Cell communication controls a variety of functions, including:
•- cell activation
•- cell differentiation
•-cell death
•Loss of effective cellular communication can potentially lead to unregulated growth (cancer) or inappropriate response to stress (shock).
Cells can respond to the following extrinsic signals:
- Pathogens and damage to neighbouring cells
-Contacts with neighbouring cells, mediated through adhesion molecules and/or gap junctions.
-Contact with ECM, mediated through integrins
-Secreted mmolecules, e.g. growth factors, cytokines, and hormones.
•PARACRINE: Paracrine cell signaling is a type of cell signaling where cells communicate with neighboring cells through signaling molecules, without releasing these molecules into the bloodstream.
•AUTOCRINE: Autocrine pathway refers to a type of cell signaling where a cell produces and responds to its own signaling molecules, such as hormones or growth factors.
•SYNAPTIC: Synaptic pathway: A type of cell signaling where chemical signals (neurotransmitters) are transmitted between two neurons through a synapse, allowing them to communicate and coordinate their activities.
•ENDOCRINE: Endocrine pathway: A type of cell signaling where cells produce and release hormones into the bloodstream, which then travel to reach and affect distant target cells or organs.
Ligands in cell signaling
Signaling molecules called ligands bind to their respective specific receptors to initiate a cascade of intracellular events.
Receptors can be:
A. Intracellular receptors – transcription factors activated by lipid soluble ligands that readily cross plasma membrane, e.g. vit. D and steroid hormone, which bind and activate nuclear receptors to drive specific gene transcription.
B. Cell-surface receptors:
These are generally transmembrane proteins with extracellular ligand-binding domains.
Ways in which Ligand binding occurs
-Open ion-channels (e.g. the synapse betewen electrically excitable cells)
-Activate an associated guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding regulatory protein (G-protein).
-Activate an endogenous or associated enzyme, often a tyrosine kinase
Ligand binding to surface receptors mediate signaling by:
•-inducing clustering of receptors (receptor cross-linking)
•-by other types of physical peturbations.
These trigger intracellular biochemical changes, ultimately activating transcription factors that enter the nucleus to alter gene expression.
Five main pathways of signal transduction
•1. Receptor associated with kinase activity
•2. Receptors with no intrinsic catalytic activity (utilizes separate intracellular nonreceptor tyrosine kinases).
•3. G-protein coupled receptors
•4 Nuclear receptors.
•5. Others, e.g.:
•- .Ligand binding to Notch receptors
•- Wnt protein ligands signal through
RECEPTOR ASSOCIATED WITH KINASE ACTIVITY and examples of ligands that bind to these receptors
•Alteration in the receptor geometry elicit intrinsic receptor protein kinase activity or promote the enzymatic activity of recruited intracellular kinases (tyrosine, serine/threonine, and lipid kinases).
•This results in the addition of charged phosphate residues to target molecules
•E.g. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)- include receptors of insulin, EGF, PDGF
•Phosphatases exist to remove added phosphate residues thus modulating signaling.
What are RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASES (RTKs) and their mode of action?
*Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are integral membrane proteins (e.g., receptors for insulin, epidermal growth factor, and platelet derived growth factor);
*Ligand-induced cross-linking activates intrinsic tyrosine kinase domains located in their cytoplasmic tails.
*Typical example is the growth factor receptor/RAS-MAP kinase pathway
Phosphatidyl 3-kinase (PI3K) phosphorylates a membrane phospholipid, generating products that activate the kinase Akt (also referred to as protein kinase B), which is involved in cell proliferation and cell survival through inhibition of apoptosis
Other effector molecules activated by receptors with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity include phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) and phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase (PI3K)
*PLCγ catalyzes the breakdown of membrane inositol phospholipids into inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3), which functions to increase concentrations of calcium, an important effector molecule, and diacylglycerol, which activates the serine-threonine kinase - protein kinase C that in turn activates various transcription factors.
Binding of the growth factor (ligand) causes receptor dimerization and autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues. Attachment of adapter (or bridging) proteins couples the receptor to inactive, GDP-bound RAS, allowing the GDP to be displaced in favor of GTP and yielding activated RAS. Activated RAS interacts with and activates RAF (also known as MAP kinase kinase kinase). This kinase then phosphorylates
MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) and activated MAP kinase phosphorylates other cytoplasmic proteins and nuclear transcription factors, generating
cellular responses.
•Several receptors have no intrinsic catalytic activity
•Examples include: immune receptors, some cytokine receptors, and integrins
•Here, separate intracellular proteins called nonreceptor tyrosine kinase (NRTK) phosphorylate specific motifs on the receptors or other proteins.
•E.g. of NRTK is SRC, which contain Src-homology 2 and 3 domains(SH2 & SH3).
The cellular homolog of the transforming protein of the Rous sarcoma virus, called SRC, is the prototype for an important family of such nonreceptor tyrosine kinases -NRTKs (Src-family kinases).
•SRC contains unique functional regions,such as Src-homology 2 (SH2) and Src-homology 3 (SH3) domains.
SH2 domain typically bind to receptors phosphorylated by another kinase, allowing the aggregate of multiple enzyme.
•SH3 domains mediate other protein-protein interactions, often involving proline-rich regions.
•Another family under this group is JAK (Janus kinase) family of proteins – JAK/STAT PATHWAY
What are G-PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTORS and give examples of ligands that use this receptor
•G-protein coupled receptors are polypeptides that characteristically traverse the plasma membrane seven times.
•A large number of ligands signal through this type of receptor, including chemokines, vasopressin, serotonin, histamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine, calcitonin, glucagon, parathyroid hormone, corticotropin, and rhodopsin.
After ligand binding, the receptor associates with an intracellular G protein that contains GDP
•G-protein interacts with a receptor-ligand complex resulting in activation through the exchange of GDP for GTP.
•Downstream receptor mediated signaling events result in the generation of cyclic AMP (cAMP), and inositol-1,4,5,-triphosphate (IP3), the latter releasing calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum.
Calcium signals, which are generally oscillatory, have multiple targets, including cytoskeletal proteins, chloride- and potassium-activated ion pumps, enzymes such as calpain, and calcium-binding proteins such as calmodulin.
• cAMP activates a more restricted set of targets that include protein kinase A and cAMP-gated ion channels, important in vision and olfactory sensing.
What are NUCLEAR RECEPTORS? Examples of Ligands that bind to such receptors
•Lipid-soluble ligands can diffuse into cells where they interact with intracellular proteins (generally located in the nucleus) to form a receptor-ligand complex that directly binds to nuclear DNA.
•The activated receptor binds to specific DNA sequences known as hormone response elements within target genes, or they can bind to other transcription factors
The results can be either activation or repression of gene transcription
•Ligands that bind to members of this receptor family include steroids, thyroid hormone, vitamin D, and retinoids.
•In addition to steroid hormone receptors, a group of receptors belonging to this family are called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
•Ligand binding to Notch receptors leads to proteolytic cleavage of the receptor
•Then there is nuclear translocation of the cytoplasmic piece to form a transcription complex
•Wnt protein ligands can also influence cell development through a pathway involving transmembrane Frizzled family receptors, which regulate the intracellular levels of β-catenin.
•Normally, β-catenin is constantly targeted for ubiquitin-directed proteasome degradation.
However, Wnt protein ligand binding to Frizzled (and other co-receptors) recruits yet another intracellular protein (Disheveled) that leads to disruption of the degradation-targeting complex.
•The stabilized pool of β-catenin molecules then translocates to the nucleus, where β-catenin forms a transcriptional Complex.
•Enzyme activation (or inactivation)
•Nuclear (or cytoplasmic) localization of transcription factors
•Transcription factor activation (or inactivation)
•Actin polymerization (or depolymerization)
•Protein degradation (or stabilization)
•Activation of feedback inhibitory (or stimulatory) loops
•Alterations in tyrosine kinase activity and receptor mutations have been detected in many forms of cancer and are important targets for therapy
•For example, mutation in RAS has been implicated in colorectal cancers
Mutations in RAS that lead to delayed GTP hydrolysis can lead to augmented proliferative signaling and thus cancer formation.
•Mutation in JAK/STAT signaling pathway has been implicated in polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and idiopathic myelofibrosis
•Inherited defects involving G protein–coupled receptor signal transduction are associated with retinitis pigmentosa, corticotropin deficiencies, and hyperparathyroidism
•peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are nuclear receptors that are involved in a broad range of responses that include adipogenesis , steroidogenesis, angiogenesis, inflammation, tissue remodelling, lipid metabolism, and atherosclerosis
•The cell cycle is a well-organized series of stages which actively dividing eukaryotic cells go through.
• Cell proliferation is fundamental to development, maintaining steady-state populations, and replacing dead or damaged cells.
•The process of the cell cycle ultimately leads to the production of two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell
The Key elements that occur during cell cycle proliferation are:
•A. Accurate DNA replication
•B. Coordinated synthesis of all other cellular constituents (e.g., organelles)
•C. Equal apportionment of DNA and other cellular constituents to daughter cells.
The cell cycle consists of 4 phases
•G1 (presynthetic growth)
•S (DNA synthesis)
•G2 (premitotic growth)
•M (mitotic) phases
•It is composed of three stages:
- Gap 1 (G1) stage
- Synthesis stage (S phase):
- Gap 2 (G2) stage
- Gap 1 (G1) stage:
Here, the cell prepares itself to support DNA replication.
•The mRNAs for the protein synthesis and the proteins required for DNA synthesis (e.g. DNA polymerase) are synthesized.
•The G-1 checkpoint is at the end of this stage and is the point where the cell is checked for appropriate energy and reserve for DNA replication.
- Synthesis stage (S phase):
Cell growth and synthesis of some proteins continue in this stage.
•This stage culminates in the replication of chromosomal DNA within the cell.
- Gap 2 (G2) stage
The cell continues to grow and ready itself for mitosis.
• The G-2 checkpoint is at the end of this stage and it is to assess the cellular state and ensure that accurate replication of the chromosomes have occurred.
Mitosis is also divided into
prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis.
•The cell cycle is regulated by activators and inhibitors.
•Progression through the cell cycle is driven by the following:
•Cyclin-associated enzymes called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
What are cyclins
Cyclins are group of related proteins that drive the cell cycle forward by activating or inactivating many target proteins inside the cell.
•They do this by partnering with a family of enzymes called the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), activating them, and directing the CDKs to a specific set of target proteins which the cyclin- CDK complexes phosphorylate
What stages of the cell cycle do cyclins act?
Cyclins act at different stages of the cell cycle - G1, G1/S, S, M phases
•As the CDK completes its round of phosphorylation, the associated cyclin is degraded and the CDK activity abates.
•Thus, as cyclin levels rise and fall, the activity of associated CDKs likewise wax and wane
Purpose of CDKs
•More than 15 cyclins have been identified; cyclins D, E, A, and B appear sequentially during the cell cycle and bind to one or more CDKs.
• Enforcing the cell cycle checkpoints is the job of CDK inhibitors (CDKIs), including p21, p27, p57, p15, p16, p18, and p19.
• They accomplish this by modulating CDK-cyclin complex activity
Defective CDK-I checkpoint proteins allow cells with damaged DNA to divide, resulting in mutated daughter cells with the potential of developing into malignant tumors.
Function of Cyclin D-CDK4 complex, Cyclin D-CDK6 complex, and Cyclin E-CDK2 complex
Cyclin D-CDK4 complex, Cyclin D-CDK6 complex, and Cyclin E-CDK2 complex regulate the G1-to-S transition by phosphorylating the Rb protein (pRb), which in turn releases transcription factors important in the initiation of DNA replication.
Function of Cyclin A-CDK2 complex and cyclin A-CDK1 complex, Cyclin B-CDK1 complex
Cyclin A-CDK2 complex and cyclin A-CDK1 complex are active in the S phase.
• Cyclin B-CDK1 complex is essential for the G2-to-M transition.
Function of Cyclin A-CDK2 complex and cyclin A-CDK1 complex, Cyclin B-CDK1 complex
Cyclin A-CDK2 complex and cyclin A-CDK1 complex are active in the S phase.
• Cyclin B-CDK1 complex is essential for the G2-to-M transition.
•The overexpression of some cyclins results in
•The overexpression of some cyclins, e.g. Cyclin D-1 or deregulation of their degradation has been linked to the development and progression of some neoplasm