaged Keep On
3. SRS Orders - Follow
*Do not change configuration until out of shear
*Closely monitor flight path and speed
* Recover smoothly to normal climb when out of shear
Describe Fire Protection System
- Fire and overheat detection for Engines and APU
- Smoke detection for cargo compartments, lavatories and the avionics bay
- Fire extinguishing for the cargo compartments, the engines, the APU and the lavatories
- Portable fire extinguishers in cockpit and cabin
Describe Engine Fire Protection System
- Each engine has 2 fire extinguisher bottles
- 2 squibs represent the bottles, independently discharged
- 2 fire loops per engine A and B
Describe APU Fire Protection System
- Has 1 fire bottle
- 1 squib
- For a fire on the ground, APU automatically shuts down and bottle dischargers automatically
Describe CARGO Fire Protection System
- One fire bottle with two discharge heads
- 3 nozzles: 1 in FWD and 2 in AFT
- Agent 2 is delayed timing
What Take Off configurations are monitored(10)
- Side stick fault
- Parking Brake ON
- Pitch trim not in TO range
- Rudder trim not in TO range
- Flaps not in TO config
- Slats not in TO config
- Speed brake not retracted
- Door
- Brakes HOT
- Engine Thrust Levers not set
Where is RVSM airspace in Japan (2 items)
- Within the entirety of the Fukuoka FIR
- FL290 - FL410 inclusive of these altitude
What do you do if realise altimeter error whilst flying n RVSM
Notify ATC, “Unable RVSM due equipment” and follow ATC instructions
How can you tell when you are in Alternate Law
- PFD 4 amber crosses appear
- Lower section of Speed tape changes to amber and black/red
What protections exist in Alternate Law
- Load factor protection
- Low speed stability and High speed stability, these can be over ridden by pilot inputs
- Over speed and stall warning are still available
What failures would result in Alternate Law
Essentially, double failures of flight controls, hydraulic or electrical systems will result will result in Alternate Law.
- Dual Hydraulic Failure
- Dual Engine Failure
- Dual ELAC fault
- Dual FAC fault
- Dual RA fault
What failures would result in Direct Law
Triple failures of systems, or if in Alternate Law, when the Landing Gear is extended
1. Failure of all IR’s
2. Failure of all flight computers
3. L+R Elevator Fault
4. Dual Engine Failure (when landing gear is extended)
What protections does the APU have
- On ground has AUTO SHUT down incase of fire
- Fire detector and one squib
Describe the Electrical System
- Two IDG’s that are main source of AC power
- GEN1 supplies AC BUS 1 and GEN2 supplies AC BUS 2
- Split system, not connected in parallel
- Each AC bus powers a Transform Rectifier, TR1 and TR2 and AC 1 BUS supplies power to AC ESS BUS
- TR convert AC power into DC power to power DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2
- DC 1 supplies DC BAT BUS which can charge the batteries or receive power from batteries if no other power source is available
- DC 1 supplies power to DC ESS BUS
- Entire system can be powered by APU Generator or by external Power on the ground
Describe priority for electrical power
- Onside Generator
- External Power
What does the ESS TR do
Supplies power to the DC ESS Bus in abnormal or emergency configuration
What powers the ESS TR bus in abnormal configuration
Powered by the AC ESS Bus
What powers the ESS TR bus in EMERGENCY configuration
Powered by the EMERGENCY GENERATOR which is powered by the RAT via the Blue HYD system
What does BAT 1 and BAT 2 power in EMERGENCY ELEC
What is on front left side of fuselage
- Two AOA probes
- FO and CAPT static ports
- Avionics equipment Vent Air inlet valve
- Oxygen bay dar closed on Discharge Indicator is in Green
What is being checked on nose section
- Pito probes
- SDBY Static ports
- TAT probes
- Radome condition and latched
- FWD avionics compartment door is latched and Ground Power door is also closed if not in use
Why a red box around static ports
- Brin awareness to the static port area
- To help avoid damage to this area, or say in cleaning
- Notice to not plug or deform holes
- Ensure area is smooth and clean
What are you checking on landing gear
- Tyre condition
- Brake condition
- Any signs of fluid leaks
- Gear pins removed
- Landing gear structure condition
- Taxi take off light condition on nose gear
Takeoff Alternate requirements
- Must be within 1 hour single engine flight time
- Must have an instrument approach that does not require GPS
Definition of mist and fog
Mist has visibility 1000m or greater
Fog is visibility less than 1000m
How long is a TAF valid for
30 hours
How often are TAF’s issued
Every 6 hours
Does every airport in Japan have a TAF
TAF’s are issued issued to 38 major airports only
What changes to minima with no C/L at Nagasaki
RVR will increase by 200m. Jepp plate and OM 5-2-4
How do you recognise depressurisation
Big bang/Noise/Mist forming
ECAM Warning
Emergency Descent: Actions
- Oxygen Mask ON
- Establish Crew Communications
- Altitude: Turn and Pull
- Heading Turn and Pull
- Speed: Pull
- Read FMA
- Speed brake: Extend
PF Flow for Depress
ALTITUDE - Turn and pull
Heading - Turn and pull
Speed - Pull
Speed brake - extend full
Do spoilers fully extend at all times
No. With AutoPilot on, they only extend half way. Autopilot off they extend fully
What altitude descend to for depress
How long does Emergency O2 give crew and pax
Give examples of Time of Useful Consciousness
FL400: 15 - 20 seconds
FL350: 30 - 60 seconds
FL300: 1 min - 2 min
FL250: 3 min - 5 min
What are the limitations on the wipers
- Speed limit of 230 kts
- For when wipers are sweeping
Describe crosswind take off technique
- Brakes on, thrust set 50% then release brakes
- Rapidly apply thrust to 70%
- Continue applying thrust till reaching FLX or TOGA
- Side stick is held FULL FORWARD until 80 knots then relaxed to be neutral at 100 knots
- Rudder for lateral control
- No aileron
Can aileron be used at all for crosswind takeoff
Yes it can be, however it is recommended not to be used as to avoid spoiler deployment resulting in excessive drag
What attitude causes tail strike
Gear compressed: 11.7*
Gear extended: 13.5*
What bank angle would you get engine strike and wingtip strike
Gear compressed: 13*
Gear extended: 14.5*
Is there any protection against tail-strike
- “PITCH PITCH” activates when greater then certain threshold and thrust is not at TOGA
- TAIL STRIKE PITCH LIMIT: appears at 400 ft RA on landing to indicate the MAX pitch attitude to avoid a tail strike
- Modifications to ELAC has pitch limit dependant on pitch rate triggered by ground spoiler upon landing, 9* for rate <3s or 6 for rate >3*s
How do you recognise you are in wind-shear
- Airspeed variations in excess of 15 knots
- Vertical speed variations of 500’/min or more
- Pitch attitude changes in excess of 5*
- Glide slope deviations of 1 dot or more
- Heading variations of 10* or more
- Unusual A/THR activity
- Ground speed variations
- Wind indicator on PFD
What are the wind shear warnings
- WIND SHEAR AHEAD - take off
Wind shear prior to V1
Wind shear after V1 < Vr
2. Reaching Vr - Rotate
3. SRS Orders - follow
Wind shear airborne, initial climb, approach
1. THR LEVERS at TOGA - Set or confirm
2. AP (if engaged) - Keep engaged
3. SRS Orders - follow
For all cases of Wind shear
- Do not change configuration until out of wind shear
- Closely monitor flight path and speed
- Recover smoothly to normal climb out of wind shear
Do spoilers ever retract automatically (5 items)
- If a fault or fault is detected in an electrical control
- Angle of Attack protection is activated
- Flaps are in config full
- Thrust levers above MCT
- Alpha floor activation
Load factor protection
Limits to control inputs to avoid exceeding G limits of -1 - +2.5 G clean and 0 - +2.0 G dirty
Pitch Attitude protection
Limits aircraft attitude to 30* Nose Up (25 * at slow speeds) and 15* nose down
Bank Angle protection
- Above 33* if side stick released, aircraft rolls back to 33*.
- Can not exceed 67* in normal law
- Past 45* need nose up input to maintain level flight
- If high speed or attitude protection is activated, bank limit is 45* and if high speed is activated and stick released wings will roll level
High Speed protection
1.Reduces nose down inputs and applies constant nose up order and can not be overridden in normal law
High AoA protections
- Gets activated as soon as the speed is less than V alpha prot - with out pilot input maintains angle of attack equal to Alpha prot
- Alpha floor is not indicated on speed tape but lies between V alpha prot and V alpha Max
- Alpha Floor activates TOGA regardless of thrust lever position
Flight control protections always available?
No, some are lost when the aircraft is not in Normal Law:
1. Bank angle
2. Pitch attitude
3. Speed protections change to Low speed and high speed stability which the pilot can override
What is Alpha Floor
- A protection that commands TOGA thrust regardless of thrust lever position
- Lies betweem V alpah prot and V alpha max on speed tape
Is Alpha Floor always available
No, lost when aircraft is no longer in Normal Law which means the aircraft can be stalled
What is stall recover procedure
- Nose down pitch control - apply
- Bank - wings level
- Thrust (when out of stall) - increase smoothly as needed
- Speed brakes - check retracted
- Flight Path - recover smoothly
- If clean below 20’000 feet - Flaps 1 select
When is thrust added during stall procedure
Once aircraft is out of the stall. No more “STALL STALL STALL” or if buffet has stopped, positive indication on the speed tape
Is there an indications of angel of attack
No Angle of Attack indicator per say. However the top of the red strip on the bottom of the air speed tape indicates V alpha max, which is speed for the maximum angle of attack achievable in Normal Law
The MCDU can display also
Describe the CFM56-5B4
- High bypass engine
- Approximately 33’000 lbs of thrust
- Twin spool, axial flow turbofan engine
- Engine components: Fan, LP Compressor, HP Compressor, Combustion chamber, HP turbine, LP turbine and accessory gear box
What is on the gear box
- Hydraulic pump
5.Engine Starter - Fuel pump
- Lubrication unit
What is found on FWD-RIGHT nose section
- TAT probes
- Pitot probe
- Static port
- Ice detectors, lower side of nose
Where is Visual Ice Detector located and how to see it at night
- Between the two front windshields
- Integrated light
- Stand By Compass Switch
What causes RAT deployment
- Loss of both AC 1 BUS and AC 2 BUS
- Dual ENG failure
Precautions using the RAT
- RAT will stall at 125 kts
- Maintain 140 kts minimum
- Ensures the electrical system remains powered by the Emergency Generator
What does the RAT do
- Powers the Blue Hydraulic System
- This then powers the Emergency Generator
- EG powers the AC ESS BUS and DC ESS BUS
Why is there a 10 second delay before firing first agent after pushing the FW pb
10 second delay allows N1 to decrease, reducing nacelle ventilation, and thereby increasing the effect of the agent. [Automatic countdown on the ECAM].
What happens when both side sticks are operated simultaneously
The controls move according to the sum on the inputs
eg. Full opposite left and right = zero
ed. Both full left, up to limit in Normal Law
What are indications of both side sticks being moved at same time
- The two green SIDE STICK PRIORITY lights on the glare shield come on
What is the meaning of RED side stick priority arrow on glareshield
Indicates which pilot has lost authority
How do you know who has priority
- Audio voice message: PRIORITY LEFT or PRIORITY RIGHT
- Green ARROW comes on in front of the pilot who has taken control
What happens if priority push button is held for more than 40 seconds
- Priority condition is latched
- Red light comes on in front of the pilot who’s stick is deactivated
- Green light comes on in front of the pilot who has taken control
- PRIORITY LEFT/RIGHT audio voice announcement
- Can be re activated by pushing priority take over button
What are the arming requirements for Auto brake
- Green pressure available
- Anti skid electrically powered
- No failure in the braking system
- At least one ADIRU operating
What is the length
What is the wingspan
- Fences: 34.10m
- Sharklets/NEO: 35.80m
What is the tail height
How much room for 180* turn on runway
What is the range of motion on the tiller and rudder pedals
- Tiller: 75* in either direction
- Rudder Pedals: 6* in either direction
Explain Runway Overrun Protection System
- Designed to alert the crew of potential overrun
- Two parts: Runway Overrun Warning (ROW), Runway Overrun Protection
- ROW: awareness about approach stabilisation and the capacity to land on available distance: 400’ till start of braking: IF WET RWY TOO SHORT///RWY TOO SHORT
- ROP: awareness about the deceleration and capacity to stop before the end of the runway: MAX BRAKING///MAC REVERSE
How is center tank fuel used
- The Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit (FLSCU) opens the center tank transfer valves when the engines have used 1100 lbs of inner tank fuel
- When the transfer valve is open, fuel from the inner tank pumps flow through the jet pump and creates a suction which moves fuel from the center tank to the related inner tank
What is the fuel feed sequence
- Engines are fed from the inner tank
- Fuel transfers from center tank to inner tank
- Each inner tank empties down to 1650 lbs
- Outer tank transfer fuel to the inner tanks
What defines an adequate airport
- Must be listed in the OM as an adequate airport
- Is operationally available from the earliest ETA to the latest ETA based on the ETD
- Has availability of an adequate runway
- Has ATC service, lighting and communications facilities, weather services, nav aids, landing aids and fire fighting systems adequate for operation
What are alcohol rules
- Not to conduct duties when recognised possibility of alcohol in their system
- No drinking within 12 hours of duty or drunk excessively
- No more than 2 units of alcohol in their body 12 hours before flight
- No drinking whilst on duty
- OM says no drinking whilst in uniform or go to a place that serves alcohol whilst in uniform
Describe the braking system
- Normal braking with auto brake and anti skid operating - Green Hydraulic system
- Alternate braking with anti skid - Yellow System
- Alternate braking without anti skid, pedal braking by crew using accumulator pressure, 1000 psi
- Parking brake - can be used in emergency
What Master Warnings are not inhibited in T.O (8 items)
- Engine Fire
- APU fire
- Engine Fail - Engine Shutdown
- Engine Oil LO PR
What are dimensions of Wind shear System
- 30* splay
- Out to 3nm you get Caution and Warnings
- Warnings are on a 0.25 beam width from centre of aircraft
- From 3nm to 5nm you get Advisory only